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Dancing Monkeys: Automatically Generate step files for DDR
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Cyan Garamonde (Nosaj)
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20. PostPosted: Mon Nov 03, 2003 2:46 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Karl, how do I run the MatLab code? I've got DancingMonkeys.m loaded in MatLab, but when I run it I get this error:

??? Input argument 'MusicFullFilename' is undefined.

Error in ==> X:\DancingMonkeys.m
On line 13  ==> [ Directory , FileName , FileExt , Temp ] = Fileparts( MusicFullFilename );

Needless to say, I don't have all that much experience with MatLab.... disgust.gif
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21. PostPosted: Mon Nov 03, 2003 4:36 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Judgemaster Cid wrote:
TakanoHakkin wrote:
And rightfully, I can tell the difference between Notepadded files and SM/Xstep made files, but this might be different. I'll have to download this and see what the format is like, to see if I can tell the differences in hardcode (unless someone wants to post up what the DWI code looks like straight from the generator).

Not necessarily. Anyone can rearrange the code in a dwi file to look a certain way. Looking at the code in no way guarantees you know how it was created.

In most cases, SM spits out code in a certain fashion, usually in one long column of measures. And even if someone makes it into one big line, SM handles time divisions much more differently than a Notepadder would, ie having brackets around entire measures and not just what needed to be divided.
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22. PostPosted: Tue Nov 04, 2003 2:21 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

First off I'd like to really appologise for the flakeyness of the program. I really should have tested it more before throwing it out into the big wide world. I hope some of you can get it working, and that you think it is cool, and I'll try and fix any errors you guys find. OK, now onto specific stuff.

Judgemaster Cid: To run the MatLab code, first you will need a copy of the LAME mp3 decoder, if you downloaded the command line version of Dancing Monkeys than you are OK. Now open MatLab and change to the directory containing DancingMonkeys.m. If you open DancingMonkeys.m to edit, near the top will be the lines:


if ( nargin < 5 )
    RootDirectory = 'C:\DDR Stuff\StepMania\Songs\Example Songs\';

if ( nargin < 6 )
    LameFullFilename = 'C:\Program Files\Dancing Monkeys\Lame\Lame.exe';   
[ LamePath , LameFilename , LameFileExt , Temp ] = Fileparts( LameFullFilename );
LameExe = [ LameFilename LameFileExt ];

if ( nargin < 7 )
    TempFile = 'C:\Program Files\Dancing Monkeys\Temp Music\Temp Song.wav';       

Change the 'RootDirectory = ' line to the location you want to the output to go to.
Change the 'LameFullFilename = ' line to the location of the LAME.exe.
Change the 'TempFile = ' line to the filename to use for the temporary wav file.

Then you need to invoke the DancingMonkeys function, it looks like you didn't give it any arguments, which is probably why it complained that the first one is missing. Try running it like this:

DancingMonkeys( 'C:\Mp3s\Whatever.mp3' )

Hopefully that should work. Let me know if you have any more problems. Only the first argument is required, all the other are optional, and it will use sensible defaults.

Spoonsman: It crashed trying to write out the step files, I think the problem might be that it needs a trailing slash on the output directory. You gave the output directory as c:\testagain it might work if you put c:\testagain\ as the output directory.

What might be best to test it, is to just leave off the output directory and Dancing Monkeys will use the default output directory.

Oobrakadoobra: It looks like you have it working fine, the only problem is that it was unable to find a consistent, solid BPM for the song you gave it. Maybe the song has tempo changes, or a quiet bass line.

If you try the program with some other songs it should work fine.

PH: I really wouldn't worry about Dancing Monkey generated step files being entered in TournaMixs, I know from extensive testing that the computer genereated step files don't compare to good handcrafted ones. The only way this thing could be a challenge is if all the other entrants are rubbish. And seeing the quality and ingenuity of some of the hand crafted step files I don't think that is ever going to happen.
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23. PostPosted: Tue Nov 04, 2003 7:49 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

KarlOKeeffe wrote:
Spoonsman: It crashed trying to write out the step files, I think the problem might be that it needs a trailing slash on the output directory. You gave the output directory as c:\testagain it might work if you put c:\testagain\ as the output directory.

What might be best to test it, is to just leave off the output directory and Dancing Monkeys will use the default output directory..

Durr, I should have noticed that.

Anyway ran the full version of QQQ (to test for truncation) through it asking for a stepfile with Light, Standard, and Heavy all having 9 foot steps (I wanted to look for the level of randomness that it had). Instead the program decided to give me three sets of steps all eight foot.

So the program does find the beat and the gap quite well. As for the steps themselves (at least for this song) almost the entire song is just three eighth notes, a quarter, a quarter jump. Also twice in the song it just had what seemed like a random stop in the arrows (nowhere near as cool as the QQQ dwi we all know and love). It also truncated the song nicely with a pretty little fadeoff at the end.

I only played the heavy steps, but the groove radar for all three difficulties was the same.

Interesting little program, though its more to make stepfiles for a song you really want to play instead of making them yourself. It won't replace human coders though, you can feel safe.

Last thing, it outputs as wav instead of converting back to mp3.

Anyway I can appreciate how difficult and annoying it would be to write these algorithms, so good job on the program. I'll run some various songs through it today and then upload them if anyone wants to check them out.
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24. PostPosted: Tue Nov 04, 2003 12:15 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Help! I think I am doing everything correctly.

"C:\WINDOWS\Desktop\Dancing Monkeys\bin\win32\" Dancing Monkeys.exe "C:\My Music\Grand Theft Auto 3 - MSX (mix a).mp3" 3 6 9 C:\WINDOWS\Desktop\StepMania\Songs

But it just brings up the folder win32.

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25. PostPosted: Tue Nov 04, 2003 12:29 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I think you're probably just doing it from run. Go to the run and type in "cmd" to get to a command line.

From there type in "cd C:\WINDOWS\Desktop\Dancing Monkeys\bin\win32"

then "DancingMonkeys.exe "C:\My Music\Grand Theft Auto 3 - MSX (mix a).mp3" 3 6 9 C:\WINDOWS\Desktop\StepMania\Songs\"

Now for some help for me!

I decided to try out the MatLab version, but I've never used MatLab before. I changed the three lines of code that you said to change. After trying twice I ended up with this
MatLab wrote:
??? Input argument 'MusicFullFilename' is undefined.

Error in ==> V:\Program Files\Dancing Monkeys\MatLab stuff\DancingMonkeys.m
On line 13 ==> [ Directory , FileName , FileExt , Temp ] = Fileparts( MusicFullFilename );

>> DancingMonkeys( 'V:\WelcomeToParadise.mp3' )
??? Error using ==> kmkdir

Error in ==> V:\Program Files\Dancing Monkeys\MatLab stuff\DancingMonkeys.m
On line 77 ==> kmkdir( RootDirectory, FileName );


I'm running this remotely, so V: is my local C: drive.
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26. PostPosted: Tue Nov 04, 2003 1:13 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ahh... Gracias! Thanks a bunch... but now my compy's gonna freeze cuz this song is 9 min. long!

EDIT: Oh no! It still dosn't work!

When i type cd C:\WINDOWS\Desktop\Dancing Monkeys\bin\win32 into MS-DOS prompt, i get this : Too many paramaters - monkeys\bin\win32

What should i do now?
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27. PostPosted: Tue Nov 04, 2003 1:39 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hmm, it might be taking the space between Dancing and Monkeys as you putting in another parameter.

Try renaming your directory to "DancingMonkeys" and then using that.

The rest of this is from a very rusty memory-

I think this was a problem with older versions of windows and DOS where you can't use spaces and had to use something like PROGRA~1. I forgot exactly cause that was awhile ago.

If you don't want to rename it I believe in older versions of Windows if you right click a folder and go to properties it will show you the DOS name that you have to use at command prompts. WinXP doesn't have this problem as I'm pretty sure it doesn't even use DOS anymore.
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28. PostPosted: Tue Nov 04, 2003 2:00 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

RAJ821: As spoonsman says, the windows command line has trouble with spaces in filenames. But there is an easy solution, just use double quotes around the complete file/directory name.

So after you do Start | Run cmd:

cd "C:\WINDOWS\Desktop\Dancing Monkeys\bin\win32"

DancingMonkeys.exe "C:\My Music\Grand Theft Auto 3 - MSX (mix a).mp3" 3 6 9 "C:\WINDOWS\Desktop\StepMania\Songs\"

Hopefully that should work for you. Let me know if it doesn't.

Spoonsman: Your second invocation of DancingMonkeys with the parameter of the file you want to create steps for is correct. It looks like it is having trouble finding the kmkdir.m file, and therefore is producing an error.

Are kmkdir.m and maximalcliques.m in the same directory as dancingmonkeys.m, and are all of these files in your MatLab path?

If not, just copy them to where you have dancingmonkeys.m and try again. That should solve that problem.

Let me know when you find the next one E10.gif

In regards to your previous post, you've noticed that the patterns it produces are not very random, this is because currently it decides to place steps in certain locations based on the patterns it can extract from the song. Becuase these patterns are the same every time (obviously E1.gif ) the step tracks it creates tend to stay the same for the same difficulty levels.

You've also noticed that it tends to repeat itself quite a lot E1.gif that is because I developed a new algorithm for finding repeating sections in a song, and I was so happy with it I wanted to show it off. Really needs to be toned down a little.

The system decides the feet rating purely on the number of steps in the track, not brilliant as a measure of difficulty but nice and easy for a computer to do. The reason you got returned 8 feet songs when you asked for 9 feet is probably because it couldn't pack in enough arrows to generate a 9 foot song without being just a continuous stream.
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Cyan Garamonde (Nosaj)
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29. PostPosted: Tue Nov 04, 2003 11:03 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well, I ran the updated executable on a school computer, and the program ran completely through with only a single warning that didn't seem to adversely affect anything. So I brought the .dwi file it created home, tried it out with the song, and the bpm and gap seemed pretty accurate. Thumbs up for that alone, Karl. biggrin.gif As far as the steps went, yeeaaahh, no one in their right mind would use those in a TournaMix. E10.gif

As far as I'm concerned, the main attraction of this program is the automatic finding of the bpm and gap, which is more often than not the worst headache in creating a .dwi file. That said, maybe what you could do is make a simpler version of the program that simply calculates the bpm and gap, and leave it up to the user to write their own steps, which they should do anyway. Perhaps a future version of the program could account for tempo changes. biggrin.gif
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30. PostPosted: Wed Nov 05, 2003 3:58 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

&#12479;&#12459;&#12398;[&#12503;&#12525;&#12472;&#12455;&#12463;&#12488;H] wrote:
In most cases, SM spits out code in a certain fashion, usually in one long column of measures. And even if someone makes it into one big line, SM handles time divisions much more differently than a Notepadder would, ie having brackets around entire measures and not just what needed to be divided.

My Tournamix 4+ entry (A-Yo!) was made in SM editor. But then I cleaned it up, including shrinking 16th note areas to the minimum length. I've made many official stepfiles in Notepad, so I can say for sure that it looks exactly the same.
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31. PostPosted: Wed Nov 05, 2003 9:54 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hmm.... It seems kinda like Goo! Goo! Soundy! to me, 'cept with a lot of bugs... suprised I was the first one to make the connection
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32. PostPosted: Thu Nov 06, 2003 1:34 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'd be much more interested in a program that accurately measured BPM (tempo changes and all). I have no problem making my own steps, but I hate synching with the fire of a thousand suns. I can spend 2 hours straight doing it, and my steps will still be as much as 1/16th of a beat off at the end of the song, which is terrible. The songs I like to work with utilize humans to keep a beat, so naturally it's all over the place and terrible to work with. Thanks for reading.
<img src="">

apparently I'm doin this all wrong. care to help?
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33. PostPosted: Fri Nov 07, 2003 5:57 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

It claims to have finished the steps and then gives me this message

ERROR: Invalid fid.

What does this mean?
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34. PostPosted: Sat Nov 08, 2003 11:03 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Works beautifully for me now. The steps lack personality, slightly, but what do you expect? ^_^
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Cyan Garamonde (Nosaj)
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35. PostPosted: Sun Nov 09, 2003 10:19 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

mariomario wrote:
It claims to have finished the steps and then gives me this message

ERROR: Invalid fid.

What does this mean?

That's the problem I'm having with my laptop, using the updated executable. However, I ran that same executable at school on a desktop machine, and it worked, so I'm wondering if it's not something to do with processor, OS, or other hardware; RAM and HDD aren't an issue.

I need to see about getting a version of MatLab for my laptop.... riiight.gif
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36. PostPosted: Thu Nov 13, 2003 7:53 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Phrekwenci, you forgot:

Vivaldi Amuro (some what easy but fun)
MJE & Udderdude (a bit more difficult)
BemaniRuler (I can't pass that on my feet)
Arch0wl (Yasu fails this)


Do these stepfiles it generates go to the music(like, karaokewise) or what?
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37. PostPosted: Thu Nov 13, 2003 10:40 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

ok i got i thought pretty far but i got an error...what does

Foot Rating: 5
Foot Rating: 6
Foot Rating: 9
Created arrow patterns for each difficulty level.
ERROR: Invalid fid.


what going on here?
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38. PostPosted: Fri Nov 14, 2003 3:26 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

*sigh* E2.gif

Ok, well, I've been trying this for weeks now, but haven't figured out how to do this yet. But, I just recently got an account here, so now I can finally ask.

How the heck do you do this? riiight.gif

Seriously, does anybody think that they could possibly give me a quick tutorial or walkthrough? As in, exactly where to input the command lines and all and what to put in them.

Now, I've tried running a command line, and inputting the code and all, but still, I have no luck.

"Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
(C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.

C:\Documents and Settings\Andrew Martini>cd D:\Program Files\Stepmania CVS\Danci
ng Monkeys\Dancing Monkeys\bin\win32

C:\Documents and Settings\Andrew Martini>"DancingMonkeys.exe "D:\My Documents\Al
ice Deejay - Better off alone.mp3" 3 6 9 D:\Program Files\Stepmania CVS\Songs\Mo
nkey Generated\"
The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.

C:\Documents and Settings\Andrew Martini>"

Now, everything is correct to my knowledge. But, still, it won't work... ;_;

Any help is appreciated! riiight.gif
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39. PostPosted: Fri Nov 14, 2003 10:06 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

When you entered in the arguments for the program you were still in "C:\Documents and Settings\Andrew Martini". You need to make sure that you are in the same directory the program is in.
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