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How can I get my local arcade to get more Bemani?
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0. PostPosted: Sat Nov 15, 2003 9:09 am    Post subject: How can I get my local arcade to get more Bemani? Reply with quote

My local arcade in Cranberry Township, PA, has a DDR EXTREME machine... all fine and good. But People who play there also want some other bemani, preferably Beatmania. If you go to bemanistyle forums, they even have a thread called "ALL PA(pennsylvania) players post here, we only have DDR E2.gif " So, if our arcade get's it, it will bring in more money and also will be more popular than it's rival, Wildwood Highlands.

1) How can I get my arcade Funfore all to get a beatmania? I kinda know one way Here, click on contact us

But it might not work. It's just a horrible contact us with your questions and comments type o' thing. Should I do some type of petition? And going to the arcade manager won't work, Im just a 13 year old kid. Like anyone will pay attention to me E2.gif

The only thing is if the FFA staff will be smart enough to also keep DDR EX as well as buy BM.

Any and all comments and suggested will be taken with open arms and at face value!

Thanks! RAJ821

2) If a beatmania is purchased, what style should be purchased. BMIII? maybe an IIDX? I have no idea!
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1. PostPosted: Sat Nov 15, 2003 10:27 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

You want Beatmania IIDX 8th Style
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The Game II

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2. PostPosted: Sat Nov 15, 2003 2:42 pm    Post subject: Re: How can I get my local arcade to get more Bemani? Reply with quote

Answer to Question 1:

I'm not saying this is full proof, but this is what the players in my area did.

We want IIDX just like you.

First, we started a petition drive to gather as much signatures as we could of players who frequent the arcades. We told the players that didn't know about IIDX what IIDX was, and they were all supportive. We only got about 70 signatures, but I considered that a huge success considering it was within a 3 week span. We sent it out to the owner of the arcade to let him know that we're all united.

Second, and you probably don't have this same luxury, but as a video game columnist, I wrote an editorial about the benefits of an arcade getting a IIDX machine days after the peition drive started. The arcade carries our newspaper.

Third, we held a demonstration at the arcade. Thanks to one of the area players having an ASC, a nice flat screen TV, speakers and Sixth Style, this helped BIG TIME. The owner of the arcade came by and checked out our demonstration. We explained to him every style, the songs, the benefits, the music genre, how to play the game, and the difference between the GHETTO CM1 he has right now and IIDX Sixth Style. We spent about 2 hours with him talking about the game. And because it was a demonstration, we let passers-by (tourists) get a crack at the game.

Fourth, we looked around. Look at every auction place, store, and internet place that has anything even remotely to do with Bemani. See their prices, get phone numbers and e-mail addresses. Then send that information to the arcade owner. If you can, have the store call the arcade owner (which we did) and have them tell the arcade owner about prices. That way, they can negotiate a deal.

If anything, hold a demonstration because, the owner might think "DJ Game," and then get EZ2 DJ (I think that's the name), which is beyond pathetic.

Answer to question 2:

Depends on what you all like. You could get Ninth. Eighth maybe (I love this mix). Heck, even seventh would work. But I suggest Ninth or Eighth.

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3. PostPosted: Sat Nov 15, 2003 3:45 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The Game II: So did you get IIDX? That's pretty awesome if you did.
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The Game II

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4. PostPosted: Sat Nov 15, 2003 3:51 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

SXA of TGL wrote:
The Game II: So did you get IIDX? That's pretty awesome if you did.

Not yet, that's why I said my tips aren't guarenteed to work, but it really got the owner thinking "OK, how can we get every arcade player in the area to come to this arcade?"

The owner said he is willing to buy IIDX as long as its at a reasonable price...and out of what I've heard in the past hour, I think he could be very close to buying one.

Oh and one more tip...

If 500 people want IIDX in your area, then get ALL 500 players involved! There's strength in numbers.

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5. PostPosted: Sat Nov 15, 2003 4:47 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

my arcade is in a situation similar to the game II, cept we finally got a CM2 machine, now altho i dun like BM1 as much as IIDX, neither does 1/2 of the arcade, they still support the BMCM2 machine to get enough $ to convince the owner to sell the CM2 machine and get us a nice IIDX 7th or 8th style, maybe 9th, either way, a lot of us will be happy for the first IIDX in florida, maybe 2nd cuz Beach Gameland in Clearwater, FL is getting a IIDX 8th very soon. So yea, we did petitions, but we never got as far as The Game II mentioned, meaning demonstration and all, we planned it, but no go, and we had over 400 signatures in south Florida alone, but he responded w/ the CM2 and that was 1 year after the petition, and me and ONLY me convincing the entire staff to get it after the petition disturb.gif but other than that i'm getting a lot of ppl to play the game, hell i put in at least $1-$2 a day in that machine, i mean, its a fun game, and it has a good selection, but it doesn't cut it in its sexy style that is a IIDX machine.
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6. PostPosted: Sat Nov 15, 2003 7:59 pm    Post subject: Re: How can I get my local arcade to get more Bemani? Reply with quote

The Game II wrote:
Answer to Question 1:

If anything, hold a demonstration because, the owner might think "DJ Game," and then get EZ2 DJ (I think that's the name), which is beyond pathetic.

Only one small inconvinence... No one I know has a JPS2 or modded PS@ with BM and controllers! E2.gif

If I did, i really wouldnt care about this. biggrin.gif
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O NOES!!!1 its Nitsuki!!
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7. PostPosted: Sat Nov 15, 2003 11:52 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

the next best thing i would say is print out some info
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The Game II

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8. PostPosted: Sun Nov 16, 2003 12:04 am    Post subject: Re: How can I get my local arcade to get more Bemani? Reply with quote

RAJ821 wrote:
The Game II wrote:
Answer to Question 1:

If anything, hold a demonstration because, the owner might think "DJ Game," and then get EZ2 DJ (I think that's the name), which is beyond pathetic.

Only one small inconvinence... No one I know has a JPS2 or modded PS@ with BM and controllers! E2.gif

If I did, i really wouldnt care about this. biggrin.gif

This is where you all need to make the effort.

The arcade owner has to see that you all have gone "great lengths" to get the game that you like. Being envious that you all have it at home, he/she will want want to buy a machine so he can bring in those players and make you stop playing at home. This is exactly what we told the owner of the arcade in our area.

So, before you even continue, consider getting the game first for your own home.

Wait, now that I'm thinking about it, where do you play IIDX? Don't count simulators.

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9. PostPosted: Sun Nov 16, 2003 9:56 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Then.... I haven't really played it then..

I only have a Sim, but looking for a flip cover and BM stuff for Xmas from my folks! biggrin.gif

If I do get that stuff, then maybe I can bring it in and hold a demo.
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The Game II

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10. PostPosted: Sun Nov 16, 2003 10:04 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

RAJ821 wrote:
Then.... I haven't really played it then..

I only have a Sim, but looking for a flip cover and BM stuff for Xmas from my folks! biggrin.gif

If I do get that stuff, then maybe I can bring it in and hold a demo.

Bug your parents and keep bugging them until Dec. 25.

Oh, and when you do the demo, make sure the owner sees the covers of the IIDX styles you have. That way, the pictures, Konami logo, and controller all stay embetted in his/her head.

Thing is, if you don't have it, go to an arcade that does have it and tape yourself playing the game. That is another way of going "great lengths" to play the games you like, even if the nearest IIDX is 5-6 or so hours away.

Here's one thing I forgot to mention. Since none of you in your area have IIDX stuff (just sims I'm assuming), it's going to be a tough sell. The owner will not want to spend $10,000 on a machine you all are going to suck at for several months. The owner at the arcade here knows we're all decent so he knows he's not going to waste his money to hear BIMP hundreds of times.

If the owner does not want to get IIDX, concentrate on something else. Maybe a GF/DM combination which is hella tight (I believe just about the same price and can have three players going at once), or DMX J-Paradise. That's just me.

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11. PostPosted: Sun Nov 16, 2003 11:35 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I suggest going on a hunger strike.
Gee, the One thing that FrUstrates me the most is when i see a sCreenname or sentence lacKing anY Ordinary rUles foR SpElling and capitaLization. Funny that very few actually have a rhyme or reason behind their methods.
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The Game II

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12. PostPosted: Mon Dec 01, 2003 12:50 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Sabotage wrote:
The Game II: So did you get IIDX? That's pretty awesome if you did.

I know I responded before, but I wanted to say that the owner told me he wants to get IIDX, but his restaurant/arcade is still being fixed up and he wants to spend the money on construction before getting IIDX. He said he is willing to spend the thousands. So now I can say our plan can bring promise.

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13. PostPosted: Mon Dec 01, 2003 3:35 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

How's the hunger strike going?
Gee, the One thing that FrUstrates me the most is when i see a sCreenname or sentence lacKing anY Ordinary rUles foR SpElling and capitaLization. Funny that very few actually have a rhyme or reason behind their methods.
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