Zarf Basic Member

Joined: 07 Jun 2003 Location: Mountain View, CA |
0. Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2003 1:22 pm Post subject: Workout Mode & Step Pattern Q.s (Konamix) |
apologies in advance if this has been covered somewhere here - the search feature on these boards times out if you look back more than a few months
I'm trying to understand the step patterns available in workout mode. Workout mode on Konamix has three settings: Basic, Workout and Normal. The first two appear to have different step patterns for the songs. Are these really different choreography? Or are they generated from the normal step patterns?
A broader question: How many pieces of distinct choreography exist in Konamix for each song. Seems to me:
(Single or Double or 6-Panel)
x (Basic or Trick or Maniac)
= 9 patterns
+ some songs have Double/Battle
- some songs use same pattern for Single and Double Maniac
- some songs don't have 6-Panel versions
Now I understand that modifiers Left, Mirror, Right, L-Shift, LR-Flip, R-Shift, UD-Flip are just mechanical variations of the choreography. Is this also true of the Little & Shuffle modifiers?
(Finally, back to the main topic! Geez, this guy's wordy!)
Where do the Workout settings Basic, Workout & Normal fit into all of this? |