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My home built metal DDR pad (Part IV)
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380. PostPosted: Thu May 08, 2003 3:02 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

-Joe- wrote:
Here, just incase you needed help with soldering that controller!

well I wouldnt use the up down left and right cause those are on an axis, and even though its easy to fix, just stick with the buttons its WAY easier
He is the Painkiller
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381. PostPosted: Thu May 08, 2003 3:09 pm    Post subject: Stuff Reply with quote

`pr0digy wrote:
As far as FTP programs go, I'd hands down recommend FlashFXP. It's bar-none the best out there. But, if all your doing is downloading a few videos, I guess it really doesn't matter. If anyone wants FlashFXP just let me know.

Anyone interested in some great FTP software should also take a look at WS_FTP. There is a pro edition, and a LE edition. I have LE and am perfectly happy with it. It has a clean interface, supports resuming of files that have been cut off, and doesn't hog system resources.

Okay, back to pad building. I have still not located any galvanized (Stainless?) sheet metal for my pads. Where did everyone get theirs? Also, does anyone know a place that will cut the metal (and wood, that would be nice) for me? I am willing to pay for the service, as it's something I am just no good at.

Any help would be great!
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382. PostPosted: Fri May 09, 2003 7:51 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hi Im going to start making my own pop'n music controller and I was wondering were do I solder on the main chip for the R1,2 and L 1,2 buttons on the gamestop controller?
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383. PostPosted: Fri May 09, 2003 9:35 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I've noticed a lot of people trying to come up with ideas on how to light their dance pad. Most if not all of the people have decided to use an outside power souce, such as either plugging the pad into the wall, or batteries.

I think one other person setup a relay switch off of the button to activate a light.

I know a lot of people have looked into useing the power from the controller, but I haven't seen anyones solid results saying they have done it.

I will be working hopefully this weekend, or early next week to add the lights in using the controllers power to do it. I'm taking the design from one of the hand held ddr pads you can get in stores which have lights in them that do the same thing. And adapting the way it is done in that controller to work for my dance pad.

It could be that others have tried this and couldn't get it to work, but I haven't really heard of any people that said "it can't be done, and heres why". Hopefully once/if I get things working I will get some pictures and make a description of how to do it up on the web for people to look at.
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384. PostPosted: Fri May 09, 2003 11:03 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

trolli wrote:
I've noticed a lot of people trying to come up with ideas on how to light their dance pad. Most if not all of the people have decided to use an outside power souce, such as either plugging the pad into the wall, or batteries.

I think one other person setup a relay switch off of the button to activate a light.

I know a lot of people have looked into useing the power from the controller, but I haven't seen anyones solid results saying they have done it.

I will be working hopefully this weekend, or early next week to add the lights in using the controllers power to do it. I'm taking the design from one of the hand held ddr pads you can get in stores which have lights in them that do the same thing. And adapting the way it is done in that controller to work for my dance pad.

It could be that others have tried this and couldn't get it to work, but I haven't really heard of any people that said "it can't be done, and heres why". Hopefully once/if I get things working I will get some pictures and make a description of how to do it up on the web for people to look at.

The playstation runs on a digital signal. The controller converts the high/low voltage it gets when you connect the circuits on the controller to the digital signal that the playstation needs. The digital signal is very low amperage, and although it has 3.5 volts, I doubt you can run anything with more light output than a normal LED. The LEDs I'm using in my design are Ultrabrights which give a pretty good amount of light output but require more amps than normal LEDs.
- RipTide
riptide (at) digitaltorque (dot) com

My pad design:
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385. PostPosted: Fri May 09, 2003 4:38 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

nitroBlaster wrote:
Hi Im going to start making my own pop'n music controller and I was wondering were do I solder on the main chip for the R1,2 and L 1,2 buttons on the gamestop controller?

I wanted to do this too. I need to know the measurements and I need to know where to get the buttons. Basically I need the plans.
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386. PostPosted: Fri May 09, 2003 5:16 pm    Post subject: light Reply with quote

Im still waiting for my ultra bright leds to test it on a "PC to PSX" adapter with a danding soft mat.

There is 6 normal led on the pad that are a little bright when pusshing 1 button and "realy" bright when pusshing 2 button (ask why..) on the PC

on the PSX they are almost the sime.. "realy" bright (not as bright as ultra brihgt led...) but ill try to figure out why its "so" bright

they are not on the arrow but on the top of the mat and ill try to take the "circuit" that light them up to light 1 arrow at time (or 2 or 3 .....hand?? lol)

ill let you know when all is done
I need to finish my pad too lol
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387. PostPosted: Fri May 09, 2003 8:09 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hey guys, i just wanna publicy thank blue beefman for his awesome dance pad design. Im about 90% done with my blue beefman dance pad and it is AMAZING. i like it a million times better than my ddrhomepad. The thing is a freaking tank too!

oh, also i wanna thank him for answering my million and a half questions on AIM. lol

For people that wanna build a pad, go the BB way!
good times, good times.
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388. PostPosted: Fri May 09, 2003 10:17 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'm having major problems setting up my FTP server at the moment, and I would just like to announce that it might be a while before I get the RipTide videos up. I can't seem to fix the problem with the I am suggesting that it could be up to late next week or even further down the road before I get this thing set up properly and running. Sorry about all the delays, but this is taking longer than I had expected.

If any of you would like to directly link to me via MSN or AIM and download the videos for the time being, you are welcome to do so.

Thank you, that is all. happy.gif
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389. PostPosted: Sat May 10, 2003 7:04 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

geez, this is turning into a ftp/server debate, lol
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390. PostPosted: Sat May 10, 2003 7:08 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

-Joe- wrote:
geez, this is turning into a ftp/server debate, lol

whoops...yeah i guess it has. sorry...i guess i am just taking up space on the forums here posting about the damn videos and not letting other ppl post about things that are actually important...

ill shut up now for a while.
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391. PostPosted: Sat May 10, 2003 11:32 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ruined my first attemp at soldering the pad....i was using a sony psx, and good lord is it tough to get it to stick...
Went out and got a mad catz controller new for is slightly different than the pics i see floating around here....
It has select, reset, then well as having slowmotion and turbo led's.....
Just wondering if someone could help out with the soldering points....
The arrows look like straigt screwdrivers....while the buttons look like the squiggles.....

I'll try and grab my camera tommarow and post a pic of it tommarow
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392. PostPosted: Sat May 10, 2003 11:35 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

double bad...

Last edited by BluemeanieTrader on Sat May 10, 2003 11:39 am, edited 1 time in total
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393. PostPosted: Sat May 10, 2003 1:10 pm    Post subject: me too! Reply with quote

i know for a fact someone else had this exact same problem however i couldn't really understand the replies so i am hoping that now someone has a solution to this problem. i built my pad according to riptide's design and when it works it works beautifully however i have had some serious problems. basically after playing some stages (anywhere from half a stage to 6) the pad ceases to respond. i can fix this by unplugging and plugging the thing back in, needless to say Oni Mode is no longer an option, any suggestions?

NOTE: i recall some people mentioning to "ground" the pad and as i understand you do this by either attaching a wire to your dancepad (like to one of the screws on the corners) or to the ground wire (where all the other ground wires are bundles) and then attach it to something to act as a ground (i used my radiator and the little screw in the middle of an outlet) however this didn't work. did i do something wrong or is this not the correct solution to the problem? any help/suggestions would be greatly appreaciated a $120 doorstop won't help my game riiight.gif

Last edited by asdfqweruiop on Sat May 10, 2003 5:31 pm, edited 1 time in total
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394. PostPosted: Sat May 10, 2003 1:49 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

BluemeanieTrader wrote:
Ruined my first attemp at soldering the pad....i was using a sony psx, and good lord is it tough to get it to stick...
Went out and got a mad catz controller new for is slightly different than the pics i see floating around here....
It has select, reset, then well as having slowmotion and turbo led's.....
Just wondering if someone could help out with the soldering points....
The arrows look like straigt screwdrivers....while the buttons look like the squiggles.....

I'll try and grab my camera tommarow and post a pic of it tommarow

Take a detailed picture of the controller and i will show you where to solder

guys, try this instead of using cat-5 onto the controller

take a scrap controller that was previously fried from a solder attempt, cut 6 inches of the grey insulated cord, strip that so you have like 8 little wires, strip the ends of those (both sides) you will notice its stranded wire, not just 1 copper wire like in cat-5. This stranded wire heats up alot faster than cat-5 does so it makes soldering the wire to the controller a million times easier. Then, just solder the cat-5 coming outta the pad to the appropiate 6 inch stranded wires!

Ya see those colored wires coming outta the controller, those are the stranded wires, then the pieces of black tape, thats where the cat-5 was soldered to the stranded
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395. PostPosted: Sat May 10, 2003 3:04 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

BluemeanieTrader wrote:
Ruined my first attemp at soldering the pad....i was using a sony psx, and good lord is it tough to get it to stick...
Went out and got a mad catz controller new for is slightly different than the pics i see floating around here....
It has select, reset, then well as having slowmotion and turbo led's.....
Just wondering if someone could help out with the soldering points....
The arrows look like straigt screwdrivers....while the buttons look like the squiggles.....

I'll try and grab my camera tommarow and post a pic of it tommarow

The Mad Catz is really easy. You'll notice that for each button there's a circle with a 'line' through it. The side with extra little circle on the side is for the button, the other side is for the ground. I actually soldered each individual ground and each button. My pad works great. You don't have to solder each ground like I did. Hope that helps.

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396. PostPosted: Sat May 10, 2003 5:04 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


good times, good times.
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397. PostPosted: Sat May 10, 2003 5:16 pm    Post subject: Finally Reply with quote

After a ton of time spent on, and changing around my internet settings and practicly my entire router, I finally have my FTP server up and running with the RipTide videos.

Here they are:

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5

Thank God this is over with. tongue.gif
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398. PostPosted: Sat May 10, 2003 7:06 pm    Post subject: electronic plan Reply with quote

Anyone got a figured out a transistor based lighting plan ??

I know how to do it with relay... but its like transistor cost : 1/2 than relay (at stupid local radio shack)

so if you figure out how to use those transistor (Im "good" with electronic but didnt use any transistor before today E10.gif)

P.S. I did not stuty in electronic. I did jsut a lot of "project" related to this
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399. PostPosted: Sat May 10, 2003 8:10 pm    Post subject: telephone wire to psx controller Reply with quote

I purchased a custom-built metal pad, and the way its all hooked up is with telephone cables to a central point (I'm guessing) but I cannot access that central point.

The problem is that well, the damn thing is broken and doesn't work. So I was thinking is it possible for me to just re-solder the phone cables wires to a controller and use it like that?

Any input/help would be greatly appreciated either via e-mail/pm/im/reply, thanks.
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