quite welcome...I would have recommended getting 2 pads from the start..but if you want them there quick..well I guess the S&H sort of comes in there
of course, I've never had to order a second pad since I got Konamix+2 pads for like $45..well not including shipping, which again was like 10 bucks.
although you say you only want to play "lightly" I say get a second pad ASAP..maybe in a week or so, maybe more...but get the cheapest shipping..so by the time you're good enough to play doubles (
) your pad will be there..why? I think doubles is the most fun single player DDR thing..well compared to singles..and I play both. get on kazaa or something and download some movies of people playing double, and you'll see what I mean
oh well enough babble..but if you do get into DDR-and I really think you will-those soft pads may only fulfill you for a few months at the most..I already want a custom metal pad..I'm building it myself
guess I should stop now...I have a bad habit of typing way too much for a "you're welcome but I recommend this and good luck" post eh?

"Today fades away, but now is forever..choose the left or the right, the up or the down..just don't be afraid to make the step."
too much ddr? nah..feet aren't broken yet..
*snap* aww crap...too much ddr...