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TeeHee! JP ONRY! Trick Member

Joined: 05 Apr 2003
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Shinmizu Staff Member

Joined: 24 Jan 2002 Location: Stuck in a Klein bottle |
21. Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2003 7:46 pm Post subject: |
I don't really care about bar use, but don't expect me to watch and be entertained if you're going to use it--it's really not fun to watch.
However, I do have a problem with all the people jumping on the damn bandwagon and going from vehemently anti-bar to using it all the time and going, "Take uses it!"
Oh, and I can't stand "freestylers" that have to hold the bar to keep balance on a spin on "Stomp to my Beat" talking about how normal PAers look stupid. |
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t3nacious Trick Member

Joined: 03 Aug 2003
22. Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2003 8:17 pm Post subject: |
Quote: | i cant stand going to the arcade and watching retards thinking theyr good and they constantly hold the bar. |
Well I can't stand retards who go out of their way to not hold the bar because they think they look better. IT'S A SIMULATED DANCING GAME THAT MOST PEOPLE LOOK COMPLETELY STUPID WHILE PLAYING, DESPITE HOW THEY DO IT. In my oppinion the person not holding the bar sometimes looks stupid.
I'm not a pro-bar hugger or something, but common people, what's with the anti bar. If you playing for score, who the *bleep* cares how you do it. |
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Zukin-Man Trick Member

Joined: 25 Nov 2002 Location: War Agony |
23. Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2003 11:22 pm Post subject: |
I don't hate the bar rapers, but rather the act of bar raping itself. I would personally rather fail than grab the bar, and I refuse to give someone credit for anything they did if they use the bar for anything besides...
"OMFG!!1!elevendy!!1 Ima fall offa padd!!1" *Catches self* "Ahh, much better..."
If it's someone I don't know, I'll ignore them and let them do whatever the heck they want. Whenever my friends and I catch each other inadvertently bar raping, however, we'll smack the person's hand(s).
Basically, I discourage bar raping, but I know people will do it anyway. Yes, it makes playing easier, but if someone needs it, let it be. Have your beliefs and whatnot, but don't get violent and force them on other people. This isn't Middle East religion. _________________
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TeN Trick Member

Joined: 24 Jan 2002 Location: sayre. |
24. Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2003 6:25 am Post subject: Re: Bar Huggers |
kewl'n'smoothdancer wrote: | I am sick and tired of bar huggers am i the only one hear who hates them?!!?!?!
i cant stand going to the arcade and watching retards thinking theyr good and they constantly hold the bar. for all of you bar huggers the reason for the bar isnt to hold onto for the whole song its for saftey reasons incase you slip and fall. i sware man next bar hugger i see im going to tweak at!!!!
does anyone else feel this way???  | would you complain if you can AAA every song in DDR just by using the bar to maintain your balance? _________________
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YmkFX Trick Member

Joined: 24 Jul 2003 Location: California |
25. Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2003 6:37 am Post subject: |
I recently had an incident much like this thread.
I was on my final stage playing by myself and I chose The Legend of Max heavy, I was feeling pretty confident I could pass it until some IIDX-Is-Better-But-I-Still-Play-DDR-Anyways a*shole comes up and starts watching from behind me, which I don't mind at all even as long as he shuts up before the song starts. So I grab the bar and prepare to die over and over again when that same voice from behind shreeks "Don't use the bar!" I promptly shut him out and get to the slow down of the song with near full combo, and then he starts yapping again. "I never have to use the bar, c'mon! Let go and play for real!" By now this is beginning to bother me and I lose my concentration, and at the end I scrape by with my bar dwindeling.
I finally look back to see who the annoying bastard is and I find some acne festering, baggy-pants-with-useless-red-straps pants wearing guy still yelping at me for bar raping. I got a B on the song anyways and the idiot starts complaining about how HE can pass it without the bar. I simply call for everyones attention in the arcade, despite being completely exhausted and ready to go home and pronounce to everyone there about how "amazing" and "incredible" this guy is to pass LoM heavy WITHOUT using the bar!
Point is, if someone gets a personal best on an extremely hard song, DON'T F*CKING TELL US NOT TO USE THE BAR. And out of common DDR courtesy, don't mouth off about how you could probably do better.
Let me play the god damn game already, it's bad enough having troups of little girls ridicule me while I'm playing, now I can't even do 10 footers without some anti-bar activist pissing all over my back. _________________
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Prowler Trick Member

Joined: 07 Sep 2003 Location: Caguas, Puerto Rico |
26. Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2003 9:04 am Post subject: |
I have a "live and let live" attitude about this. I only grab the bar for a second if I lose my balance, and that's about it. However, I don't badmouth "bar-rapers" (where the F... did that name come from anyway? ). Granted, passing a difficult song without using the bar is usually regarded as a sign of a skilled player, while bar-hugging the entire song makes you look like a lesser player; but we gotta keep in mind that not everyone has the speed, coordination and balance required to do it the hard way. _________________
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Challenge Chicken Trick Member

Joined: 19 Jul 2002 Location: Las Vegas Nevada |
27. Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2003 1:10 pm Post subject: Re: Bar Huggers |
I just received a message from our original poster, and normally, I wouldn't post PM's publicly, but it was just so funny that I had to post it.
Grab some popcorn and some Hi-C and enjoy!:
kewl'n'smoothdancer wrote: |
Spinal Injury wrote: | "I hug the bar when I'm playing the Maxx's. And for good reason: so I can get an idea of how to approach the song the next time I do it. Kinda like baby steps to doing the song with just pure stamina and quick legs. It's a helping aid and I'm starting to see that.
As for the original poster, good thing you're in Fargo-country. I've already seen enough nut-cases in Vegas" |
hey bumhole u wanna fight ill kick yo buttocks man fargo country??
ur asking to die arnt u?
and as for me being a nutcase? your the dumbass who rapes the damn bars so watch urself |
and my response:
Spinal Injury wrote: | someone got a tad upset with little ol me.
As for fightning and if I want it. I can download fights on the internet, thank you very much, unless you have something I don't already have. But thank you for the offer.
asking to die? no no, not me. I don't believe I made such a request. In fact, I don't think I made any requests in your blatently mindless post.
and lastly. 'Watching myself'? Watch myself for what? At this very moment, I am 'watching myself' and not a damn thing is happening. When would a time be appropriate to 'watch myself'? Because right now, I'm not seeing anything out of the ordinary, or unusual to begin with.
If for some reason, you decide to respond to this message, please be more specific in your requests of: fights and watching one-self. And in the future, please use a spellchecker, Don'tcha know? |
It's the little things in life
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Teh Suck(Lil Z) Trick Member

Joined: 30 Jan 2003 Location: Scranton,PA |
28. Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2003 1:23 pm Post subject: |
I bar rape..but theres one thing I havn't figured out:
Where do I stick my wee-wee?
But seriously,I bar rape because I'm a begginer. I get through Sakura and Max300 without the bar then comes MaxX on a nonstop(all heavy). So I use the bar. Lets see you do that nonstop without the bar, Mr. I can't spell "Cool" so I replace it with another word...
I want to go to california and Bar Rape Let's Groove. Yeah.
And if I get a PM telling me to watch myself,I'm to boring..I'd rather watch the non-existant asian girl next door. _________________
No signature, because its what all the cool kids do. |
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The Real Ryan B Trick Member

Joined: 24 Jan 2002 Location: LITH, IL |
29. Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2003 4:42 pm Post subject: |
I have come to accept bar-raping. I remember back when 3rd mix was in, holding the bar was a HUGE no-no. Times have changed, I suppose. I need to hold it on Max300 and the like.
I do have a problem with ego-trips, though. I watched someone play Rhythm and Police (5th mix machine) before me and he held the bar the entire song. He did well, like 25% greats but also like 2 or 3 goods. Later, I played it, not holding the bar. I got max combo, but like 40% greats and he gave me flak for it.
Holding the bar helps you out by giving you solid balance. It definatly is an aid and I disagree anyone who says otherwise. People use it (including me) to help them do something they could not normally do without holding the bar. If you want to hold it, fine. But please... don't be a jack-buttocks about it.
If you want people to respect your "holding of the bar" you must also respect their "not holding of the bar." |
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timor Trick Member

Joined: 18 Sep 2003
30. Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2003 5:15 pm Post subject: |
I've got absolutely nothing against bar-raping......I don't do it much myself, because to me it feels awkward, leaning my body over the pad rather than being centered over it _________________
Stultum est timere quod vitare non potes. |
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ingridbush Trick Member

Joined: 15 Sep 2003
31. Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2003 4:30 am Post subject: |
if you want to see bar rapers then come to the UK, ALL the girls do it because they dont even think its wrong, girld always look dead bored whilst playing, probably so they can make it look like they aren even trying. |
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Aimbot Trick Member

Joined: 14 Sep 2003 Location: new jersey |
32. Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2003 5:06 am Post subject: |
my friends wear shirts that say "please do not rape the bar"
i agree, but im not gonna get mad at someone for using the bar, theyll get over it eventually _________________
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Jaceryl Trick Member

Joined: 26 Sep 2003 Location: Somewhere I don't belong. |
33. Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2003 9:04 am Post subject: |
Wow. I never realized there was such a huge animosity towards bar rapers (I knew it was a no-no, but not to this degree).
I'm still a beginner, but the only song that I bar rape is Max300 (standard/heavy [I still fail on heavy -_-;;]), and I'd really like to stop doing so. I only did so the first time because I knew I couldn't move my feet fast enough to do it upright. I definitely admire people who DON'T use the bar, and do look down on the usage of it in general. However, I play it as an aid simply so that I can learn to understand the song, and then play without it. The bar is an aid, and using it to pass a song is like playing an easier mode. That doesn't mean much, though.
Personally, I think that if you bar rape solely, then you've got a problem. If you bar rape when you're learning a very difficult song (I'm talking 9-10 footers and Maxes alone, by the way), then you're just in training for playing it upright. And if you still need to b*tch about using the bar just for learning purposes, then why don't you b*tch at assist tick mode as well? They both simply make the song easier, and if you can't stand the fact that people practice with them, then good for you. I don't need someone on a high horse to tell me how to play a game, but I ESPECIALLY don't need him/her to tell me how to LEARN to play it.
As for my attitude towards bar raping as a common thing, I look down on it, like I pointed out before, but I don't discriminate. If I watch somebody beat Paranoia Survivor Max heavy with the bar, I'll still be impressed (because I can't even do that yet), but I'll be much more amazed by someone who does it without the bar. It's your quarters, but it's my appreciation.  _________________
No signature here, thank you. |
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Cyd Trick Member

Joined: 09 Mar 2003 Location: Phuket, Thailand |
34. Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2003 12:52 pm Post subject: |
Well the bar was put there for a reason, and well if its there I'm sure it has a purpose...*walks off in a daze trying to find the meaning of the bar* _________________
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BTTB Trick Member

Joined: 10 Dec 2002 Location: Deep in you. |
35. Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2003 12:56 pm Post subject: Re: Bar Huggers |
kewl'n'smoothdancer wrote: | I am sick and tired of bar huggers am i the only one hear who hates them?!!?!?!
i cant stand going to the arcade and watching retards thinking theyr good and they constantly hold the bar. for all of you bar huggers the reason for the bar isnt to hold onto for the whole song its for saftey reasons incase you slip and fall. i sware man next bar hugger i see im going to tweak at!!!!
does anyone else feel this way???  |
I do. Is there something wrong with that?
But really. Bar raping isn't evil. I rape it so I can pass LOM. I need that hot... red... steamy *passes out* _________________
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Otla Trick Member

Joined: 05 Jul 2003 Location: Mitten Land, Er Detroit |
36. Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2003 1:27 pm Post subject: |
I spank the bar too
Seriously, I only use the bar for Max 300 (heavy), the other maxes, Paranoia Bros. (heavy), and other 10 and 9 foot songs. I don't think there is anything wrong with Bar raping if you don't have any stamina or in this case speed.
[Edit: What is Bar Rapping? I thought it was bar RAPING] _________________
Last edited by Otla on Sat Sep 27, 2003 4:20 pm, edited 1 time in total |
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CelestialMortal Trick Member

Joined: 22 Aug 2003 Location: *tap tap* look behind you |
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Cyd Trick Member

Joined: 09 Mar 2003 Location: Phuket, Thailand |
38. Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2003 1:30 pm Post subject: |
DJLinus wrote: | I spank the bar too  |
You will never know how much I laughed at this. *dies of laughter* _________________
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Rychan Contributor

Joined: 01 Jul 2003 Location: Castle Rock, CO |
39. Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2003 1:36 pm Post subject: |
I don't use the bar but I don't have anything against anyone that does. If I can't do a song straight standing well then I can't do a song. _________________
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