I don't normally make these kind of threads, cause they suck, and are lame... But I can't help myself...
I'm a n00b... To everything in DDR in fact. I thought the idea was inane at first, and I thought it was a waste of money, but... Hah, look at me now. I can't stop playing.
I only have DDRMAX and home pads. I haven't been to an arcade yet, and probably won't be happenin' for awhile. But oh well.
I've had the game for two weeks, but have only really played for a week. I've beaten a lot of things in Light mode, and have a lot of A's on the harder ones. I only have 3 more songs (or atleast the ones I've unlocked) to beat before I have them all beaten.. And yeah... I don't feel like I'm good enough though. >O
Now that I'm done with my stupid rant, feel free to throw crap at my face... No tomatoes though, I hate them.
[edit] opps.. I put this in the wrong thread didn't I?
Hmmm... Well, to keep it on a DDR chit-chat... How long did it take you guys to get on to standard mode and then to heavy?
I'm sure the question as been asked, but I don't want to feel like a bigger dummy than I already do.
I'm a newbie, and it shows by the blisters on my feet.