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Bemanixgamer Trick Member

Joined: 21 May 2003 Location: San Francisco |
20. Posted: Sat Jun 28, 2003 5:58 pm Post subject: |
first time I saw a 7th mix machine my friends were all playin it, n I was lyk, wut? I felt nervous dah first day so it sucked. After that, I went tew state, played an extreme machine, I saw hella ppl playing it, den I got better, and it grew on me very fast in lyk, 5 DDR days tew get tew maniac and maniac2 I was lyk, damn, dis is getting fun, I think I'm addicted tew it, lol, my 4th month playing DDR  |
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Trance Of Sorrow Trick Member

Joined: 01 Feb 2003
21. Posted: Sat Jun 28, 2003 6:06 pm Post subject: |
I got hooked on it as soon as I tried it the 1st time. |
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bane_vagabond Basic Member

Joined: 26 Jun 2003
22. Posted: Sat Jun 28, 2003 6:15 pm Post subject: |
HEHE, I was looking out my window for 5 hours each day hoping it would arrive.
Well, let's just say, I didn't know how to play on the pad....
I didnt know when to hit the arrows... |
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Cookies Trick Member

Joined: 06 Apr 2002
23. Posted: Sat Jun 28, 2003 8:37 pm Post subject: |
I thought the people playing looked really stupid. But I didn't let that turn me away from the game. After I played once, I wanted to play again and again. |
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GuyMonkey Trick Member

Joined: 21 Apr 2003 Location: Edmonton, Canada |
24. Posted: Sat Jun 28, 2003 10:03 pm Post subject: |
The first time I saw a DDR machine was in an arcade in Vietnam. I wanted to play it badly, but was nervous because of all the people there. So I waited until everyone was gone, and I tried. It was a 2nd mix. Bleh, I failed like right away. I was extremely afraid of dancing machines for the next year or so. Then I saw PIU at another arcade in one of Saigon's big malls. I had built up my courage my that point, so I didn't hesitate, even with all those people there. Of course, I wasn't courageous enough to do it myself, though. So I spent the next half an hour trying to get my cousin to play with me. He finally gives in, we play, I get hooked. I couldn't get enough of this one song....I think it was Run to You or something. I was determined to FC it. Flash forward another year, and I'm in Edmonton. There's a 5th mix, standing there in all its glory. I'm home, so I know it's gonna be even harder playing, because there's always taht chance you'll make a fool of yourself and you might just meet up with those people again and get dissed. Once again, I try and get my friend this time to play with me. He keeps chickening out. Then he finally plays and gets hooked (thanks to me). And then I improve and blah blah blah up until now.
My point is, I always wanted to play, but was always afriaid of my audience. If this post was long, boring, and full of nonsense, I apologize. _________________
"Good eye, sniper. I'll shoot, you run." |
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MR. Ziggy Trick Member

Joined: 10 May 2003 Location: You tell me |
25. Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2003 6:10 am Post subject: |
Ah, the memories.
Well, our arcade just got in a USA (NO!!) Mix, and there was always a 12-20 people line to play .......
So, one night when my dad to me and my 8 year old bro to the Arcade, there ws only 1 other guy there.
It's weird how they set it up.
You put in 6 Tokens in one slot, and its got 2 credits on it, but you can't jsut put 3 tokens in for 1 credit.
So me and my bro both put 3 in the same one, and played.
I chose PARINiO KCET(I think that's how ypou put it) Clean MiX on Standed/Light, and we just died.
Then this really good (I thought at the time) hippie guy that did 8-footers well, taught some stuff.
We had A TON of tokens, so we kept practinig on Beggining, and I was catching on REAL fast.
So i get a lot etter, and bro get's a little better.
So, after that I played everyonce in awhile at the Arcade (This was during Spring break-End of School).
Then on like Jun 5th, my Gradma gave me my Birthday present a Month early, while we wher at the Mall, I got a PS1, DDR (The first ENG home version), and a Mad Catz Pad.
I was so happy, and kept practicing, and I was about a 6-Footer.
Then on my Birthday(July 6th), I was into to Yugioh alot, so I got Forbidden Memories for the PS1, and on the back, it showed Konimix, "Over 50 Songs, and new Edit Mode!", and I just got my friend recently into DDR (He was about a 3 or 4 footer), and his birthday was June 14th, and he had like $80 left in Brithday money.
So, after my birthday, me and my Mom took him to the Mall, and he got Konimix and his own Pad (I think the official one), for about $70.
We kept playing that for (Suprisingly) not that long of time time, and in Nov., I was kinda a 7-footer, and he was kinda a 5-footer.
I only played like 2 times a week then, because my Pad was almost dead, and then it died on Nov. 20th.....
Well, Christmas!
I got DDR MAx (ENG one), and a new pad!
Then I liked it alot more, and the in about April I got Stepmania, started going to more acardes with MAX2's, and was on DDRFreak and stuff, and that's where I am today, a 9-10 Footers, and a Trick/Std Freestlyer.
Heheh..went alittle over board.......  _________________
Current FAV:MAX. (Period)
Current goal for songs:Don't know actually...
Current goal in life:Staying with my G/F
Greatest song accplishment(Bad spelling):AAAing Max. (period), on Stepmania though, and I got a pic. |
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青い衝動 Basic Member

Joined: 28 Jun 2003 Location: Windsor.... the crap town |
26. Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2003 9:34 am Post subject: |
simply put love at first sight n.n _________________
guess my name... |
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telebuffer Trick Member

Joined: 10 May 2003
27. Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2003 2:12 pm Post subject: |
first time i played it was at the arcade, im one of those ppl who couldnt care less what u think about me, but most everyone likes anyway. I hopped on and failed since i didnt know a thing i was doing failed cartoon heroes speedy mix on standard first song. Thankfully someone helped me told me to try light. |
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SDSUMarcus01 Trick Member

Joined: 23 May 2003
28. Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2003 8:55 pm Post subject: |
Yes I used to say it was gay and that it wasn't really a workout... I was pretty wrong. |
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fuzzilywaz Trick Member

Joined: 28 Apr 2003 Location: Austin, Texas |
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gs68 Trick Member

Joined: 06 Apr 2002 Location: on a plane |
30. Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2003 10:08 pm Post subject: |
I thought it was hard, back when I first played in December 1999. If I had been exposed to something like say, Dynamite Rave [Heavy] at that time, I would have broken down in tears. |
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kakashi of TAS Trick Member

Joined: 02 Jun 2003 Location: East Side of Funky Town |
31. Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2003 10:41 pm Post subject: |
Dayam...i always thought dat da ppl playin on heavy were so awesome...I jus neva had da couragfe to play...den one day at da mall my friend persuades me to play...8 months latr...i can AA most heavy songs...dayam LoM and PSM oni!! _________________
TAS/AAA 4 life. It's not a team, it's a family. |
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username1234.123 Trick Member

Joined: 28 Apr 2002
32. Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2003 11:02 pm Post subject: |
i thought it was the stupidest thing ever, tried it once, and got hooked.
can now B max300 and maxx unlimited, and A most song on heavy. yay. |
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Madchal Trick Member

Joined: 01 Nov 2002 Location: Santee/Lakeside/El Cajon merger place. |
33. Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2003 11:23 pm Post subject: |
I loved it at first site. i got on it regaurdless of the huge crowd and failed butterfly on the easist difficulty on a 3rd mix korean ver 2. i kept practicing and now i can AA maxX with only 9 greats and AA LOM with 15 greats both with ics. Max 300 i can AAA but i don't got pics |
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f train bang bang Trick Member

Joined: 21 Apr 2002 Location: sunburnt in alaska |
34. Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2003 12:04 am Post subject: |
This is how I first met DDR, three years ago (this winter)...
*inserts coins*
*hits button, skips through every menu*
Oh, this song sounds pretty (referencing Hogishim )!
*hits Start*
*fails about thirty seconds later*
Why'd i fail?
*inserts another dollar's worth*
*lather, rinse, repeat about two times*
Later, about six months to a year:
*is at a friend's house*
*is searching cosplay sites, doesn't know how she got there, but she likes it alright*
*sees some couple cosplaying as Rage and Emi from 3rd Mix (best outfits, in my opinion)*
Dance Dance Revolution? I know what that is! it's that crazy game thing!
*searches 'alaska dance dance revolution locations'*
*gets results*
Hey! *calls friend* can we go to the Space Station tonght?
It ended happily, with us going and both gaining a new hobby/lifestyle/base of friends/[insert random benefit here].
I can only B Sakura, and I can't pass any of the Maxes. Let's hear it for no bar raping! If not for that, I might already be good. Can't AA any catas nor much else, since my PA sucks, yet I beat two of the best players in our area in some tourney.
Chal Mot'ae represent; relying on luck since Winter '00.  _________________
Previous record on sync? FC with two greats. I won't rest or quit until I AAA it. Or pass Slam Crazy. Whichever becomes apparent first. |
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REDHAT_DDR Basic Member

Joined: 29 Jun 2003 Location: ATLANTA/MARIETTA,GEORGIA |
35. Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2003 11:07 am Post subject: |
when i 1st saw DDR my friend showed me it one time when i was spending the night.he wanted to go to malibu so i went with him.i thought it was lame at the time.then one day i tried it and i started liking it.that was 4 months ago now i can do some hevy songz.i now play the game in an arcade at least once a week,and have my own metal pad,and also have stepmania with 219 songz/  |
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dj-Luminus Trick Member

Joined: 24 Jan 2002 Location: Atlanta, GA |
36. Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2003 4:25 pm Post subject: |
Well, get ready for my like two page life long story lol.
I first saw DDR in Summer of 2001 at Universal Studios: Islands of Adventuremy family took a trip there, and we happened to be walking in the arcade which we almost passed, but my little brother wanted to see if they had like some baseball game or something. Well there was a small crowd in the arcade and we were wondering what was going on. I saw it there a guy and some girl jumpin around on it and I was like "Hey look Devin, it's that Bust A Groove Arcade Game from Even Stevens." Then after watching a little I noticed it was called Dance Dance Revolution and I burned the name into my mind. I watched about 50 people play Beginner and Standard, when finally I decided to try. The first time I played I did El Ritmo Tropical on Beginner and of course passed. I forgot what else I did. But the second time I decided to try some girl played with me she was about 15/16 I had watched her play Standard earlier. We did one song on Beginner, then she said why don't we try something harder we did I think, 20, November on Standard (Light) and I failed and her mom who was watching laughed a little. I then played a little longer, but my parents made me leave, i finally learned how to "walk around the pad" and could do two footers. My parents and I walked around U.S. more and tried some rides, we saw another Arcade in the Universal Studios section with all the movie rides and they had DDR US 1st Mix. They had no Beginner Mode, or at least I didn't know the code to it, so I tried AM-3P on Standard and Sadly failed. Anyway I played a few more times before we left.
When I got back to Atlanta, I looked up DDR on the net and bought 2 Topway pads and DDR US 1st Mix. I practiced everyday, and I still remember trying to beat the Simple Mix on Nonstop and failing, El Ritmo Tropical and Put Your Faith In Me every time. Finally after a few months I moved up to 6 footers. And that's when I discovered and found the Challenges Arcade in North Dekalb, GA and played 3rd Mix in the arcade for the first time ever. And then I found Malibu which had USA Mix before it got MAX2 and EXTREME.
Hmm, well I'm getting bored so I'll fastforward, I participated in two DDR tournaments, went to the first arcade to get 5th Mix in GA the day it upgraded, went back to Florida and played MAX2 and Solo and 4th Plus for the first time. Then I bought my Ignition Pads 2.0 and got DDRMAX. Now I can do every cata I've ever tried, and can beat every song on Heavy except Maxx Unlimited, and Legend of Maxx.
I also taught my little brother (9) how to play he can now do 7 footers, me myself (14) have tought abut 20 of my friends to play. 2 can do catas, and 7 are obsessed now and have the home versions and pads _________________
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soul-phoenix1 Basic Member

Joined: 30 Jun 2003 Location: Northampton |
37. Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2003 4:45 am Post subject: |
I enjoyed playing in the arcade but i was useless and hated people watching me. I played a lot at home to improve and now when i am in the arcade i don't really care about people watching. |
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Flameboat Trick Member

Joined: 02 Jul 2003 Location: Maybe we should kiss again to teach them a lesson |
38. Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2003 1:15 pm Post subject: |
The first time I saw a DDR machine in person was at Disneyquest in Orlando. 2 guys were surrounded by a huge crowd and getting A's on the Maniac level of Paranoia. (Obviously I was too shy to try) I still thought it was the coolest game ever. Fast forward to 2 months later, at the local mall. I was at Lenscrafters getting more contacts. I had to kill some time, so I went to the arcade, and I was greeted by a big, new, shiny DDR 5th Mix machine. I obviously had to try, so I put in my money. The machine was an import, so I didn't quite understand it, but I made it to the song select screen. The very first song I ever did was Abyss (cause it was just the first one listed, and was only 2 feet). "Hey, this is fun!" Famous last words. I trip trying to do my first ever double step, fall off the left side of the machine, and take out a kid doing it. (He was OK). So, what did common sense tell me to do? Thats right: put in another 2 tokens and do the same song again and again and again... $2.50 later, I got a C. And now I'm doing 5 feet songs (and a couple 6's). Not too bad for a math nerd who's only been playing for a couple months. |
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liluno Basic Member

Joined: 02 Jul 2003
39. Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2003 1:38 pm Post subject: |
I started playing DDR for the first time in San Antonio, TX. My best friend and I had started playing together when we saw this couple playing DDR USA, "Stomp to my beat". We got really excited watching them play the song with their backs to the screen, and we thought it would be really cool to try to learn it. We looked really "chewy" for a couple of days, but we were finally able to play songs on standard mode by the time I graduated AIT in May. I went to my first duty station in Oklahoma, and when I saw 10 year olds playing maniac level at the mall, I figured that I would go ahead and get some home practice in before I decide to go public, and bought DDR MAX.  |
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