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Why not rap?
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40. PostPosted: Thu Jun 12, 2003 4:46 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I think a lot of people here are confusing hip-hop style music with songs that just happen to have someone throwing down a rhyme on a song. Just because a song like "Rhythm & Police" has someone "rapping" in it doesn't mean it's a rap song. The closest to an actual hip-hop song in DDR would be "Strictly Business". If you want to count 3rd Mix Korean V.2 then you could throw in "Beautiful 21C" and "Caution". With that being said songs like "Drop the bomb" and "Rhythm & Police" are nowhere near whats considered "rap". Some songs like "Superstar" (especially the remix) are indeed close.
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41. PostPosted: Fri Jun 13, 2003 5:55 am    Post subject: uh... Reply with quote

MODs? This is starting to get ugly. If you could....?
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42. PostPosted: Fri Jun 13, 2003 8:10 am    Post subject: Re: uh... Reply with quote

Jäger [X2 Squad] wrote:
MODs? This is starting to get ugly. If you could....?

Hello! Mod here! I honestly don't see what exactly is getting ugly. I think this is a good topic and would actually like for someone to comment on my second post. I want to know if I am totally off base on the subject or if I actually nailed it on the head. Thanks.
Ballad for you - 65 BPM, Be in my paradise - 63 BPM, I'll make love to you - 50 BPM. Yay for the DDR slow love song movement! Honorable mention to bag - 65 BPM
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43. PostPosted: Fri Jun 13, 2003 10:11 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Dang, that is the PIMP Avatar Islander!! riiight.gif , actually there are a lot of DDR songs that could almost match a Hip-Hop/Rap song.

Strictly Business, Get Up N' Move, LtBHE (IIDX Version and R&B Style), Highs Off U, etc. It's just they're not all that popular.

There is a big difference between Hip Hop and Rap. Hip I like, songs like, o say In Da Club, or Sing For the Moment, or Gossip Folks for example. Rap is more like Break Ya Neck, 24s, Get Low, songs with people screaming and yelling and barely singing. Hip Hop is more melodic.
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44. PostPosted: Fri Jun 13, 2003 11:13 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

ok i might as well say my opinion.... there is a diff. between "rap" and "hip hop" just "rap" as of late seems to be just only gangsta rap.
"hip hop" is more fun-like and dancable while laid back. for example ... missy elliot - gossip folks. it has a nice paced beat but at the same time the song makes sense and u can dance to it.

So i wouldnt say rap should be in ddr but hip hop should be.
here's a few suggestions

K-OS - superstar part zero ( this is my number 1 pick out of them all)
Nofia (from beatmania)
Gossip folks - missy elliot
Joe budden - pump it up
a few songs from busta rhymes
KRS one - step into a world
P.diddy - DIDDY
there are a few more but i dont feel like listing them
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45. PostPosted: Fri Jun 13, 2003 1:47 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

-pwned-[jOeY] wrote:
Rap + DDR = No Good

I dunno...I just can't see it.

But isn't Daikenkai sorta maybe considered a rap song? laugh.gif

Daikenkai is the $h!t to begin with..... and I think that's a rock song. Second, I think rap doesn't work with ddr because the people who play ddr are more used to techno than other songs, it's like asking if they like rock, most of them might say no also.....I on the other hand like rock, but hate rap E15.gif
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46. PostPosted: Fri Jun 13, 2003 3:38 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Wow, look at how many people hate rap. You can tell this is a...n/m, that's ignorant. Well, I think rap/hip-hop should be in DDR, I mean you should see the parties around where I live, if you don't think rap is danceable music, then what the hell is it!?

BTW, I love rap/hip-hop/r&b. I really hate it when people say things like "Rap mean Retards attempting poetry" Or "You can't spell crap without rap". It just heats me up, I'm not sure why..
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o_O SykoPak o_O
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47. PostPosted: Fri Jun 13, 2003 4:40 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Personal reasons tell me to say RAP SUCKS...But on a different note, I believe that rap wouldn't work even if i DID like it, because most of the songs on DDR are usually techno or eurobeat-type music. You can actually move any way you want and make it seem like you're dancing to the music. This is why Rap will not work *applause* I thank you, thank you....
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48. PostPosted: Fri Jun 13, 2003 6:30 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

all the ddr songs with "RAP" in them isnt the kind of rap these guys are refering to, i think they mean more gangsta rap. compare the song 21 questions to the song Superstar, youll shut up. but anyway i think allittle rap might draw in a bigger crowd to ddr. im not a huge fan of rap but i have alot of gansta friends that are, so i know sum stuff
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49. PostPosted: Fri Jun 13, 2003 7:46 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Pak Man of TFX wrote:
Personal reasons tell me to say RAP SUCKS...But on a different note, I believe that rap wouldn't work even if i DID like it, because most of the songs on DDR are usually techno or eurobeat-type music. You can actually move any way you want and make it seem like you're dancing to the music. This is why Rap will not work *applause* I thank you, thank you....

ok so im gonna look like im dancing when i play the paranoia bros.?? or better yet the max bros. looks more like your running from osama bin laden on a hot summer day when u play some the damn songs on ddr. with rap being more downtempo u can do more . ever notice alot of 2days dances revolve around hip hop/rap???
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50. PostPosted: Fri Jun 13, 2003 8:25 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

There are a few rap songs on DDR, and quite a few with rapping parts, and they are for the most part cool.

If they want to put some oldies, but goodies, rap song on DDR, fine. Variety is the spice of life, after all.

And people tend do to diss electronica w/o any reason... disgust.gif
[quote:ed89271168="Frozen CaffMaj 4 Extreme"]just because i play ddr, does that mean i'm going to go randomly stomp someone to death?[/quote]

...but Rhythm and Police is no longer crazy!
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51. PostPosted: Sat Jun 14, 2003 9:13 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

if there was rap songs in ddr like the big tymers and lil bowwow and 50 cent and poopy there would be too many people doing gay aS$ crip walking fools trying to do a freestyle throwing up gang signs and crap... and plus rap sucks, all rap talks about it people and thier damn platinum chains and stupid s. hit like that. dont forget about hoes and bit.ches and weed, i dont prefer listening to people talk about like that. maybe some undergroun hip hop like deltron 0 or copywrite but not big ballen thug rap
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52. PostPosted: Sat Jun 14, 2003 9:58 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I like all types of songs. But the one's i listen to most is Rap/Hip hop. Heck one of my favorite songs on DDR is Let the Beat hit em'. You can't dance to rap?? wtf that's BS... If you go to a party, it's either hiphop/rap or techno/trance. IMO you can't dance to rock. Don't get me wrong, I love rock too E1.gif but honstly, who here dances to rock/heavy?? I know i dont...And also, what's wrong with c-walk?? i think its tyte, but u are right that they're are a lot of people doing it... some of them aren't that good (like me), but if u've seen someone good C-walk in person on DDR, you'll be more impressed than seeing someone who can do max300 heavy(well atleast I was).

Hah, this is the most (devil.gif FLAMED frust.gif) thread i've seen on this forum hahaha. Becareful what you post guys, you might offend some people. I know i was kinda mad when you guys said rap was "gay", but im not gonna flame back because it isn't worth it. Heck, i'm younger than most of you too blink.gif
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53. PostPosted: Sat Jun 14, 2003 8:08 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Jackoval0t wrote:
if there was rap songs in ddr like the big tymers and lil bowwow and 50 cent and poopy there would be too many people doing gay aS$ crip walking fools trying to do a freestyle throwing up gang signs and crap... and plus rap sucks, all rap talks about it people and thier damn platinum chains and stupid s. hit like that. dont forget about hoes and bit.ches and weed, i dont prefer listening to people talk about like that. maybe some undergroun hip hop like deltron 0 or copywrite but not big ballen thug rap

Like k-strife just mentioned, I'm offended. Really, people who don't actually listen to rap and just hear the big names and a couple of songs seem to somehow always say they're talking about their hoes, or their drugs. Really, that just heats me up inside, because even though people are gonna say otherwise, rap is mostly black-based music (yeah-yeah, there are white rappers, but that's not the point) and when everyone says rap sucks and they always are gangstas who talk about their hoes and b!tches, it has a tinge of a racist "feel" to it, you know, and guess what, 50 cent and whoever the hell else you mentioned aren't the only rappers out there. Just please people, be considerate of the people who actually like rap and just cut down the "rap-flaming" to a minimum, because some people are sensitive to that kind of talk, and get offended easily, like me.
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