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Simulator File Creation Help Thread
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20. PostPosted: Thu Jun 05, 2003 6:59 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I do the line of 40404040 as well to test for GAP and bpm. But I try to do a line of them at the start, somewhere vaguely in the middle and at the end, so I can check if the bpm is off or whatnot (If I'm feeling really bored, I'll do the entire DWI with just left 1/4 steps, just to check that the bpm remains steady throughout the song)

I still can't get my head around song that have bpms that change (Not severe, noticeable changes, but more sort of subtle ones; it'll start at a certain bpm, then maybe get a couple of bpm faster, then a couple of bpm slower; songs where you can't get a definite bpm that works all the way through) How do people remedy this? *really new to DWI, so hasn't figured out how to put pauses and bpm changes in yet* riiight.gif

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21. PostPosted: Thu Jun 05, 2003 7:18 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ntrophi wrote:
*really new to DWI, so hasn't figured out how to put pauses and bpm changes in yet* ^^;

I find that Freezes are a bit easier than tempo changes sometimes. Because *usually* you will do one freeze while you will might to two tempo changes (to get back to the original bpm).

You'll need to first be showing the beat, in normal play it sits around the area of the stage number (in the middle toward the top). This is where to get the start number for freezes and bpm changes. PerfectAsymmetry has a good idea by hitting print screen at the exact moment of the change in the song to get it correct.

After that it's a lot of testing checking how long freezes last, or how far the next arrow should be after the change (sometimes after a bpm change, the song lines of 8 can be thrown off). I know Kamek made a dwi tester on his site, though I don't have the link off hand.
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22. PostPosted: Thu Jun 05, 2003 8:04 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ntrophi wrote:
...I still can't get my head around song that have bpms that change (Not severe, noticeable changes, but more sort of subtle ones; it'll start at a certain bpm, then maybe get a couple of bpm faster, then a couple of bpm slower; songs where you can't get a definite bpm that works all the way through) How do people remedy this? *really new to DWI, so hasn't figured out how to put pauses and bpm changes in yet* riiight.gif

To give the short answer: I guess at BPM changes. However, if you know where you steps were dead on PERFECT, and note the point where they switch to GREATS, then the tempo change should happen about halfway between them. It's really hard not to over-correct.

Another thing to look for in older songs is missed beats. It happens.

Apparently the new DWI allows you to specify the displayed BPM. You would use that for a case like this so that the number doesn't keep flipping from 108 to 111.
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23. PostPosted: Thu Jun 05, 2003 4:39 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I don't know what problem you guys have with xstep... i use it to find the gap and bpm and it is usually pretty accurate. I just do a rough draft with step grabber on xstep to get some ideas for steps, and then go over it in stepmania editor... it works fine. I have not yet encountered phantom freezes yet either. I have yet to upload any of my DWIs/SMs, however, so maybe when I do you guys will find some problems with them. riiight.gif
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24. PostPosted: Thu Jun 19, 2003 10:18 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

How do you make a so that it is playable on EXTRA STAGE? and with the option... E19.gif
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Roxor Staff
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25. PostPosted: Tue Jun 24, 2003 3:29 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Edit: Removed for a more revised version.

Last edited by MJEmirzian on Thu Sep 18, 2003 3:01 am, edited 1 time in total
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26. PostPosted: Thu Jun 26, 2003 2:14 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

OK: I have a few questions.

1) When creating a stepfile, should I attempt to make steps for certain background sounds?
2) I can't do files with multi difficulties; how can I remedy this?
3) Is easy necessarily bad?
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[Team Conglom-o]XALAsToR
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27. PostPosted: Sun Jun 29, 2003 2:55 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yeah, I have a question here. I have DWI's downloaded and everything, but the DWI won't see that I have music files still. I also hit that reset songlist too and still nothing. I read the readme and followed its intructions to set each file up in a diff folder like it was displayed and still nothing. Catastrophe told me I had to make a new directory for DWI labeled C:/DWI or something like that. Can anyone help me with this? I've been trying to get it to work for the past 3 weeks and I really want to play it. Can someone also give me a link to stepmania? If it's not too much trouble.
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28. PostPosted: Mon Jun 30, 2003 6:41 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Your question has nothing to do with this thread.

Post elsewhere.
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29. PostPosted: Mon Jun 30, 2003 3:21 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ok, I want to make a DWI for Bring me to Life by Evanescence. The problem is, the song is right around 4 minutes long. This is too long for a DWI, IMO. So my question is, how can I edit the MP3 to cut out some parts to shorten the song? Sorry if this question sounds n00bish riiight.gif
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30. PostPosted: Mon Jun 30, 2003 5:03 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

get a music editing program like soundforge or acid. you can do simple stuff like fading in and out, cutting mp3s, etcetc.
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Vic Viper
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31. PostPosted: Tue Jul 01, 2003 1:24 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Help with song banners. How do you place a song banner on the song list? On "Stepmania", the banner ends up being that spinning thing that says if its like a Konami Original.
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32. PostPosted: Wed Jul 02, 2003 7:00 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

is there a tutorial somewhere that I can read?

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33. PostPosted: Wed Jul 02, 2003 7:05 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

PBoy227 wrote:
is there a tutorial somewhere that I can read?

You can start with your readme, then read the tutorial in the SIM FAQ. Finally, you can read through this thread for tips.
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dj Zeph
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34. PostPosted: Fri Jul 11, 2003 8:42 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'll give a good answer to this, only because banner and background making is one of my favorite parts of creating your original DWI. E4.gif

Banners: We're going to say that you are using StepMania, just so we don't get confused. I use one photoshop program for both...a perfectly sized banner is 256x80 pixels. Use your own art skills to make whatever it is you want, then simply save the file as a .PNG, and put it in the same folder as the song...

Background: Do the exact same thing as a banner, only backgrounds are 320x240 pixels. Also save as a .PNG...

For all of you that have problems with StepMania's Phantom Freeze bug, a nice quick trick can also help. It turns out X-Step CAN have a purpose. When you are done making a file, use the X-Step to DWI converter to make it a .xstep. Then open it up with the program, and export it to DWI. Voila! It's turned into a perfect form where no phantom freezes will occur. Remember to switch the gap and BPM though... (Yes, X Step puts the gap before BPM, which is a no-no). Anybody who wants to see what happes, make a song like that with a freeze or BPM change and play it in DWI. That's one annoying thing X Step ALWAYS does. I don't use this on long songs or anything that exceeds 100 bars...I'm THAT lazy, yep.

I've also noticed that StepMania's edit timing is different from the play timing. Common sense should be your main guide here...the song should NEVER EVER sound onbeat when its in Edit Mode, if it does, then fix it. E15.gif
I always keep my gap about 4-6 seconds bigger/smaller to compensate for the difference...this seems to be what the timing difference is. I hope this helps...
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35. PostPosted: Sun Jul 13, 2003 12:39 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thank God Remy isn't here...

Well I'm still working on my first .dwi or .sm or whatever it is when made in the stepmania editor. This song has a remarkable slowdown which gave me grief this morning. I have the first part down at 144.0BPM and it's good other than a few thrown in freezes in the beginning for some off-beat noise (I didn't want to change the BPM for that beginning).

So for the slowdown it becomes about 34BPM or something, I think thats off, I threw in a MAX300 style slowdown with a pause at the end to try and synch the steps and beat again but I'll probably have to use 1/16 steps for this wierd part cuz it's not really following a beat just like humming style music. I wish that pause wasn't there. Most importantly the final part of the slowdown is on beat and the last beat just jumps back to a fast BPM so I'm cool with that.

Before I go and finalize this song would somebody want to check with what I did and tell me if this was horribly wrong, if I made some mistakes, if there is an easier way. I really want to do justice to this song.

It's just over 5 min long, way crude steps so far I just need help on the BPM changes basically the outline. BTW SM editor is awesome. And so is this song it's "Power of Thy Sword" by ManowaR

As I get more practice I plan to make more Heavy Metal song's into .dwi because there are none. At least not in my searches and I have around 800 songs.

Please help ESPECIALLY if you have expreience with tempo changes.
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Vic Viper
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36. PostPosted: Mon Jul 14, 2003 9:01 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

MrMatt178 wrote:
Banners: We're going to say that you are using StepMania, just so we don't get confused. I use one photoshop program for both...a perfectly sized banner is 256x80 pixels. Use your own art skills to make whatever it is you want, then simply save the file as a .PNG, and put it in the same folder as the song...

Nope. Stepmania still reads the banner as that spinning thing.

And I use Flash MX for the .png file, since I'm not any good with Photoshop yet. I think it has to do with XStep or something.
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dj Zeph
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37. PostPosted: Thu Jul 17, 2003 9:39 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Vic Viper wrote:

Nope. Stepmania still reads the banner as that spinning thing.

Are you talking about the CD title now? That's something different. I don't know what you do, but when I make a banner (the picture while you select the song disgust.gif ), when I put it in the folder, it automatically puts it as that...and to make a CD title work (the spinning thing)-note that I have my own little original CD title I made so I do it this way. I put the small file in the folder and manually type the file's name in the .SM file in the CD title part. And with the banner, you could simpley do that too in the .SM file, but its not neccesary. I don't know how you would get a 256x80 pixel .PNG to become a CD title or "spinning thing."
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38. PostPosted: Sat Jul 26, 2003 4:19 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Alright, I have a few problems... I read though all of the previous posts so hopefully I didn't miss an answer.

Xstep: Every time I click "test with DWI" I get a file error message and Xstep shuts down. I have gone to tools>options and the adress for DWI is correct, and no it's not stepmania.

DWI: You say to use the autoplay feature to check your BPM... but all Autoplay does is get Perfects on all arrows, even if its NOT on beat, so there's no way to tell. Am I missing something?

I cant get "Another" diffculty to work for any of my own DWIs. light and heavy are fine, and the .dwi file appears ot have no typos or coding error. What am I doing wrong?

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Trick Member
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39. PostPosted: Sun Jul 27, 2003 6:08 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Um, Bump?

That third problem's been solved by the way...
Going to pass a nine footer...

sounds like a bowel movement.
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