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IIDX Popularity
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0. PostPosted: Wed Jul 30, 2003 11:31 pm    Post subject: IIDX Popularity Reply with quote

Okay, one of my friends was chosen to make an arcade. He already decided to have DDR in it because that makes alot of money, but does IIDX make alot? I need to know the popularity of it where ever you live. Thanks.
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1. PostPosted: Thu Jul 31, 2003 8:11 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

If it's in Georgia it will. E10.gif

Texas already has several IIDX machines.

Perhaps ask an arcade with one?
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2. PostPosted: Thu Jul 31, 2003 8:55 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

While I don't go to an arcade with an IIDX machine, I assume that in order for it to be pretty popular, it would need to be at an arcade with a pretty large bemani fan base. The only bemani game at my arcade that actually gets played regularly is DDR, so I assume in order to get your money's worth, you would need to be sure that there are actually people in the area willing to put time into it.
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3. PostPosted: Thu Jul 31, 2003 6:20 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well here in Massachusetts there are tons of people that would die for an IIDX machine. But guess what. There aren't any in the whole frickin' state! (Or at least anywhere remotely near the Boston area. Although I'm pretty sure there aren't any at all in Mass.) disgust.gif

I would say that IIDX is pretty popular and I don't think your friend would have a problem with revenue. I'm actually seriously considering my modding options for my PS2 just so I can import IIDX. Damn region crap. I'm just gonna walk away disgruntled now...
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4. PostPosted: Thu Jul 31, 2003 6:45 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The thing is, IIDX is an expensive machine to operate and maintain.

The screen is critical. The orignal 16:9 projection screens that come with the machine usually end up getting quite dim and eventually will need to be replaced. Most 16:9 TVs, cost at the VERY least $1000 and that's not even the full 42 inches that the IIDX machines come with.

Then, there is the issue with the DVD drives. A lot of them fail and you will need to replace it with a DVD player that can be controlled via a serial interface. These commecial DVD players usually run about $1000 as well.

On top of that, getting a used machine is going to cost at least $5000.

It's going to be pricey.

Now, if the guy or gal doesn't want to spend the extra cash on a new monitor or DVD drive if they go bad, then fine. The game will still be playable to some degree. But the problem with IIDX is the machine is so expensive that it will take a while to make money off of it alone. There would have to be other games in the arcade that would help offset the cost. Think of the IIDX machine as an investment to get some people in the place but don't depend on it's populartiy to support the arcade.
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5. PostPosted: Thu Jul 31, 2003 9:38 pm    Post subject: IIDX Popularity Reply with quote

[Holic Owns You] Echelon wrote:
Well here in Massachusetts there are tons of people that would die for an IIDX machine. But guess what. There aren't any in the whole frickin' state! (Or at least anywhere remotely near the Boston area. Although I'm pretty sure there aren't any at all in Mass.) disgust.gif

I would say that IIDX is pretty popular and I don't think your friend would have a problem with revenue. I'm actually seriously considering my modding options for my PS2 just so I can import IIDX. Damn region crap. I'm just gonna walk away disgruntled now...

You won't regret it! *looks at his IIDX games* love.gif Nope! You won't!

Massachusetts felt like it was the second to last state in this country to catch onto 'the dancing game' so our lack of IIDX and PopN and KBM/GF/DM doesn't surprise me. But JustJeff was absolutely correct about the IIDX: "Think of the IIDX machine as an investment to get some people in the place but don't depend on it's populartiy to support the arcade."

It would be a great idea to get a IIDX machine and leave event mode on permanently. Event mode removes the song selection timer and always 'clears' each song. That means that the player will always get their three songs even if they would have normally failed. With no game overs players will never get discouraged and they will definitely be much more likely to spend more credits on the game.

For example my arcade has DDR Extreme and Dance Freaks ( Korean Dance Maniax ). The DDR machine has all normal settings including failure mid-song. Thats really harsh on everyone except the expert players but thankfully Extreme has beginner mode where event mode rules are always in effect. Beginner mode is wonderful for this. And thats why I put event mode on the Dance Freaks machine. I saw people walking up to the 'weird' dance game, attempting honestly to play, and getting a game over within a minute. I wasn't surprised that every one of those players walked away from the game before the words 'Game Over' faded off the monitor.

I'm sure you know how hard IIDX is. The only obstacle in IIDX's path isn't popularity but in its inabilty to hook new players without abusing them for their first 50 games. I've only seen IIDX machines in pictures but they look really impressive. Giant screen, bigger speakers, and lots of buttons. Everyone in your arcade will stare in awe. And if you set the game up with noob-friendly options you'll make the game popular enough on your own.
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6. PostPosted: Fri Aug 01, 2003 8:25 am    Post subject: Re: IIDX Popularity Reply with quote

Catastrophe wrote:
You won't regret it! *looks at his IIDX games* love.gif Nope! You won't!

Well I just got a job offer for the fall so it looks like I will be importing! w00t!

Man I didn't know it was that much of a hassle to maintain an IIDX machine. Too bad a machine that looks of such good quality ends up not lasting.

It would be a great idea to get a IIDX machine and leave event mode on permanently. Event mode removes the song selection timer and always 'clears' each song. That means that the player will always get their three songs even if they would have normally failed. With no game overs players will never get discouraged and they will definitely be much more likely to spend more credits on the game.

Personally I'd pump that machine with as much cash as I could until I beat it E4.gif
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Geneity X
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7. PostPosted: Sat Aug 02, 2003 8:55 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I've only played Beatmania 6th mix but I'd kill to have an IIDX machine in our mall drool.gif (and a Para Para riiight.gif ). If they had an IIDX I would also pump it with money until I got really good or beat it.
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8. PostPosted: Sat Aug 02, 2003 9:28 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Unless the arcade is huge, I don't think that buying a IIDX machine would be the best choice. Especially since there are already quite a few in Texas, as stated above... It may draw in a few locals that are into bemani, but, also stated a few times, I doubt you'll make much money off of it. It's too hard for any beginning American to enjoy... Typically American's don't like something if it's too hard to get into. =/
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9. PostPosted: Sat Aug 02, 2003 9:55 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Saiyajin wrote:
It's too hard for any beginning American to enjoy... Typically American's don't like something if it's too hard to get into. =/

Yeah today's fast-food culture is very much into instant gratification and if anything takes time and dedication generally it doesn't gain much popularity. Oh America...
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10. PostPosted: Sat Aug 02, 2003 3:25 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

[Holic Owns You] Echelon wrote:
Saiyajin wrote:
It's too hard for any beginning American to enjoy... Typically American's don't like something if it's too hard to get into. =/

Yeah today's fast-food culture is very much into instant gratification and if anything takes time and dedication generally it doesn't gain much popularity. Oh America...

</end buzzword-filled pseudo-philosophy>
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Trick Member
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11. PostPosted: Sat Aug 02, 2003 5:03 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Sk1p wrote:
[Holic Owns You] Echelon wrote:
Saiyajin wrote:
It's too hard for any beginning American to enjoy... Typically American's don't like something if it's too hard to get into. =/

Yeah today's fast-food culture is very much into instant gratification and if anything takes time and dedication generally it doesn't gain much popularity. Oh America...

</end buzzword-filled pseudo-philosophy>

Yeah you're right it was pretty much bull plop. I deserved that riiight.gif. Oh well. I'll just stick with the classics: America sucks.

*cough*spammer*cough* E15.gif
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