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Joined: 18 Jul 2002 Location: Mountain View/Sunnyvale CA |
20. Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2003 4:44 pm Post subject: |
The zone is so nice to go into...but so hard to achieve...the last time i went into it was the long orgy at the end of HVAM..and i got 4 greats in it and AAed it for my first (and only so far) time.. _________________
theficionado wrote: | Seriously, they should make some sort of spray for you. |
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Zukin-Man Trick Member

Joined: 25 Nov 2002 Location: War Agony |
21. Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2003 11:32 pm Post subject: |
"The zone?" I always just called it spacing out.
Before my PA took a nose dive, I used to do it all the time, but now I only manage to space out when I play the Max brothers.  _________________
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Sanguine Dream Trick Member

Joined: 03 Jan 2003 Location: On my journey to eradicate evil. |
22. Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2003 10:05 am Post subject: |
We all have names for it. My friends and I call it "The Trance". When out of nowhere you just play your heart out. Not paying attention to the song, the arrows, or the people around you. Its not somehthing that an onlooker notices though. Only you the player notice it when you come out of it at the end of the song. I was Trancing out the other night and almost FC'd Max300. It was on light and I had only one Non Combo step. I don't care if thats a big deal to anyone else but it is to me. _________________
Pokemon (Pearl) Friend Code
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DDRFreAkx Trick Member

Joined: 06 Sep 2002 Location: Comp. |
23. Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2003 3:55 pm Post subject: |
apparently "showing off" is not a good thing.
You c these nubz goin on then failing then u go on and aa some heavy song... and they just stare at u wit an evil eye.
This one time i was on the machine these people just past some easy heavy song and they were like "IM THE BESt" so i go up click heavy and there like OoOOoOO lookk at the cigarette trying to show off...
AA Cantstopfaling in love (speed mix)
AAA era
A healing vision angelic mix
Everyone just stared inculding da nubz. i Was like errrrrrr no onez like surprised....idunno y |
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bemani-man Trick Member

Joined: 14 Jun 2003 Location: Ridgeland, SC |
24. Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2003 1:51 pm Post subject: |
Iron Matt wrote: | bemani-man wrote: | PSO on Heavy |
Phatasy Star Online? i think you mean PSM, which means Paranoia Survivor Max, the mirrored and sped up version of PS, which means Paranoia Survivor. or, you could have met PSM oni, which is the Oni difficulty steps to PSM.
bemani-man wrote: | I guess I am a DDR Elite, Wolfman. Darn, I've only played for 6 months. I'm also only 13. I guess that's pretty good. |
actually, you suck compared to me, most of my friends, the ppl i've competed against, and the ppl i've read about.
unless you can do that, don't go around bragging, cuz there are plenty of ppl who are 150 times better than you.
~1 |
Yasu is the best DDR player in the world. I don't expect to beat him ever.
PSO= Paranoia Survivor. The O is for Oni.
I was playing Paranoia Survivor. Or did you read the quotes from others?
This thread was to share experiences in "the zone" (thanks to Kosaka-San for sharing the name), not for Iron Matt to tell me and others that we suck. In my area, the qualifications for DDR Elite are lower than SoCal.
Anyhow, it happened again! This time Insertion Heavy, at home, on my crapttastic Mad Catz pad. Passed it twice. _________________
 EBT wrote: | i havnt had a problem witht he combat in morrowind
i swing my daedric dai katana with poision on it and stuff dies |
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Teh Suck(Lil Z) Trick Member

Joined: 30 Jan 2003 Location: Scranton,PA |
25. Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2003 2:01 pm Post subject: |
Theres no such thing as Paranoia Survivor Oni.
I've been getting into the zone alot,and its helping my PA. I was playing Mikeneko Rock a few hours ago for my 3rd time. I got the FC with roughly 70 greats(the person I was playing with hit the button before seeing letter grade). Its almost like the more I concentrate,the worse I do. I also passed PS and Sakura without really thinking during a nonstop today. Then failed on Twilight Zone..because the freezes wouldn't hold. Sucks. _________________
No signature, because its what all the cool kids do. |
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Pop'n Usagi! Trick Member

Joined: 17 Nov 2002 Location: Your mum |
26. Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2003 2:08 pm Post subject: |
My greatest time in "the zone" has to be when i got 1 damned great on max300 >.< i was concentrating so much hitting the arrows i couldn't feel pressure building in my legs... and i don't think i beathed very much during that time but i snapped out of it on the "ok!" After the middle freeze to say "Holy shit!" And got a great on the first step after the freeze ._. That really hurt afterwards though... PA is more draining than just passing anything... _________________
[quote:8b1ee61c71="rampage in oct '04"]
I'm sure if it was sold for profit, Konami would clamp down on it (I'm sure it's a matter of time before they clamp down on ITG).[/quote]
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dancedude59 Trick Member

Joined: 01 Nov 2002 Location: NE Pennsylvania |
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Lhiannon Sidhe Trick Member

Joined: 09 Sep 2003 Location: CFB Borden |
28. Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2003 12:35 am Post subject: |
The first time I went into the Zone, I can't remember the song now, but I picked it by accident, as the arrows began to scroll, they were more complex steps than anything I had even attempted up to that point. "I can't do this" I thought and made no move to even try. Next thing I know, I was halfway through the song with a 150-something combo. |
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DdRXtrEmExMaNiAc Basic Member

Joined: 17 Jun 2003
29. Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2003 9:17 am Post subject: |
For my "zone" i was playin Maxx unlimmited i got all de way through all of it then near the end i failed that SUCKED the worst part so many people were watching me play it haha wellz thats my experience nd the funniest thing? i cant even get to the double freeze on Max 300[/quote] |
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DdRXtrEmExMaNiAc Basic Member

Joined: 17 Jun 2003
30. Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2003 9:17 am Post subject: |
For my "zone" i was playin Maxx unlimmited i got all de way through all of it then near the end i failed that SUCKED the worst part so many people were watching me play it haha wellz thats my experience nd the funniest thing? i cant even get to the double freeze on Max 300 |
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StarmanDXE Trick Member

Joined: 18 Aug 2003 Location: Harleysville, PA |
31. Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2003 11:16 am Post subject: |
Yeah. Wei wu wei (check my spelling on that). Doing without doing. Its so hard to get in that state of not actually watching the arrows while you still are. You really just have to think of something else at the same time, but not too strongly or you'll start missing steps. |
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JaKa Trick Member

Joined: 12 Jun 2003 Location: Staten Island, NYC |
32. Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2003 11:54 am Post subject: |
This happened to me when I played doubles in front of a bunch of ppl who are were only at the light/standard level on singles. I was a DDR god for a day even though I suck!  |
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bemani-man Trick Member

Joined: 14 Jun 2003 Location: Ridgeland, SC |
33. Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2003 10:37 pm Post subject: |
Deadfrog(^RAWR^) wrote: | Theres no such thing as Paranoia Survivor Oni. |
I thought the Survivor songs were part of the Oni remixs. Thats where I got the O. My bad, guys.
I hope the zone comes to me on Monday. Intense lineup, at least for me.
LOM Standard
Across a Nightmare Hvy
Cartoon Heroes Hvy
Drop Out from Nonstop Megamix
Tsugaru Hvy
Tsugaru ~Apple Mix~
Sakura Hvy
bag Hvy
Gonna die from lack of breathe. MUST PASS LOM BEFORE POETIC RAVEN!
Also, what is the song on Extreme with the flames coming from the left side of the screen, and the little Samurai dude in the background? _________________
 EBT wrote: | i havnt had a problem witht he combat in morrowind
i swing my daedric dai katana with poision on it and stuff dies |
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osirisZER0 Trick Member

Joined: 10 Sep 2003
34. Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2003 4:11 pm Post subject: |
bemani-man, I think you might be talking about the song stoic. Anyways, wei wu wei (I like that better than The Zone) is great. Yeah man. |
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RAJ821 Trick Member

Joined: 14 Aug 2003 Location: Jacksonville, FL |
35. Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2003 6:09 pm Post subject: |
Ok, there are many many MANY "experiances" threads on this forum. I'm no mod, but I think they should merege into SUPER EXPERIANCES THREAD!!!
Theres most embarrassing :
The Stick in the arcade forum:
and... well this of course...
So, 2 should probably be lox0rs and the other one (prolly the stickied) will be SHARE DDR EXPERIANCES MAX ... 2! _________________
The thing about political jokes is that some of them get elected. |
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The Samurais Basic Member

Joined: 24 Sep 2003 Location: Samurai Dojo |
36. Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2003 2:11 pm Post subject: DDR experiance |
One time I was at the arcade dancing (doin' my Disco moves) and this old dude came up and started filming me!! He never told me what it was for.
-Samurai Kurai- _________________
Kill Ninjas, Samurai Style! |
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KiMMery Trick Member

Joined: 07 Aug 2003 Location: In front of my computer |
37. Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2003 3:03 pm Post subject: |
I've been "in the zone" only once that I can recall. It was LoM on standard, and I had never passed it before. I typically fail right at the end, with all the off-beats, and I usually freak out when I know it's coming. But this time I didn't even think at all. My eyes were closed, and I got through it with a B.
Okay, not the biggest feat. But it was a BIG deal for me. _________________
got stream? |
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thetaller1 Trick Member

Joined: 26 Jun 2003 Location: Ur Momma |
38. Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2003 3:33 pm Post subject: Re: Weird DDR Experiences |
bemani-man wrote: | OK, I expect this to be a bit weird to most of you. Heck, it's still weird for me.
I was at the arcade, joking around and playing DDR Extreme. I whipped a few people, but after the 2nd, hardly anyone would play against me.
I had done everything I wanted to do, except one thing: play PARANOIA survivor on Heavy.
I chose it, and stomped the down arrow a few times to switch to Heavy.
I hit the button. As soon as the background appeared, I had the weirdest feeling. You know, like when you're nervous, but when you take that step and do it, you kinda get all calm? Thats sorta what happened.
(this is the weird part) I saw nothing but the screen, heard nothing, and only felt my feet moving. I got about halfway through when I ran out of breath. I hopped off and let a kid I was hanging out with take over. I looked at the wall where everyone was.
They were dead quiet, and actually STARING at me. Not like "you're a fool" staring. More like "that was the most increadible thing I've ever seen and I'm struck for words" staring. I felt like an outcast.
I later asked a friend what the problem with them was. He said that I was moving my feet so fast that they were a blur. I felt outcast even more, since no one I know at Star Castle can play PSO on Heavy and pass it.
I had a lifebar the whole time.
The only arrows I really felt were the speed gallops. I think thats what you call them.
Anyone else had a weird experience like this? If you have, please share it. |
thats a good story, seriously  _________________
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