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DDR_Apocalypse Trick Member

Joined: 24 Aug 2003 Location: At The End of the world |
0. Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2003 5:56 am Post subject: This would be cool! |
Dont you wish you could put cds in the ddr machine and have it process the beats for you and you can play it..that would be cool the arcades woul;d be making alot alot more that way though. (Like put in Linkin Park) And it would process the arrows for you that would be awesome. |
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L1nK Trick Member

Joined: 20 Jun 2003 Location: Kansas |
1. Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2003 7:06 am Post subject: |
It would be cool, but it would take a smart computer to read the song, then save it to RAM, then process arrows, and after you are done, delete the song and arrow pattern from RAM. It would be easier just to make mixes with songs from CD's already on them. _________________
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davidbrit2 Trick Member

Joined: 03 May 2002 Location: Grand Rapids area, MI |
2. Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2003 7:45 am Post subject: |
It would be insanely difficult to generate meaningful steps for an arbitrary song. Konami would be better off switching the games over to hard disks and releasing append CDs to load on a dozen or two songs at a time.
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Jaunty Ravyn of TLF Trick Member

Joined: 10 Sep 2002 Location: FW, TX |
3. Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2003 9:10 am Post subject: |
Without echoing what the other two posters have said, I'll say that I agree with them. Additionally, not only are there licensing issues, but time issues. Most non-Oni play sessions of 3 songs are about 6-7 minutes. Most standard-length songs are usually 3-4 minutes long, so 3 of those just about doubles the wait or other people. And what if you pop in, say, the FF6 soundtrack and make it process Dancing Mad (22 minutes long). It's just not a good idea. _________________
Every time you overstomp an arrow, God kills a Domo-kun.
Please, think of the Domo-kun. |
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altinure Trick Member

Joined: 29 Jun 2002 Location: wisconsin |
4. Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2003 9:14 am Post subject: |
Yes, Linkin Park, woo. |
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Drenchfur Trick Member

Joined: 27 Feb 2003
5. Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2003 12:57 pm Post subject: |
Okay, let's assume the machine will not allow more than 5 minutes of total song time in your game. That solves that problem.
Now, it's not to difficult for US to tell where the beat is. It shouldn't be too hard for a computer to find it either. Just watch the EQ graph on a decent stereo and you can almost see the beat. That takes care of light mode, eh?
The hard part would be making a program that can tell when a step should occur. It's kind of like tapping your finger to the song. It's tap, tap, tap, tap tap tap, and changes sometimes with the lyrics and other distinguishable parts of the song. Right now, humans (Konami guys) are the ones determining this. You can see in the heavy steps of songs the complex possibilities that a song allows for decent timing of steps. I've had to break down songs like this to create edit steps for them.
This will never really happen on a DDR scale (anyone remember M.A.G.S.? Seach ebay for it) but it's a very cool idea. |
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DDR_Apocalypse Trick Member

Joined: 24 Aug 2003 Location: At The End of the world |
6. Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2003 2:13 pm Post subject: |
Yea you all are right but it would be cool but it would be smart for them to take one song and generate it on there. |
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SO! loves Electroplankton Trick Member

Joined: 22 Dec 2002 Location: mommy told me not to say! |
7. Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2003 2:45 pm Post subject: |
Thats exactly what goo goo soundy does, i think... |
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ZAK Basic Member

Joined: 26 Aug 2003
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Cyd Trick Member

Joined: 09 Mar 2003 Location: Phuket, Thailand |
9. Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2003 2:45 pm Post subject: |
*pulls out some wood, makes his own custom ddr arcade machine, installs Stepmania, life is good* I could just imagine having a machine with 800 songs. Life would be good. _________________
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Kosaka-chan Trick Member

Joined: 21 Jun 2003 Location: In my dreams, meeting BeForU with Naoki Maeda... yeah right^_~ |
10. Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2003 4:27 pm Post subject: |
ZAK wrote: | all i have to say
Linkin Park really sucks. Even to DDR to. |
I might have responded to that, and I might have gotten all of my dear friends on the Linkin Park Message Board to respond to that, but then I'd get kicked out for flaming, so...
all I'm gonna say is, I feel so sorry for you if that's what you think.
*runs off to listen to Hybrid Theory*
...but first, getting back on topic, I have a really cool idea:
You know when you go to places like Gameworks to play DDR, and the music they're playing drowns out the wonderful voices of our favorite artists (like Naoki )? Well, no more! Introducing, the new and revolutionary DDR HEADPHONES!! You wear them while you play! That way, the music's never too soft, never too loud, and you can always hear it!
So, what do you guys think?  _________________
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aZnDdRfReAk805 Trick Member

Joined: 04 Dec 2002 Location: Movies playing DDR |
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davidbrit2 Trick Member

Joined: 03 May 2002 Location: Grand Rapids area, MI |
12. Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2003 6:05 pm Post subject: |
Miss Naoki wrote: | ...but first, getting back on topic, I have a really cool idea:
The back of the DDR machine has audio line out jacks, and you should be able to hook up some wireless headphones to them. I haven't tried it personally, yet.
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Last edited by davidbrit2 on Wed Feb 25, 2009 3:19 pm, edited 1 time in total |
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DDR_is_neat Trick Member

Joined: 22 Jul 2003 Location: Reading, PA |
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YmkFX Trick Member

Joined: 24 Jul 2003 Location: California |
14. Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2003 6:19 pm Post subject: |
And who's gonna pay for all the lawsuits Konami gets when record companies realize Konami and arcades everywhere are playing their songs for a profit?
Oh yeah, but you like the licensed music, keep on dreamin, in fact, why not dream alittle bigger. How about a Linkin Park mix of DDR, or maybe they rename it Kinkin Park Revolution.
Get SM or DWI and do it yourself ya' lazy b*stard and make your own step charts, that's what I do. _________________
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Daniel Trick Member

Joined: 29 Aug 2002 Location: Sonoma, CA |
15. Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2003 9:34 pm Post subject: |
It could be done, and it could be done for hardly any extra money spent on hardware. However record companies would not allow this. Konami will not allow this either because somebody could bring in an offensive song. There are voice recognition programs that can filter out offensive words, but somebody could easily object to Like A Virgin or anything else that slips past censors.
It's not that I think Like A Virgin should be banned of course. |
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ninjafetus Trick Member

Joined: 07 Apr 2002 Location: Albuquerque, NM/Lubbock, TX |
16. Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2003 9:55 pm Post subject: |
Woah... this could NOT be done. Sure, computers can find a beat... kind of. But do you know how small the window for a perfect (much less a marvelous) is? You could have a 'beat' going that the computer found, but you would feel like its off when you played it, I'm sure.
Why? Well, beatfinders in music programs basically look for peaks of sound that are both above a certian volume, and increase to that velocity in a certian window of time. If you have any song that isn't techno, that means you won't have perfect tempo, and a beafinder would just probably average it. DDR does NOT have a constantly shifting tempo for arrows (although they compensate for small things, like in Little doggy).
Then comes the even bigger problem of where to put the arrows... it just couldn't do it. Even if it had a database of different patterns for different sets of time, how would it know what melody to follow? (if there even IS a melody... damn kids and their damn rock and roll...) Drum patterns?
It's just... a bad idea. I'm sorry. It is. For a lot of reasons. I won't even get into the liscensing issues... _________________
Drunk Slugs. |
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Drenchfur Trick Member

Joined: 27 Feb 2003
17. Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2003 10:46 pm Post subject: |
Okay, wireless headphones would be a BAD idea, even if they never fell off. We look stupid enough playing this game as it is. But to dance to music only you can hear...? Um, no.  |
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davidbrit2 Trick Member

Joined: 03 May 2002 Location: Grand Rapids area, MI |
18. Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2003 10:55 pm Post subject: |
No, the music would still come out of the cabinet speakers. Beatmania III has built in headphone jacks and does just this. And the headphones wouldn't have to be the huge studio kind.
og kush seeds
Last edited by davidbrit2 on Wed Feb 25, 2009 3:19 pm, edited 1 time in total |
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Kosaka-chan Trick Member

Joined: 21 Jun 2003 Location: In my dreams, meeting BeForU with Naoki Maeda... yeah right^_~ |
19. Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2003 3:29 pm Post subject: |
DDR_is_neat wrote: | I don't think the headphone idea would be good. It seems as though they would fall off if you were doing a song with lots of moving.
Linkin Park is not heavy metal!  |
Good point... I didnt really think of that...
And LP is NOT heavy metal... but that doesn't mean they aren't great!
I like rock and metal...
...and J-pop Yeah I'm a freak I know _________________
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