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Syxx Trick Member

Joined: 20 Feb 2003 Location: Chicagoland |
220. Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2003 5:31 pm Post subject: |
My name is Dan, I'm 23 and I live in Gurnee, IL. I've been posting on here for a few months, and I post on this board quite often so I thought I'd introduce myself.
I've been playing since a week before DDR MAX came out, so about since October or November 2002. I didn't really get into the game that much until I saw some really good people around the time I started posting here. Since then I've tried to become really good! I've slowly gotten better.
I can AA most 7 foot songs, some 8 foot songs, and 1 9 foot song, but as usual, this has been changing. I even have an arcade heavy AAA, but that was pure luck. I can usually AAA most light songs. I'd hate to list some favorite songs, because that changes almost every week, though one song I've consistantly liked is Spin the Disc.
I know there is only one person who posts one these board that plays where I usually do, at Gurnee Mills mall, but hopefully more people will come and post on this website in the future. Anyone can feel free to IM me if they'd like, or if they have any questions on anything I've posted about (metal pads, stepmania) or just anything in general. If I happen to be on, then I will always reply. It's been nice reading more about other people who post on here.
Oh and if you see anything posted on this website by me that seems stupid, that just means I'm being stupid on purpose haha lol Rox0rz lmao  _________________
whites |
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SakuraElirianis Basic Member

Joined: 11 Aug 2003 Location: Wellington, NZ |
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Dizzy4Life Basic Member

Joined: 07 Aug 2003
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DDRMaxX Basic Member

Joined: 11 Aug 2003 Location: Hayward , California |
223. Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2003 9:52 am Post subject: |
Hey everybody , I'm new to this forum...And...Umm...I don't have much to say about myself except.I'm 13 years old , I live in Hayward california , I've been playing DDR for almost 5 months , I'm on Heavy / Maniac difficulty , I play at Golden Tee ( Castro Vally ) and Regal IMAX theatres ( Dublin ) , I attend St. Johns catholic school , and my favoritest DDR songs are : The Legend of Max , MaxX Unlimited , MAX 300 , Rhythm & Polic , MATSURI JAPAN , PARANOiA Survivor Max , bag , Daikenkai , Across a Nightmare , Holic , DROP OUT , DEAD END , era , Healing Vision - Angelic Mix- , 22DUNK , etc. |
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Joined: 07 Mar 2003
224. Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2003 1:18 pm Post subject: |
ayo, my name is frylock, i used to be CZARcasm, but i got bored of the name and decided to change it to this one. My ddr level at the moment is 7 footers, but i tend to like freestyling to basic songs better. i've also been recently trying to beat my first Cata which is Matsuri Japan, I can do the steps more or les, but I'm usually out of breath and my feet start hurting like mad after like the first 1/2 of the song . I live in Florida and play at the Motown Café at Universal's City Walk....meh, that's mainly it. |
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Corduroy_Kid Basic Member

Joined: 11 Aug 2003 Location: on the bottom of your shoe |
225. Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2003 6:35 pm Post subject: |
i saw michael jackson playing ddr |
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Spangle Trick Member

Joined: 01 May 2003 Location: Oklahoma City |
226. Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2003 1:46 am Post subject: Re: Hi |
Dizzy4Life wrote: | anyway so far my favorite songs are
???(some kind of symbol) Japan |
Hehe, the kanji is Matsuri Japan.  _________________
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Skier_IRNX360 Trick Member

Joined: 12 Aug 2003 Location: Scranton, PA |
227. Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2003 8:20 am Post subject: |
Hello all. It would seem that this is the place to make oneself known.
Anyhow, my real name is Patrick, and I'm fairly new to DDR, but I'm hooked on it in a big way. I started playing about 3 weeks ago when I went down to Fredericksburg, VA to visit some college friends of mine. They had two pads and a copy of DDRMax for the US PS2. We ended up playing it for at least 45 min. - 1 hour every day I was down visiting. So, when I came home, I got onto this site and looked up the locations for machines around where I live (outside of Scranton, PA), while I anxiously awaited the ddr pad I had ordered to arrive.
I've been steadily progressing ever since I began, but I know I still have a long way to go to even be considered decent when it comes to other avid DDR players. I'm currently playing on Standard difficulty in DDRMax and can "A" the 6 footers, but the 7s are still giving me a lot of trouble. I definitely need to improve my balance when it comes to trying 7s or above.
As you might be able to tell from the name "Skier_IRNX360", I also madly love skiing. It's just unfortunate that I'm currently living/working/finishing up college on the East Coast, 'cause I know all you West Coast skiers will be ridiculing me for riding "hills"
Feel free to IM me on AIM (PFRogue1) to talk about ddr, skiing, music, or whatever.... that is of course if you happen to catch me online. I'm not on nearly as often anymore, what with all the work/classes/and DDR.
Sorry for being so long-winded. If you actually read all this, I'm impressed. Heheh. Later. |
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destinedfarewell Basic Member

Joined: 11 Aug 2003 Location: Fort Wayne, Indiana |
228. Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2003 3:05 pm Post subject: Hello |
Hello. My name is Amber, I'm 15, and from Fort Wayne, Indiana. I've been playing DDR since the end of April, and I'm fairly decent, at least I like to think so. I've played Max2 and Extreme in Japan. Some of favorite songs are:
Dynamite Rave
My Summer Love
And various other songs.. which I'm having trouble remembering right now, due to a four day migraine. I play almost all of my songs in Trick (Standard) mode. _________________
'I love DDR and pocky.'
Boredom is my master, and therefore I play DDR, morning, noon, and night.. Unless I'm at school, and then I'm juggling two jobs and a DDR habit.. Yay me! |
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DeadEndEd Basic Member

Joined: 25 Jul 2003 Location: C-Ville, Tennessee |
229. Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2003 5:21 pm Post subject: Hey Everybody |
Yeah I'm Edward from Tennessee. I'm OK by the standards in this area. [size=18][size=24]I can pass all the Heavy songs from DDRMAX2 except the Maxx Bros (which are completely insane). My favorite songs are....
Dead End...of course
Drop Out
Burning Heat
Dynamite Rave
and of course the Maxx Bros (on standard of course) |
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Daywalker Basic Member

Joined: 08 Jun 2003 Location: Murfreesboro, TN |
230. Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2003 3:38 pm Post subject: |
Hi everyone I'm Alan. I'm 24 yrs. old live in Murfreesboro Tennessee. I've been playing DDR since June 2003...and i still suck royally at it. But i have fun and that's all that matters
If any local people would like to chat my MSN and Yahoo messenger contacts are:
MSN: [email protected]
Yahoo: sublime2500 _________________
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monochromatic Basic Member

Joined: 30 May 2003 Location: im hidding try to find me |
231. Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2003 7:44 pm Post subject: can i have a dollar? |
hello my name is tom, im 5'9 or 69 inches , i have brown haor brown eyes, im 152 lbs and well built.... i love ddr i recently got sucked in by a friend and i havent been able to stop playing. i blow 50$ plus every friday night on ddr. my favorite song is daikenkai but im currently rethinking that. uh im currently dating a girl named d, and i also have noe clue wut i shuold be saying in this introduction . i love anime, and my favorite show is fooly cooly and if u can explain it to me please do so. i also love to come up with goofy phrases such as: "buttocks fritters!" (tm) heh. oh yeah and uh my goal is to beat out the ""omg i say ddr thread" thread" so post on my thread its the goofiest excuses uve ever heard for y a person is not playing there best... please post!!! death to the ""omg i say ddr thread" thread"! _________________
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Snoop_Rocket Basic Member

Joined: 10 Aug 2003 Location: San Antonio, TX |
232. Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2003 11:34 pm Post subject: Heyo! |
Hey guys, my name is Sean AKA Snoop Rocket! I'm 16 and I like techno, punk rock, hip hop and Japanese pop. I'm originally from Atlanta (GO BRAVES!), but I recently moved to Texas from Puerto Rico. I'm an easy-going, light-hearted and fun guy. I just now started playin DDR about a week ago. I only played once, at the Cyber Zone in the Rivercenter Mall here in downtown San Antonio, but I'm hooked for life and gettin some pads and the games soon. If any of you guys live in the San Antonio area or just wanna talk about DDR or something, you can IM me at SAMADAMS140 on AIM, or e-mail me at [email protected]. Oh yeah, for anyone who does go to Rivercenter Mall, I'm the 5'9", skinny guy with the Braves hat. I usually go there on the weekends, so if ya see me, shout me a holla! Oh yeah, my favorite DDR song so far is Captain Jack...See you guys later! |
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Biz Basic Member

Joined: 14 Aug 2003
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Hamz0r Basic Member

Joined: 16 Aug 2003
234. Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2003 3:25 pm Post subject: |
Hey, my name is Erik and I've been playing for like 6 months I guess, and well..yeah. |
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djsodu372ajai Trick Member

Joined: 16 Aug 2003
235. Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2003 9:19 pm Post subject: Yo... |
This is SMB#1 here, and I was banned from another board. So here is my new home. To find me, follow the instructions in my sig, remember, I am the one at CY who everybody calls me the best so far. Nice smilies BTW. |
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ddrpg Basic Member

Joined: 08 Aug 2003
236. Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2003 10:58 pm Post subject: |
Hello, I am new here. I live in Southern California and i started playing DDR a few months ago due to a demand from my fiancee (yes, im whipped ) but after awhile i became completely addicted to it.
I am still mostly in light mode, just venturing into standard. DDRMax (ps2) is where i spend most of my time DDR-wise. My big accomplishment of the day was AA'ing Rhythm & Police on light.
My favorite songs from max are Rhythm & Police, Gradiusic Cyber, and Synchronized Love.
Nice to meet you all.  |
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Joined: 18 Aug 2003 Location: Waldorf, MD |
237. Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2003 1:42 pm Post subject: *cough* newbie *cough* |
I'm Katie, my nick ofcourse is KB. Anyways, I've been playing DDR for like, 2 months at Pocket Change in Waldorf. *Woo Woo!* So, yeah, I suck so bad right now! I can usually pull off a B on some 4 foot songs on light, but I play only every so often, so I'm getting better slowly. My favorite songs are. . . . 3-Dam-Dariram 2-Butterfly and 1-.59 ! So, I play FFR aswell, and I'm definetly much better at that. Hopefully I'll get better when I get my car in 5 months and I can drive up to the mall whenever I want! My AIM is JuggaletteKB, I'm super friendly, IM me whenever. PEACE! _________________
JuggaletteKB: is 'girls not grey' about oral sex?they say swallow alot
allmidniteyes06: im not sure...
JuggaletteKB: oh. . . .well, in my mind, that song will always represent oral sex. |
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RaD Basic Member

Joined: 18 Aug 2003 Location: Justice, IL |
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Kosaka-chan Trick Member

Joined: 21 Jun 2003 Location: In my dreams, meeting BeForU with Naoki Maeda... yeah right^_~ |
239. Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2003 3:12 pm Post subject: |
Dark Ethnicity wrote: | Hey my names' james,or J.B. or pie 3.14,take your pick..anyway been playing for about 15 months now,and most of you would think"Oh come-on playing that long he must be a super-pro guy or whatever."But truth be told I suck,I can't pass Xenon,beat Sakura on oni with only a B,can only get about 3/4 through So Deep,and I can get to the second slow down of Paranoia Survivor and Max.Depressing day indeed.... |
Hey, you're better than me
I'm called DJ, or Salty (don't ask) or Miss Naoki (guess who my favorite artist is!), I've been playing since June, I can pass 6-footer songs and I'm working on passing HoliQ (by TaC) on heavy as my next big DDR project. My addictions include anime, DDR (duh), and hard rock/heavy metal.
My favorite anime is Risky Safety, favorite DDR song is Sobakasu Freckles, and my favorite band is KoRn.
That's about it. _________________
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