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Beatmania/IIDX/III thread (baby you're solid GOLD)
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1160. PostPosted: Tue Aug 05, 2003 1:06 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Saiyajin wrote:

And what do you post about? You've said only a few things in the past few weeks... and one of them was bragging about things you did a while back with some picture links.

Ya I did a few months ago when I first started playing.

I find it very hypocritical that you would tell me I am not providing ample discussion posts, while you are doing even less to this topic than I am.

Considering I made this topic and usually try to get a discussion going but people like just ignore it and try to impress us with weak accomplishments that no one gives a frick about.
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1161. PostPosted: Tue Aug 05, 2003 1:17 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yuz wrote:
BTW; I heard you're quite the ryan stalker on AIM frown.gif

Well, if messaging him once to find out what he meant when he said "that hurts frown.gif" and then messaging him again the next day to give him a funny picture I made that says, "You are the worst ever! #0 Brown ribbon" as a joke, because I thought it was funny to call him "the worst" when he's the best. Then, I am a stalker.

Ryan, if you have a problem with me ever messaging you on AIM, please just tell me yourself, so I never go out of the way to do it again. Believe me, I'm just trying to be friendly, not create an enemy or bug you. Sorry for all it's worth.

And, yes, I know I suck at IIDX. I have sucked forever, and I will continue to suck.

*Signs off his screen name*
*Deletes his internet browser*
*Finds a new hobby*

PS~ I never once intended my posts to brag... rather, to celebrate. But, really, what's the difference?
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Maniac Member
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1162. PostPosted: Tue Aug 05, 2003 1:37 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Stop. This is becoming a flame war, and if it keeps going on like this, this topic goes the way of the Pissing Match thread.

If you're not impressed by someone's accomplishments, by all means, be unimpressed. But you don't have to say anything about it, nor do you have to be a jerk about it if you feel that you do need to say something.

People can post their accomplishments if they want. From 5.1.1. Light 7 to V Another. People have been posting less-than-impressive accomplishments in this thread for a long time now. Why is it suddenly a problem?

PSM_blows_Sean wrote:
Can we try to keep a flame war from happening.


Oh ya if anyone has another good topic starter feel free to post it.

This could easily be interpreted as "Talk about anything."
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1163. PostPosted: Tue Aug 05, 2003 1:51 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

If I may interject...

PSM_blows_Sean wrote:
Considering I made this topic and usually try to get a discussion going but people like just ignore it and try to impress us with weak accomplishments that no one gives a fuk about.

If you hadn't made the topic, someone else would've. Please try not so sound so proud of yourself for making it. Since this *is* our one and only IIDX topic, everything is going to go here, whether you want to read it or not. Accomplishments, discussion, whatever.

Since 9th Style isn't really a hot topic right now, and 7th Style CS seems to have gone the way of GF/DM, there isn't much to discuss, so accomplishments are naturally going to make up the meat of posts. For some reason, however, people have seemed to single out Saiyajin and belittle his accomplishments. Why not belittle Sk1p for passing L7 songs? Or me for some Anothers? While these accomplishments may mean nothing to you, I feel that it is important to "brag" now and again when you do something that makes you feel good. If that post doesn't interest you, skip it, please don't belittle it. All of these petty arguements are far less important and relevant than some accomplishments.

As for me, I don't find L7 AAA's easy at all. I have a total of 4 AAA's (Comment te Dire Adieu on all difficulties, and Romeo & Juliet L7). I can pass a lot of Anothers, but I can't time my hits for garbage, so even an L7 AAA is impressive to me.

Now can't we all just get along, and play some IIDX like one big happy family?

EDIT: Seems CStarFlare beat me to the trigger...darn this modem...

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Trylan (Another)
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1164. PostPosted: Tue Aug 05, 2003 2:23 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

So I went to the arcade yesterday, 4th time playing iidx for me. I passed Bit Mania L7, and a few other 2, 3, and 4 star songs. I also full combo'd digital mind, which i was proud of E1.gif

Well, its not much, i cant AAA anything, but i feel like im getting better slowly but surely biggrin.gif
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1165. PostPosted: Tue Aug 05, 2003 2:41 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'll throw this topic in the ring...

Is it just me or are the old club mix songs on IIDX 3rd Style CS just impossible to time right? I have such a hard time getting flashing greats on things like Gambol and e-motion... The difference is quite apparant to me when compared to the non-club mix songs in the game.

Anyone else notice this?

And since I'd actually like to have a small discussion regarding AAAs: I AAA-ed my first two songs recently: Comment te Dire Adieu L7 and Jelly Kiss L7. So it seems that if you're at a medium skill level like myself (I can beat a couple 7s) then the first song you might want to attempt a AAA on is Comment te Dire Adieu since it was mentioned once before. Its got a nice steady beat and easy to distinguish notes and patterns (like Jelly Kiss). It took me quite a bit of time to get Jelly Kiss though. I was 2 points away for the longest time and then all of a sudden I beat my score by 15. IIDX is such a strange game.

I'm going to ramble here since I've got nothing to do at work, so bear with me....

This is kind of my problem with Marvelous' in DDR though. It's something that is 'SO' exact, that elements like the ammount of space in between one particular sensor/key or sensor/arrow might affect your ability to get a Flashing Great/Great or Perfect/Marvelous. I have an easier time forgiving it IIDX than I do in DDR though. Probably most of you have come to accept the fact that sometimes you could get 80% flashing greats on one song attempt, and another attempt immediately afterward can get 60% flashing greats. It still just doesn't sit well with me though. It's odd when you're about 20-40 points away from a AAA on a IIDX song, then after 20 attempts, finally get the AAA.... only to not duplicate it for another 20-30 attempts. It's almost like I don't count it as being accomplished if I can't repeat it with SOME regularity. Yes, the key here is to figure out a way to achieve that consistency... but when you playing a game like DDR, how is that possible when there are factors like the quality of the pad sensors, or the depth of the indent that one particular arrow has compared to the others, or the 'give' or 'bounce' that a pad might have when it's put on a carpet rather than a hard floor? All these things are beyond your control and WILL affect your ability to get a Marvelou vs Perfect. I've seen people get wide ranges of Marv/Perf scores each time they play a nonstop or oni. When back in the 7th Mix days, there was much more consistency attainable with Perfects/Greats as the measuring stick.

I digress. I'm really just concerned if people have noticed that 3rd Style issue I mentioned at the beginning. E1.gif
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St. Nick
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1166. PostPosted: Tue Aug 05, 2003 3:11 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Word on e-motion and Gambol being messed up.
My combo is higher than my ex score on both of those songs right now. Its not me either. I'm close to a AA on EOTC(7) and I've AAA'd -SP- Trip Machine(7).

Does anyone not have this problem?
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1167. PostPosted: Tue Aug 05, 2003 3:25 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Bean wrote:
I'll throw this topic in the ring...

Is it just me or are the old club mix songs on IIDX 3rd Style CS just impossible to time right? I have such a hard time getting flashing greats on things like Gambol and e-motion... The difference is quite apparant to me when compared to the non-club mix songs in the game.

Anyone else notice this?

It seems interesting that you mention that. When I look at my 3 lowest scoring songs on 3rd style, they are: Patsenner, Gambol, E-Motion, with E-Motion being my only D on 7-key and Another. On the flip side, I have a Perfect Combo on E-Motion L7.

Bean wrote:
So it seems that if you're at a medium skill level like myself (I can beat a couple 7s) then the first song you might want to attempt a AAA on is Comment te Dire Adieu since it was mentioned once before.

Yes, songs by Orange Lounge beg to be AAA'ed. I've passed everything on 7-key (on 6th style at least) and even a few flashing 7 Anothers, but that song is the only song I've AAA'ed on 7-key or Another (and almost the only one on L7)

on another note, I just passed Rottel-da-Sun[a], leaving just 9 more Anothers to go on 6th style. Now I just wish I could figure out how to improve my timing.

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1168. PostPosted: Tue Aug 05, 2003 3:57 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Cheez wrote:
Now I just wish I could figure out how to improve my timing.

Go back to easie songs and start concentrating on what evauation you're getting for each note. Figure out why you're getting Goods and such on them and adjust by hitting sooner/faster or later/slower. I did that a little while ago and my EX scores went way up (though you're ahead of me, I haven't AAA'ed anything yet [no drive to sit down and do it]). You eventually start to do it automatically so when You go on to harder songs you can adjust to the right timing. Also, thing about HS and things (if you use them) you're obviously going to have to hit it earlier on HS3 than you think you might on HS2.

Does that make sense?
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1169. PostPosted: Tue Aug 05, 2003 6:39 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Bean wrote:
Is it just me or are the old club mix songs on IIDX 3rd Style CS just impossible to time right? I have such a hard time getting flashing greats on things like Gambol and e-motion... The difference is quite apparant to me when compared to the non-club mix songs in the game.

I don't know about 3rd Style, but I've been wondering the same thing about Tablets Another. On 7 Key, I can AAA it easily, but I get low As on the Another. It's not THAT much harder. >.>

(This is on 6th Style; I don't play Tablets much on 5th so I can't say if it's like that on both games)

Cheez: Your post was better, anyway. E15.gif
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1170. PostPosted: Tue Aug 05, 2003 8:00 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

CStarFlare wrote:

I don't know about 3rd Style, but I've been wondering the same thing about Tablets Another. On 7 Key, I can AAA it easily, but I get low As on the Another. It's not THAT much harder. >.>

I think it's just you, I usually score around 1250 on Tablets[a], and I've AA'ed it. I score about the same on 7-key too. Tablets is one of my better songs for timing.

CStarFlare wrote:
Cheez: Your post was better, anyway. E15.gif

Thanks happy.gif

flux (nine line play) wrote:
A lot of stuff about improving timing

I've tried that before, but I always score really consistently even when I try to figure it out. I know Saiyajin spends a *lot* of time in L7, which is probably why his timing is so much better than mine, whereas I spend most of my time in Another, which is probably why I can hit notes better than him. I think my problem is that I just can't hold a steady beat. And some songs seem to be off or just weird as well. Get on Beat, for example, I get excessive Goods on.

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1171. PostPosted: Tue Aug 05, 2003 8:25 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Tablets another is off
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1172. PostPosted: Tue Aug 05, 2003 9:19 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I second that. I played it today and thought what are all these greats doing here.
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1173. PostPosted: Wed Aug 06, 2003 9:06 am    Post subject: Reply with quote


I was thinking that maybe those 340bpm parts screwed up my timing. Good to know it's not me. E15.gif

So, the timing issues on 9th Style... are they about that bad?
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1174. PostPosted: Wed Aug 06, 2003 10:58 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

They are 360BPM not 340BPM.
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1175. PostPosted: Wed Aug 06, 2003 12:23 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

CStarFlare wrote:

I was thinking that maybe those 340bpm parts screwed up my timing. Good to know it's not me. E15.gif

So, the timing issues on 9th Style... are they about that bad?

It depends what songs you play for instance max300 is so ridiculous. Its not even worth playing but then there are songs like Karma that are really on time so it is easy to get a AAA.

Speaking of which can you guys help make a list of songs that are really off. Some of the songs Ive noticed are
solid gold
bad boy bass
psm (actually I think this is just one of those songs where its just really hard to score on)
hmm im drawing a blank ill add more after I go play 9th style today.

edit- is it just me or is the rottle-de-mercury video disturbing (like the part where the guy is fishing for tran)
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1176. PostPosted: Wed Aug 06, 2003 3:18 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Is the whole timing issue, a technical glitch in the game, or was it purposely done like in Beatmania(5 key) where some songs have harder timing than others?
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1177. PostPosted: Wed Aug 06, 2003 4:09 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well... glad this thread is back to normal.

New scores:
Beautiful Days [L7]: AAA
Jelly Kiss [L7]: AAA
Yesterday [L7]: AAA

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Twisted Silence
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1178. PostPosted: Wed Aug 06, 2003 5:06 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Cstar still owns me, as do you, TS, so I mean no disrespect here.

I appreciate the compliment, but I still end B4U [a] and GOB WS [a] with 2%. E4.gif
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1179. PostPosted: Wed Aug 06, 2003 9:00 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

~ SA.M ~ wrote:
Is the whole timing issue, a technical glitch in the game, or was it purposely done like in Beatmania(5 key) where some songs have harder timing than others?

No its a technical issue.

And hey everyone try silvia drive (A) I know the song kinda sucks alot but its actually really fun on another.
If every world problem got solved today, there'd be another one next week -Kerry King
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