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0. PostPosted: Mon Aug 18, 2003 9:51 am    Post subject: Why KOJ/KOA/KOE Why Reply with quote

Why does KOJ?KOA jerk us around with DDR. I don't get it don't they know we take this game seriously and want our ddr just like the japanese get. It's not fair I say not fair at all E19.gif

Last edited by XENONTASY on Mon Aug 18, 2003 10:55 am, edited 1 time in total
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Pop'n Usagi!
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1. PostPosted: Mon Aug 18, 2003 9:59 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

First, you don't know the meaning of bad DDR, I live in england ¬_¬

Yes, Konami should have some public advisors involving DDR.. They can't make a good DDR game without knowing what the public want..
[quote:8b1ee61c71="rampage in oct '04"]
I'm sure if it was sold for profit, Konami would clamp down on it (I'm sure it's a matter of time before they clamp down on ITG).[/quote]
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2. PostPosted: Mon Aug 18, 2003 10:19 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ok also KOE they all need help
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dj 8-ball
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3. PostPosted: Mon Aug 18, 2003 10:49 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Take it from me.
They believe that all we are (DDrfreak and other DDR sites & players) are nothing but a bunch of kids in some huge fanclub.
Those were pretty much the words I got from a Konami person when I brought up different aspects and ideas.
They don't respect us, they don't believe we know what we want, they don't think anything we want is "good for business."
Granted there are plenty of things that players have requested that are simply out of the question (certain songs, imports etc.) Konami still looks down upon us as a bunch of kids.
If Soujiro started at full speed fighting Kenshin he would have won but nooooo...:laugh.gif
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Jaunty Ravyn of TLF
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4. PostPosted: Mon Aug 18, 2003 11:05 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

To the original poster -

Okay, have you not seen the partial songlist for Max2US yet? We're getting So Deep. We're getting In the Navy. We're getting Dream a Dream. We're getting Twilight Zone. We're even getting Ghosts! That's not even mentioning the US exclusives (Heaven, Busy Child, Days Go By, Love at First Sight, et al). They haven't even gotten into the hidden songlist, with Maxx Unlimited, Kakumei, and Burning Heat (not confirmed, but expected). If you'd read through the two Max2US posts in Console Games, you'd see that - at least as we understand it - they've been building to this point over the past few years. If you want to play a home version of the arcade mixes, then import, like many people do. If you want to enjoy the really cool stuff that KOA is actually giving us, then get the US versions.
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Please, think of the Domo-kun.
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5. PostPosted: Mon Aug 18, 2003 11:14 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I can see why people might be upset, but I really don't think its that big a deal.

First of all, even though the US doesn't have a good DDR USA arcade version, there are still Japanese versions all over the place in the US, as we all know. So it doesn't really matter that there isn't a good USA mix.

For home versions, I suppose we do get a little shafted, but as the above poster said, the USA releases are starting to improve. Plus, it isn't too difficult to just import the Japanese versions.
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6. PostPosted: Mon Aug 18, 2003 11:24 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ok well see hers what i mean when we get a ddr game I want the game in my opinion to be like the arcade then have eclusive tracks in them. I know the whole song list and its nice but I would rather have it for like the arcade plus I didn't see challegeing/oni mode on there just nonstop and endless. those to are good and all but I want my oni and plus thers over I think including all the oni tracks 120 songs something like that and how much were getting. Now heres what I mean they could of included all the tracks from max2 plus added the eclusives. So my point is we get jerked while the jap have it more better. Also it is true that imports aren't hard to get but for a game that exists both here and jap we really shouldn't have to import.
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7. PostPosted: Mon Aug 18, 2003 12:24 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

General golden rule of video game companies: _____ of Japan is awesome, _____ of America isn't nearly as good, _____ of Europe downright sucks.

It's the same with every video game company.
Capcom of Japan is downright ingenious. Capcom of America misspells the names of their own characters in instruction manuals. (Seriously! laugh.gif I spotted 3 spelling errors on one page, and the game was released in 2003!)
Sega of Japan brought us good games. Sega of America brought us bad lip-syncing in cutscenes. Sega of Europe brought us games that are nearly unplayable in 50Hz mode.
Konami is no different. Konami of Japan gave us Bemani. Konami of America gave us spliced DDR mixes that are full of bugs. Konami of Europe routinely digs themselves into a hole, then they get random people to dump water in said hole.
Math problems? Call 1-800-[(10x)(13i)^2]-[sin(xy)/2.362x].

Don't make me mad, I know karate!
(Not to mention a bunch of other Japanese words.)
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8. PostPosted: Mon Aug 18, 2003 12:44 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Why is everyone here so damn obsessed with getting THE EXACT SAME GAME AS THE JAPANESE VERSION? Seriously, that argument comes up TIME AND TIME AGAIN.

"Oh Konami? Why do you hate us? Why don't you just port Max2 JP over to the US and have it with the exact same songlist!"

Why can't anyone just be happy with what we're getting? Seriously, Konamix had 52 songs, Max US had 71 and I'm guessing Max2 US will have around the same number.

DDR 5th mix had 47 songs, about 8 of which were taken directly from MAX, DDRMAX had 44 or so, and Max had hardly any unlocks to speak of, and Max2 JP had around 74 (5 of which were from old DDR games, another 12 from USA mixes, as well as several repeats like Kind Lady, So In Love).

You know, the only reason Konami representatives look at the DDRFreak as a bunch of little kids is because most of the people here are just asking for ridiculous things that are out of the question.

Oh I know! Let's ask Konami of America to release a mix of DDR with every single song from the arcade mix of Extreme, WITH Petit Love AND the four songs out of Max2!

Seriously, some of the people here need to just stop whining.
Gee, the One thing that FrUstrates me the most is when i see a sCreenname or sentence lacKing anY Ordinary rUles foR SpElling and capitaLization. Funny that very few actually have a rhyme or reason behind their methods.
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9. PostPosted: Mon Aug 18, 2003 2:34 pm    Post subject: Re: Why KOJ/KOA/KOE Why Reply with quote

howsthis4ya wrote:
Why does KOJ?KOA jerk us around with DDR. I don't get it don't they know we take this game seriously and want our ddr just like the japanese get. It's not fair I say not fair at all E19.gif

Because they can get away with releasing a DDR home mix that has a decent songlist. Creating a home mix that is arcade perfect would cost a lot in licensing fees.

Also as long as they're are plenty of DDR Extreme machines in the USA, I'm perfectly happy. Home mixes really aren't as fun as playing in the arcade.
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10. PostPosted: Mon Aug 18, 2003 2:43 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Poochy wrote:
Capcom of America misspells the names of their own characters in instruction manuals. (Seriously! laugh.gif I spotted 3 spelling errors on one page, and the game was released in 2003!)

That game sucks.
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11. PostPosted: Mon Aug 18, 2003 2:54 pm    Post subject: ... Reply with quote

Rockman & Forte too, they misspell Wily. "Wiley". What idiots.
I smil cuz I have no idea what's going on.E1.gif
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Max's Period
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12. PostPosted: Mon Aug 18, 2003 3:47 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Does anyone know if Love Love Shine is going to be on Max2? I seriously Love that song.

On topic: Yes, It would be nice to get all games off extreme on a PS2 disk, but it is not going to happen. Mabye if the title was Like

____ Dance Dance Revolution

And the Single/double thing like

Single left.gif

And there be no announcer noises, and no background, them it might be possible. but it won't happen. it is nice to have all that we have, but we allways seem to have this weird hunger for more DDR songs.
Live in St. Johns? Love DDR? Have access to the Avalon mall? Mabye we could get together sometime and show each other our moves! PM me!

Last edited by Max's Period on Tue Aug 19, 2003 2:12 am, edited 2 times in total
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Max's Period
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13. PostPosted: Mon Aug 18, 2003 3:49 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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14. PostPosted: Mon Aug 18, 2003 7:04 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The DDR scene in the US was built on top of importing, both in arcades - where nearly every DDR mix is imported - and at home - where people were importing the Japanese PSX games long before we had an official US release. The rule of thumb has ALWAYS been that if you want the Japanese games, you import them.

Furthermore, complaining that DDRMAX2 USA is not exactly the same as DDRMAX2 Arcade is laughable, because DDRMAX2 JP home isn't the same as DDRMAX2 Arcade. A handful of licensed songs new to MAX2 were cut, none of the MAX1 songs returned, and a number of the returning KOs were left off.

The reasons why we don't get exact duplicate home mixes as Japan have been beaten to death. I highly recommend you do some back reading.

And honestly, how is getting a new mix somehow a BAD thing?
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15. PostPosted: Mon Aug 18, 2003 10:49 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

there needs to be a sticky here in gigantic bold letters saying that the american and japanese mixes are nothing alike, and will never be exactly the same. maybe that will cut down on the endless complaining: "max2 usa isnt exactly like the arcade max2?? thats unpossible!! it has the same name maaaxxxx twooooo!!!"
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16. PostPosted: Mon Aug 18, 2003 11:53 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Jaunty Ravyn of TLF wrote:
Busy Child

...sweeeet! biggrin.gif

This might sound stupid, but after DDR MAX came out (and I played it a bunch) I send a postcard to the address given in the instruction book. I thanked them for putting out the game, and for the edit mode, and mentioned what I would like to see in a future version.

Will it help? I doubt it. I'm just one dude.
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17. PostPosted: Tue Aug 19, 2003 12:07 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

they do this because they know we can just import. why would they make games in two different languages that are exactly the same?

this is the first time ive ever seen dj 8 ball post. amazing. he has over 1000 posts?! where was i?
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18. PostPosted: Tue Aug 19, 2003 7:35 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ok look heres my pov on the game it should have all or mostly all the songs from the arcade, then have what ever songs they throw at us. Now since people have diff povs of the game mine is I want like the arcade plus now then in a percentage how much od you reall like konamix,MAX, and upcoming MAX2 songlist and the feats that we know so far are in them. I'm still gonna get max 2 but I wish KOA would listen to us from there own message board and give up a real ddr experience.
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19. PostPosted: Tue Aug 19, 2003 8:19 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

howsthis4ya wrote:
I wish KOA would listen to us from there own message board

Well, this isn't Konami's message board. We are DDR "freaks" and as such aren't held in high respect except with each other.

Each new game that comes out in the US for psx or ps2 instantly becomes my favorite, and is soon dropped after the next one arrives.

If Konami put out "DDR MAX 1.5" which was a 60-fps/fmv compilation of DDR USA and KONAMIX, I'd buy it right away. 30fps hurts my eyes now.
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