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Exactly What IS it that makes "steps" fun?
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20. PostPosted: Mon Jun 02, 2003 8:23 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Daniel wrote:
Max 300 is a great musical track

Which version are you listening to?

Seriously, anyone who thinks running around at over 260+ bpm is a fun time, is sadistic. [/opinion]
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21. PostPosted: Tue Jun 03, 2003 12:15 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

The only song 260 BPM and over that I like to play is Sakura. IMO the steps aren't that great but it's a good song. I don't like the Maxes, they're not good to listen to. IMO the Paranoias (with the exception of Survivor) are better than the Maxes.
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22. PostPosted: Tue Jun 03, 2003 1:04 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Sexy planet's oni steps=fun
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23. PostPosted: Tue Jun 03, 2003 1:19 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Here's what I think after all these years of experience.

I think, when people say they like the "steps", they usually like the "song" first. For the most part, people who bother to take liking to a set of steps usually take liking to the song that goes with it, or otherwise he/she would not be growing an affinity to the steps at all. Step charts are, afterall, just arrows.

Also, when you understand DDR enough to sort of know what the step designers would design for any typical dance track (hence the sign of addiction that you'd DDR to any dance music), you sort of start to develop your own "personal step charts" to the songs in the game. If the "official steps" match what you personally hope for in the song, then you'd probably end up "liking" those steps.

For example, when you play "Cartoon Heroes" the first time, you might want the song to go in this manner:

Our friends are so unreasonable
(where X is a step and F is a freeze, EF = end freeze, X---X = full note X-X = half note, etc)

But of course, if you remember the official steps, this is when the song goes all jump crazy - not fun in my opinion. Some people might find that fitting to their level of difficulty and they want the steps to be jump crazy like that, so they might like it (or come to like it).

You can also look at songs that ware whored over throughout DDR history and you'll usually notice well developed patterns to each song:

BB$ (Basic: LLRR Shake it like a blah blah)
DR (Maniac: Tap Tap Tap Tap Talada Tap)
So Deep (Heavy: gal-loop gal-loop gal-loop ga stomp stomp)
Tsugaru (Heavy: Stop---Step Stomp Stomp Step Stomp Stomp...)

so on and so forth.
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24. PostPosted: Tue Jun 03, 2003 4:16 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I agree with most things said here, especially
Jamus_se wrote:
I think, when people say they like the "steps", they usually like the "song" first. For the most part, people who bother to take liking to a set of steps usually take liking to the song that goes with it, or otherwise he/she would not be growing an affinity to the steps at all. Step charts are, afterall, just arrows.

To me, if i don't like the song, i have no desire to play it over and over and get a liking for the steps. DXY! being a prime example. I hate the song, so i dont really play it, so i dont learn the steps, so i dont get to like the whole package. Other songs like EE and HVAM i really like the songs, so i dont mind hearing it over and over to get a better grade, and learn the steps. E4.gif

As for being fun, i think it becomes fun when your overriding feeling isnt to just pass it, but to enjoy moving to it. The Twist, for example. The song is well within my ability, so i can concentrate on enjoying it! Max 300, on the other hand, im so concerned with getting to the steps i fail to notice if they're well laid out. erm.gif

And, as already said, the steps must fit the music step a particular part, and think "Yeah...that bit went well..." biggrin.gif

[/personal UK opinion]
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25. PostPosted: Tue Jun 03, 2003 10:52 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

jamus_se wrote:
I think, when people say they like the "steps", they usually like the "song" first.

Very true, I don't think anybody could appreciate a good step chart without good music. However certain songs in DDR have better step charts than other songs of equal or greater quality of music. And the increased fun factor of step charts all comes down to the most interesting patterns that don't have you move in an ackward way.
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26. PostPosted: Tue Jun 03, 2003 1:18 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I mainly go for the step atterns that you can spin on, or ones good for knee drops etcetera etcetera etcetera. Examples: leading cyber, it is practically all spins, and i like it cause it gets me dizzy E15.gif . Also butterly laugh.gif , mainly cause it's a good speed to do tricks on and the step patterns make it easy to practically do anything you'd like to....
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27. PostPosted: Tue Jun 03, 2003 2:49 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

jamus_se wrote:
I think, when people say they like the "steps", they usually like the "song" first. For the most part, people who bother to take liking to a set of steps usually take liking to the song that goes with it, or otherwise he/she would not be growing an affinity to the steps at all. Step charts are, afterall, just arrows.
Not necessarily. I love MAX300 as a song, but the steps are really annoying. There are a few fun parts (the part right after the freeze, the beginning... that's basically it) but I don't like most of the steps.

On the other hand, there are some songs where I enjoy the steps but don't really like the song. Matsuri Japan comes to mind. The song is kinda annoying, but it's fun skipping around like an idiot to loud, obnoxious "YOI YOI YOI YOI!" noises.
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28. PostPosted: Tue Jun 03, 2003 7:21 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

im gonna have to go with witch doctor for funnest steps. (is funnest a word?? laugh.gif ) yea anyway its awesome. on trick tho not really fun on heavy....wipes me oot frown.gif
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29. PostPosted: Tue Jun 03, 2003 7:23 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

im gonna have to go with witch doctor for funnest steps. (is funnest a word?? laugh.gif ) yea anyway its awesome. on trick tho not really fun on heavy....wipes me oot frown.gif
"What in the world was that!?"

"Hsaw Aknow"

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30. PostPosted: Wed Jun 04, 2003 2:29 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

The funny thing is, I find some songs have good music, but kind of ok steps, and other songs have music that isn't really my bag[1], but really fun steps. And I tend to play the two in roughly equal portions. Plus a small number of "challenge" songs, songs that I can't actually do well, but want to try anyway.

Max 300 has ok music, but is no good for me on single so I don't play it. That doesn't stop me, however, from trying to play it on Doubles (I find just the act of playing Doubles can increase the "fun" content of a song's steps by a significant amount). I agree that songs that make you turn your body in different ways are good - stuff like V[O], R&P, Little B*tch[H] are fun for the turns/twists involved.

However, really fast spins (like Max 300 Standard, and Saint Goes Marching Heavy - the 4-step spins, not the 3-step ones) are not fun because there's no feasible way to do them properly for someone with a high centre of mass (like me).

Another possible aspect of "fun" steps are those that can be done in a few different ways. Jet World[H], for example, at first looks like a foot-shuffling song. However, with a bit of practice you find that most patys work best if you keep your body in the same position in the short pauses, and use the opposite foot to the pad (so start a run with left foot on right pad, or vice versa). I daresay someone could find a way to spin it too, or something.

[1] No, not bag itself. In fact, bag manages to avoid making it into either category.
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31. PostPosted: Thu Jun 05, 2003 8:35 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

bag is an incedibly fun song if you can look past the intimitating at first music. put it on x5 youll be having a blast.

funnest {and funniest} song evEr imo is across the nightmare oni steps.. the 1st time i ever did that song i bust out laughing during those jumps.. mucho fun song
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32. PostPosted: Thu Jun 05, 2003 3:47 pm    Post subject: ... Reply with quote

For me, it's generally 1/8th streams and gallops, especially 140-150 BPM songs. I hate songs where you have to slide or spin like Daikenkai, HVAM, and Break Down.
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