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DDR Ultramix Song Pack Volume 1
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40. PostPosted: Fri Nov 14, 2003 1:56 pm    Post subject: Re: Very Good News!!!! Reply with quote

rei_kento wrote:
Well i am very happy about this seeing as i get DDRultra mix next thrus and i get xbox live in about 2 more weeks happy.gif good thing is that they have not put my favorite songs to buy yet so i still got some time. but i do have a Q: When the songs go up for download after the month of download and the next month goes up can you download the previous songs ?

Just in case no one has noticed. MS is offering 2 free months of xbox live service on all x box live games which means you get 2 free months of online ddr competitions. so if you were planning on buying the starter kit with the 12 month subscription, hold off on that. use the 2 months free card that comes with the game and use that up before entering the serial number for your 12 month service. just remember that the downloadable content still has to be payed. even though you have 2 months of free service, you still have to enter a credit card number. you will only be billed if you decide to continue it.

just thought i would inform you guys/gals.
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41. PostPosted: Fri Nov 14, 2003 2:07 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Life wrote:

Cute how you selectively quote me on that to try to make me look dumb. Notice how I referenced ONLY KO's for that comment. Quote me right the next time instead of shabbily trying to degrade my comment but oh! then it wouldn't work as much with your comment.
Let's be honest, these are ALL KO's in the songpack and I even mentioned being more open and willing to purchase LICENSED songs in a songpack.
The hard drive also costs EXTRA as I noted before. Now which would you rather spend your money on, an extra hard drive or a new DDR game? Also keep in mind the PS2 offerings may be the same as the XBox version with NO PS2 exclusives.

Okies....what are you talking about? I wasn't selectively quoting you...i was saying that if people were going to be able to make their own songpacks...all KO's or not that it would not be a good thing because then Konami couldn't push all the Song packs on users since they would be able to minimize their purchases by combining all their favorites into one or two songpacks? Make sense? By having different varieties in each pack that makes the chances of everyone buying every song pack higher because one person might buy a song pack for one song when they dislike the others.... doesn't matter KO or's about the value of the song i don't think i misquoted you...if you feel stupid then that's your own prob... laugh.gif

And yes...i'd dish out $50 for a hard drive since i dont' own a real X-Box per se....
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42. PostPosted: Fri Nov 14, 2003 2:41 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

i think that song packs are just a bad idea and are made that way other than buying songs one by one so that you can spend more money to buy more but one thing they should add is the ability to...

(i know this will never happen)

i mean god knows what will happen when u can jus trade a damn Silent Hill for Mind Parasite rather than blow that $5 on three songs you dont like and waste $3 WHOLE DOLLARS

yes i AM that cheap
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43. PostPosted: Fri Nov 14, 2003 3:02 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Anima wrote:
Life wrote:

Cute how you selectively quote me on that to try to make me look dumb. Notice how I referenced ONLY KO's for that comment. Quote me right the next time instead of shabbily trying to degrade my comment but oh! then it wouldn't work as much with your comment.
Let's be honest, these are ALL KO's in the songpack and I even mentioned being more open and willing to purchase LICENSED songs in a songpack.
The hard drive also costs EXTRA as I noted before. Now which would you rather spend your money on, an extra hard drive or a new DDR game? Also keep in mind the PS2 offerings may be the same as the XBox version with NO PS2 exclusives.

Okies....what are you talking about? I wasn't selectively quoting you...i was saying that if people were going to be able to make their own songpacks...all KO's or not that it would not be a good thing because then Konami couldn't push all the Song packs on users since they would be able to minimize their purchases by combining all their favorites into one or two songpacks? Make sense? By having different varieties in each pack that makes the chances of everyone buying every song pack higher because one person might buy a song pack for one song when they dislike the others.... doesn't matter KO or's about the value of the song i don't think i misquoted you...if you feel stupid then that's your own prob... laugh.gif

And yes...i'd dish out $50 for a hard drive since i dont' own a real X-Box per se....

That's IF the hard drive costs $50 keep that in mind. Would you be willing to pay even $100? If so you're what I like to call the "Final Fantasy XI" crowd. snickers. Sorry, I couldn't resist.
Seriously though the U.S. HDD is pretty much worthless except for FFXI. At least with the Japanese HDD you could use it with FFX, FFX International, Kingdom Hearts, Kingdom Hearts: Final Mix, FFXI, Virtua Fighter 4, Beatmania 5th Style(sadly enough Konami didn't sponsor it any more after this. frust.gif ), GF 4th and DM 5th. That's all I think.
Regardless costwise it's just not a smart business decision for Konami.
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44. PostPosted: Fri Nov 14, 2003 3:05 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

And now, it's time for another edition of "A post with facts!"

Konamix was based off of 4th Mix instead of 5th Mix because KOA wanted to be able to introduce new game modes to the US audience to add gameplay value. 4th Mix/Extra Mix has Solo Mode, Challenge Mode, and Battle Mode. 5th Mix has none of these things. It would've taken too much effort/time/money to shoehorn these things into 5th Mix, so Konami elected to instead hack together a hybrid of 4th Mix and Extra Mix. Yes, 5th Mix is pretty and all 60 FPSey, but to the average purchaser and reviewer, comparing 5th Mix to 3rd Mix would be like a downgrade - No more nonstops

The Sony HDD will initially only be available as a combined purchase with FFXI for $100. If you want to break it down, it'd be like $50 for the game and $50 for the HD. Presumably, this will change mid-next year, since Sony's KillZone will also require the HD.

And...Since some people seem to have trouble remembering...

Live premium content presented for purchase must be at least $5.00. This is mandated by Microsoft. It's not Konami giving you the shaft.

Because Konami is restricted to $5 songpacks, they're using the KOs to subsidize more costly licensed material. In other words, they're not asking you to pay $1 for Abyss, $1 for Mind Parasite, etc. etc...They'd be asking you to pay, say $3.50 for Busy Child, and $1.50 for the KOs that fill out the pack. If the songs were sold individually for $1, people wouldn't buy enough downloads of Let Them Move to subsidize Konami's offering of Days Go By or whatever.

It's Business Economics 101, people...If they weren't doing this, then you would find yourselves bitching instead about how this mix was full of KO's, because Konami wouldn't be able to afford new licensed content.

Bitch all you want about having to buy 5.1.1. in order to get Paranoia ~Respect~. It's not like anyone's making you fork over the money.

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45. PostPosted: Fri Nov 14, 2003 3:14 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Cutriss wrote:

Bitch all you want about having to buy 5.1.1. in order to get Paranoia ~Respect~. It's not like anyone's making you fork over the money.

very true..and well said
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46. PostPosted: Fri Nov 14, 2003 4:28 pm    Post subject: Re: Very Good News!!!! Reply with quote

venomchamp wrote:
rei_kento wrote:
Well i am very happy about this seeing as i get DDRultra mix next thrus and i get xbox live in about 2 more weeks happy.gif good thing is that they have not put my favorite songs to buy yet so i still got some time. but i do have a Q: When the songs go up for download after the month of download and the next month goes up can you download the previous songs ?

Just in case no one has noticed. MS is offering 2 free months of xbox live service on all x box live games which means you get 2 free months of online ddr competitions. so if you were planning on buying the starter kit with the 12 month subscription, hold off on that. use the 2 months free card that comes with the game and use that up before entering the serial number for your 12 month service. just remember that the downloadable content still has to be payed. even though you have 2 months of free service, you still have to enter a credit card number. you will only be billed if you decide to continue it.

just thought i would inform you guys/gals.

The only downside about the 2 free months is that, unless you fork over $30 for a mic (Although there are some really cheap third party ones), you're going to be without voice communication. But I guess that isn't too big of a loss considering it's DDR and all nerd.gif
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47. PostPosted: Fri Nov 14, 2003 11:50 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Life wrote:

That's IF the hard drive costs $50 keep that in mind. Would you be willing to pay even $100? If so you're what I like to call the "Final Fantasy XI" crowd. snickers. Sorry, I couldn't resist.
Seriously though the U.S. HDD is pretty much worthless except for FFXI. At least with the Japanese HDD you could use it with FFX, FFX International, Kingdom Hearts, Kingdom Hearts: Final Mix, FFXI, Virtua Fighter 4, Beatmania 5th Style(sadly enough Konami didn't sponsor it any more after this. frust.gif ), GF 4th and DM 5th. That's all I think.
Regardless costwise it's just not a smart business decision for Konami.

What?? Why are you going on about it? The hard drive will be $50 some day... i don't care about FF-XI....i don't recall there ever being features for any other square games you've mentioned to work with the hard drive....drop it....ok... blink.gif

on a different note....and to everyone else.... how long before the release of song pack 2....hmm....and if you think about $5 a pack then

12monthsx$5 song pack is $60.... and $60 + $60(cost of game) is $120 so Extreme CS seems soo much the better deal as it is, $60 for the game with 110 songs,......even if you can download...if the downloads become mediocre then importers will have nothing to want for....
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48. PostPosted: Sat Nov 15, 2003 1:48 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Only avalable to USA nooo! what I want my DDR too, guess I will have to move to the USA if I want these songs....
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49. PostPosted: Sat Nov 15, 2003 8:16 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

it all sounds good. but as for the downloads don't everybody get thier hopes up to much keeping PAYING downloads comming at a steady rate isn't something xbox live is good at. Anybody remember a game called Phantasy Star Online Epsode 1 & 2? We're still paying monthly charges and we recently got screwed over on a Haloween quest they stated was active but infact was not. So just be careful. And if you doggy about the price think of it as just yet another Video Game mag ya gotta buy every month like the Offical Xbox Mag or Shonen Jump. it's 5 Dollars it's not going to hurt you.

My Only concern is are they going to keep track of when you've purcheased what songs. What happens if your XBOX crashes and you've downloaded like 4-5 packs? You should be able to redownload them again if you've paid for them.
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50. PostPosted: Sat Nov 15, 2003 9:19 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Axis wrote:
koji_okuda wrote:
wow this mix is gonna be great....i did have my doubts....but the only thing i wanna know do we have to enter our credit card # every time we buy a pack? caus if we do then i cant buy them ( i gotta buy them without my mom knowing) riiight.gif

No need E1.gif Once you sign up for XBL, your credit card number is stored with your account information. The owner of the account has the option to disable access to premium content, but if it is enabled, you can download the song packs like you would anything else.

Of course, it will show up on your mom's monthly bill riiight.gif

ok thanks..but is premium purchase defualt? caus i dont know which credit card i used to get the 4 digit number from
thanks anyway!
if at first you do not suceed deny you ever tried

game invite me on ultra mix
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51. PostPosted: Sat Nov 15, 2003 10:57 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I was getting ultramix but then after reading these post.......
I dont think Ill waste my money on this........
It has a good list, and it has a good price for songs, but I dont have
X-BOX LIVE.......
And I will never get it because of my mom........

Only if they sold the songs at local game store and buy them through discs then save it onto your x-box.......

and also if they people say people can borrow the disc and ripoff Konami then why not use a one time use disc if they have any

But i can only wish
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52. PostPosted: Sat Nov 15, 2003 10:57 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I was getting ultramix but then after reading these post.......
I dont think Ill waste my money on this........
It has a good list, and it has a good price for songs, but I dont have
X-BOX LIVE.......
And I will never get it because of my mom........

Only if they sold the songs at local game store and buy them through discs then save it onto your x-box.......

and also if they people say people can borrow the disc and ripoff Konami then why not use a one time use disc if they have any

But i can only wish
Lets Begin!

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53. PostPosted: Sat Nov 15, 2003 11:55 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

ZeoZaki wrote:
My Only concern is are they going to keep track of when you've purcheased what songs. What happens if your XBOX crashes and you've downloaded like 4-5 packs? You should be able to redownload them again if you've paid for them.

No need to worry..Microsoft keeps track of it all
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54. PostPosted: Sat Nov 15, 2003 12:03 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Psst, whoever said that it costs $250 to mod a PS2, I suggest you do a quick price check on that E13.gif Truth is, I probably would get Extreme imported before I bought an X-Box version with so few songs at release. It's a money sink I don't want to deal with.

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55. PostPosted: Sat Nov 15, 2003 12:19 pm    Post subject: ric - In My Eyes Reply with quote

ric - In My Eyes

YES!! I mean, no! E19.gif

I've played both of ric's songs on 5th style ( over and over ) so part of me says "Yay! More great music!"

But then again, I guess KDEA is never going to release Beatmania either. E2.gif And even if they did and they were able to use A, V, Burning Heat, Sakura, Xenon, Spin The Disc, Era, Radical Faith, Absolute, DXY!, .59, Rislim and In My Eyes then people would just say "That new Beatmania game just has a bunch of old recycled DDR songs on it." frust.gif

But as long as that doesn't happen... biggrin.gif !
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56. PostPosted: Sat Nov 15, 2003 3:18 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Anima I was referring to the JAPANESE versions of said games and I even referenced the Japanese HDD. Please read my post fully before commenting.
I know at least FFX International has that feature. I have the game and in the options screen it even gives you the choice of "Game or HDD" or course HDD is grayed out if you don't have the HDD. At least one or two of said games I mention even SHOW the "HDD" mark when the wrapping is on it.
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57. PostPosted: Sat Nov 15, 2003 7:06 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Life wrote:
Anima I was referring to the JAPANESE versions of said games and I even referenced the Japanese HDD. Please read my post fully before commenting.
I know at least FFX International has that feature. I have the game and in the options screen it even gives you the choice of "Game or HDD" or course HDD is grayed out if you don't have the HDD. At least one or two of said games I mention even SHOW the "HDD" mark when the wrapping is on it.

I was referring to the Japanese games also since there is no FFX INT or Kingdom Hearts Final Mix in america as well as the other games you listed. Now, stop. If you want to continue..and i don't...let's take it somewhere else.
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58. PostPosted: Sat Nov 15, 2003 7:27 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Not available in Canada is an outrage. ****.
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59. PostPosted: Sat Nov 15, 2003 9:26 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

i have a question regarding dl the additional song packs. once the pack is dl does it stay on the game or through LIVE? will it be added on the song selection screen? i need this question answered before i decide to get xbox LIVE.
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