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What a DDR guy wants to hear...
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MR. Ziggy
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20. PostPosted: Sat May 31, 2003 9:03 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well, if it was me...

First, you ask if I want tp play.

I'll say sure (If I have the money), and then say "You can choose."

Then if you just wasted me, I'll just be like "haha, wow you're really good, how long have you been playing?"

And if I wasted you(Wouldn't happen), I just be like "Hey, you did good to. DDR is Tough, and don't every worry if you do really well."

I like talkin' to people after I'm done and stuff too.
Current FAV:MAX. (Period)
Current goal for songs:Don't know actually...
Current goal in life:Staying with my G/F
Greatest song accplishment(Bad spelling):AAAing Max. (period), on Stepmania though, and I got a pic.
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21. PostPosted: Sat May 31, 2003 9:39 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

i usually either offer to let them choose first, or ask if i can choose first... riiight.gif I is a gentleman...Though I've never played with girls yet, besides my 2 friends Jen and Youla...

frust.gif and not all guys are waiting to hear "Wanna frick"..I'm not...frown.gif that is a mean stereotype...Though I will admit too many guys are waiting to hear that O_o.. Guys like that give me...Er..I mean..other guys a bad name riiight.gif
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the younger makoto
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22. PostPosted: Sat May 31, 2003 11:26 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yeah exactly! I agree alternating songs is the best way too! The machine here is set to four stages so both players get two songs BUT these guys I'm talking about STILL said "Nah, you go"

and when I pick a song, I ask "Is this okay?" and I go to the mod screen every time, just in case they wanted to lighten the steps or change speed...

THAT's why I'm so annoyed. I understand nobody wants to say "Sorry, I'm not man enough for Matsuri Japan today", so I'm thinking "How can I repond without sounding cocky or b1tchy?"

All the girls I play with here are nice and love to try harder songs even if they fail but DDR guys are a mystery to me... rules that work in the normal world don't work in an arcade, na? happy.gif

RaveCat wrote:

frust.gif and not all guys are waiting to hear "Wanna frick"

ha ha ha! I'm glad to hear it! Although even that would have been less hostile than these guy were toward me

Last edited by the younger makoto on Sat May 31, 2003 3:54 pm, edited 1 time in total
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MR. Ziggy
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23. PostPosted: Sat May 31, 2003 11:48 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

RaveCat wrote:
iand not all guys are waiting to hear "Wanna frick"


I forgot to put that in my last post.

I mean, if they said that, I would just stop the song and leave, even if I was doing perfect.

I hate gurls like that........ disgust.gif

And also, why does everybody seem to care about what they look like?

It's about there personaility.

To bad there aren't any girls around here who are nice.
Current FAV:MAX. (Period)
Current goal for songs:Don't know actually...
Current goal in life:Staying with my G/F
Greatest song accplishment(Bad spelling):AAAing Max. (period), on Stepmania though, and I got a pic.
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24. PostPosted: Sat May 31, 2003 12:48 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

IMO, the guys your playing with probably have huge egos. I mean it sounds like their the types of guys that think their just awesome and definitely could not be beaten by a girl (Steriotype I know, and I don't agree it, but these guys probably do). They probably get offended and just leave because, A. They got beat with a girl and they think for some reason that's something to be ashamed of, and B. You were a girl that they were probably trying to impress with their "mad skillz," cause they were attracted to you. When they do much worse than you they would rather just leave with their bruised ego than sit around and be embarrassed because your much better than them. Real stupid I know, cause thatÂ’s just not the way to make friends.

As for my personal opinion if anyone comes up and wants to play with me so be it. For example, I've played with this one girl here at my local arcade about 3 times now. She is a very good player and we always exchange turns on picking songs, and yes we clarify and ask if the song is ok before itÂ’s played. I'm a better player than this girl and when we first played together she tried to make excuses why she did bad or that she would say that she was having a bad day. However to soften the blow I'm always like no no you did fine, or if its a song that she hasn't played before that is hard, I let her know it. Also if she failed the song or did really horrible I always just blow past the score screen so she doesn't have to look in comparison at our scores. Kinda expressing the idea that I don't know and really I could care less about the scores feeling, which is true, I'm a decent player but I play for the fun of it more than anything else. Also, not everyone can be of the same skill and she doesn't need to feel bad ever if she does worse than me on a song. I'll also fudge the occasional 200ish combo to just so I don't do super super well, especially if she isn't doing the best on a song. This is only cause I can tell she is a little intimidated by my playing and I don't want her to feel that way. I have a blast playing with her, and as time goes on she seems to be less and less worried about how well she does in comparison to me.

Anyway that was kinda a ramble, in short the people you play with shouldn't care. If they always have to beat the person theyÂ’re playing in DDR, well their missing a big part of the community cause damn there is always someone out there that is better than you. If their not willing to accept that their not just missing out on some playing partners, their missing out on that chance at some new and good friendships. It's their loss.
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25. PostPosted: Sat May 31, 2003 2:48 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Mysterio wrote:
I wouldn't care if I got beaten by a girl, especially if she was a hottie. E13.gif

So true...

[~pwned~] wrote:
I always let the girl pick the song, not becase I'm trying to be cool or anything, I just try to be a gentleman! riiight.gif

Yep yep, ladies first E1.gif

chubs wrote:
i'd say a DDR guy wants to hear what any other guy wants to hear....
wanna frick?

haha, that's one way to make them fail laugh.gif

*Guy plays Max 300 Heavy*
*Cute girl walks by and says "wanna frick?"*
*Guy turns head "WAH???"*
*Cute girl walks away "hehe just kidding E15.gif "*
*Guy devil.gif *

P.S. frust.gif BAH!! why are my posts censored and there's arent?? E2.gif
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26. PostPosted: Sat May 31, 2003 3:21 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

well, I somewhat have the same prob, but I have over come it. If you must have a DDR playin guy, then just go standard and miss afew just to make him feel alittle better (AKA pitty miss) or think of it this way, if he liked u, would he walk away never to talk to u again? Just try at school/work and be friends first biggrin.gif
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27. PostPosted: Sat May 31, 2003 3:55 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

k-strife wrote:

P.S. frust.gif BAH!! why are my posts censored and there's arent?? E2.gif

ok here is how it is

words such as the "f word" are changed to make everyone happy, but there are ways around it! If you type in the profanity regularly it will edit it, but if you go (first few letters) then type in the "bold" signal (i.e. [ b] " no space between [ and b") then close it right after that (i.e. [/ b] "no space between / and b, thats just so u can see what I mean") so type away, but use this in moderation, other wise u may cause a riot E13.gif
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the younger makoto
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28. PostPosted: Sat May 31, 2003 4:12 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Jekster wrote:
...It's their loss.

very true! and everything else you said too... I'm not worried if those guys don't want to be nice to me, but I thought "Man, is everybody in this arcade like that?! I can't wait to get out of this town!"

also, wanderer, that guy who never spoke to me again wasn't acting like he didn't like me... but he gave up on DDR and hasn't played there since. he wasn't like "I'm not talking to you anymore! frust.gif " it was more like "well, I guess you're gonna go for that guy with the afro because he can pass Drop Out and I can't frown.gif " but I'm screamin that it doesn't matter! I would much rather everybody just play. oh well...

BTW, I went back to that arcade at a different time and met some other MUCH nicer people. I guess there are always jerks wherever you go but you guys are right... I must've just had bad luck all last week. E7.gif
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29. PostPosted: Sat May 31, 2003 6:36 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

hey i dont care if i get beat by a girl the only thing im interested in a girl beating is my dick... just kidding but seriously if a girl beats me it just gives me a better prespective on how much i suck... and hey if ur hot ill take u on a date... love.gif

8====D < my penis
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30. PostPosted: Sat May 31, 2003 7:06 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

the younger makoto wrote:

All the girls I play with here are nice and love to try harder songs even if they fail but DDR guys are a mystery to me... rules that work in the normal world don't work in an arcade, na? happy.gif

The last song I play, I almost always play a song that I know Im no good at, and I usually fail it, but doing songs that you're really good at kinda gets boring. Well, either that or I'll try to AA the last song to get the extra stage (which I KNOW I'm gonna fail =/)
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31. PostPosted: Sat May 31, 2003 8:37 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

monochromatic wrote:
hey i dont care if i get beat by a girl the only thing im interested in a girl beating is my dick... just kidding but seriously if a girl beats me it just gives me a better prespective on how much i suck... and hey if ur hot ill take u on a date... love.gif

8=D < my penis

spoken like a true no0b, welcome to the last day of ur life
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32. PostPosted: Sat May 31, 2003 8:57 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well Makoto... Point blank I suck at ddr. Just ask Kel she can tell ya all about it. In the way of choosing songs, I usulay let the other person do it because I'm not very knowedgeable about the various songs. I like trying new things. However if I do see a song that I can preform half way decently on I say hey can we do this one. Nine times outa ten they say sure thing. However in the event that they pick Afronova or something hard I tell them that I will do my best but most likely fail. And if your playing a USA mix you all know that its one difficulty level. And even standard I have a very hard time with. It will sometimes anoy the other person (even Kel from time to time i think) that my lack of "skills" for lack of a better word on the machine are just that bad. but I try and if they don't want to play with me again because of my poor preformance they usually tell me. I hate brining down a good player because I can't ddr worth nothing anymore. Any way enough beating up on myself thats just the way the cookie crumbles. (And no I didn't just steal that from Bruce Almighty my mom used to use that phrase all the time on me).
So in short don't worry to much about it. If they want to punk out like that it is not worth it. Don't worry about pissing off the county you are in cause you rock on the pad. Just go with it and if they can be cool with it then hey bonus points for you. If they are cute and they suck why not offer to teach them. If I was a cute guy and you beat the snot outa me I would want to learn your moves. (And please people, don't take that the wrong way).
See ya all on the dance pad. E7.gif
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33. PostPosted: Sat May 31, 2003 9:56 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Also, if a girl beat me at ddr (which isn't too difficult given my skill level) I'd ask for lessons E1.gif

Song picking - I'd rather the other person pick because it gives me the opportunity to practice something I wouldn't normally. My limited practice time and money dictates getting the most for my credit E1.gif
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34. PostPosted: Sat May 31, 2003 10:56 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well. I agree with the whole ego thing, as well as it being an Pride thing, for fact that a guy and admit they cant play as well as they pretned too ;p. Me i play against anyone, regardless of skill level and such not worried that i cant do this or i know i cant do that, most time i playing for fun, and if i play against someone that plays on heavy, i join along to atleast try. but yeah.

I wish someone would ask me to play thinking I was cute...thou i guess i would first have to actrually have to find female players around her O.O.
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the younger makoto
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35. PostPosted: Sat May 31, 2003 11:41 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

yeah, lots of girls play at this arcade, but never at the same time as the guys... it's bizzarre and makes me feel even more foreign because I break the imaginary line or something when I put a coin up.

maybe a couple of guys here could give me lessons. that's fun-- a guy today got me to play Orion.78 and Dead End when I probably wouldn't have bothered otherwise. (and we kept each other alive through a few rounds of So Deep, we both would've been so gone otherwise laugh.gif )

I got him to play Breakdown and Candy* which I bet he would NOT have played if just the guys were watching. Having a girl on stage is also an excuse for playing My Sweet Darlin and Cowgirl (he wanted to try it, but the other guys kept saying "Do Drop Out! Yes, again!")

good times E1.gif
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36. PostPosted: Sun Jun 01, 2003 5:24 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

It's totally different with different locations.

For example.

At Grapevine Mills' Gameworks, if you play during the day/ in the afternoon, there'll be mainly people who aren't so great, prolly 'cause the pricer are way too high. The girls generally love to play with people better than them--regardless of gender-- and all the guys I've played with who I've beaten have always come back for another round here. But, then, some of them are overzealous at the sight of girl DDR players, even if they aren't great, like me. At night, though, you get a lot of showoffish guys here-- not much fun. Maybe that's 'cause I'm not very good though-- I can't even beat any nines (except one or two) anymore, 'cause I hardly play, and my scores are terrible.

At Town East's arcade, it was a lot friendlier. Heh. A lot of the guys there were much better than me-- but they still were all really nice and welcoming. I mean, hell, I played whatever I wanted, and it was all gravy.

Back when Abilene had DDR at the mall, I'd play there a lot. We all were nice to each other, or not, but it was mainly joking between the guys-- no one ever messed with me. Being friends with allll the guys, naturally they wouldn't mess with me. Much, anyways. XD I was a regular there though, so it's different.

Richardson Square mall sucks. Don't even go there-- the people won't even deign to talk to you. Dunno if it's cause I'm a girl, or 'cause I suck, or 'cause I was trying to teach a friend, but daaaamn.

In Lubbock, everyone's really nice. Except somehow this one really short asian guy there has taken to calling me Avril. But they're real nice people, even if some of them are disturbingly good. A few of them don't really talk, but it's what you expect.

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37. PostPosted: Sun Jun 01, 2003 5:32 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

What Gunny R&P, G2, and Jeks said. It's getting to the point where I can just check off the message posts I agree with. :P

Probably the best thing to do in a situation like that is attempt to start small talk with the guy. Don't try to comfort him in an "it's okay, really!" sort of manner--that comes across as patronizing and condescending, not to mention it sounds like the kind of consolation guys get for, uh, not getting it up--but maybe offering tips on how to play or something. I guess, in a sense, you lighly flirt with them. Not TOO much, unless you're also numberfishing (and you've already mentioned otherwise), but enough to keep him comfortable around you.

If he makes you pick the first song, and you AA(A) it and he blows it, have him pick the next song. If makes you pick it again anyway, try something easier--with this second song, you probably want to rest up a bit anyway, and maybe he'll pass this time. Of course, make sure it's all right with him before going ahead.

When the song's over with, make it look like you spent a lot of effort in trying to play it. It's a bit easier to take when it looks like your opponent struggled to pass. After all, if you were collapsed on the floor and got an E, you'd probably appreciate someone also hunched over and huffing with an AA than you would someone whistling nonchalantly and checking their watch with the same score.

What it all comes down to is cushioning their ego, not crushing it. The people you're playing against appear to have inflated egos, large and easily popped. Not to mention the different mindsets involved (you sound like you're playing DDR for the fun of it, they appear to be playing it so they can show the world how big their wangs are). It may not be worth the effort to try to comfort them. Hell, I wouldn't want to play with someone who was that bad a sport, either, even if it were Nicole Kidman on the machine. (Well, okay, maybe I WOULD want to play against Nicole Kidman, even if she were a bad sport. But you get the idea.)

So, yeah, all this rant is missing now is a closing sentence.
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38. PostPosted: Sun Jun 01, 2003 9:03 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

The Wanderer [REBiRTH] wrote:
k-strife wrote:

P.S. frust.gif BAH!! why are my posts censored and there's arent?? E2.gif

ok here is how it is

words such as the "f word" are changed to make everyone happy, but there are ways around it! If you type in the profanity regularly it will edit it, but if you go (first few letters) then type in the "bold" signal (i.e. [ b] " no space between [ and b") then close it right after that (i.e. [/ b] "no space between / and b, thats just so u can see what I mean") so type away, but use this in moderation, other wise u may cause a riot E13.gif

hehe ahh i see biggrin.gif. gotta try that out E13.gif fuck!
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the younger makoto
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39. PostPosted: Sun Jun 01, 2003 10:02 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

LoopyChew wrote:
...Don't try to comfort him in an "it's okay, really!" sort of manner--that comes across as patronizing and condescending, not to mention it sounds like the kind of consolation guys get for, uh, not getting it up--...

laugh.gif that's the best advice, right there! ha ha ha, maybe it IS better just to ignore the scores completely... next time a guy fails a song, I'll just say something like "Whew! So how 'bout those Bulldogs, huh? Think they might go all the way this year?" biggrin.gif

k-strife, way to go, man... you're so uncensored now E15.gif
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