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My home built metal DDR pad (Part IV)
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300. PostPosted: Sun May 04, 2003 10:46 am    Post subject: LED lights in steps... Reply with quote

i have two questions here, the first is where can i find LED lights that i can put im the metal pad i am building? and second, assuming that i find some, how do i hook them up so that they turn on when the step is stepped on?
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301. PostPosted: Sun May 04, 2003 10:53 am    Post subject: Re: LED lights in steps... Reply with quote

roboticstump wrote:
i have two questions here, the first is where can i find LED lights that i can put im the metal pad i am building? and second, assuming that i find some, how do i hook them up so that they turn on when the step is stepped on?

Leds: kingbright - you can look up distributors from their site.
I don't have instructions yet, but I will in about a month
- RipTide
riptide (at) digitaltorque (dot) com

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302. PostPosted: Sun May 04, 2003 11:01 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

How are you guys using LED's with your pads?
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303. PostPosted: Sun May 04, 2003 11:47 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

ran into a snag....the only brand of weatherstripping in the buffalo area that i can find is by Frost King....they do not label their products, low density or open /closed cell...

Through trial and error (and 10 bucks..) i located open cell thats only 1/4 thick....
If i stack 2 pieces on top each other it should work out fine, correct?

If ya wanna see pics of my pad thus far click the link below is my trading site...(games & wrestling stuff)

Thanks for the help Riptide and Blue Beefman

And excellent idea with the foil reflector....
whats you lighting contact design?

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304. PostPosted: Sun May 04, 2003 12:03 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

BluemeanieTrader wrote:
ran into a snag....the only brand of weatherstripping in the buffalo area that i can find is by Frost King....they do not label their products, low density or open /closed cell...

Through trial and error (and 10 bucks..) i located open cell thats only 1/4 thick....
If i stack 2 pieces on top each other it should work out fine, correct?

If ya wanna see pics of my pad thus far click the link below is my trading site...(games & wrestling stuff)

Thanks for the help Riptide and Blue Beefman

And excellent idea with the foil reflector....
whats you lighting contact design?


Hmm, I haven't thought of stacking two 1/4" strips of weatherstripping, I think it'd work though. Give it a try and let me know... It'd be a good thing to add to Shadow_Dragonz FAQ.

As for the lighting wiring, I'm planning on using an AC adapter to get ~3V DC for the LEDs... which is near what the controller runs on, but higher amps. I'll use a transistor to switch in the higher amount powered line. I don't know if this'll work yet... haven't tried it yet. I'm having cash flow problems. I got the medical bill for the toe I broke in Feb, and I have to pay that as well as my new car's taxes.... it's gonna hurt more than actually breaking my toe did frown.gif
- RipTide
riptide (at) digitaltorque (dot) com

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305. PostPosted: Sun May 04, 2003 12:18 pm    Post subject: Sony PSX Controllers Reply with quote

There seems to be growing interest in using the official Sony brand controllers, but a lot of questions go by unanswered. Would anyone here be interested in a comprehensive guide on these controllers, incluring diagrams and instructions?
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306. PostPosted: Sun May 04, 2003 1:07 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'll do that with the 1/4' weatherstripping, and let ya know how it turns out...

yes i'd be interested in that...I found a diagram online for a psx non dual shock, but when i opened mine up it was slightly different...


There seems to be growing interest in using the official Sony brand controllers, but a lot of questions go by unanswered. Would anyone here be interested in a comprehensive guide on these controllers, incluring diagrams and instructions?

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307. PostPosted: Sun May 04, 2003 1:25 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

riptide wrote:
`pr0digy wrote:
Andreq wrote:

yeah.. mine are 8000 MCD I dont know the view angle but I got 20.. so 5 per arrow (joking)

The brighter the better! tongue.gif Everyone seems to be doing lights now... But has anyone actually gotten a well working lighting system yet ?

Viewing angle should be fine. The viewing angle on mine are actually only 12 degrees, but it doesn't matter if you put a reflector at the bottom of the arrow well and face the LED down into it. A reflector will spread the light out over the arrow much better than if you aimed it upwards even if you had a large viewing angle.

So, the way I'm lighting the pad, the light hitting the top of the arrow panel will be secondary, reflected light. The type of material used to reflect and how it's curved will determine how well the light spreads across the panel. I ran a simple test with one LED and alluminum foil as a reflector, and the results were surprisingly good.

Interesting, so i assume the 10000 mcd 30 degree viewing angled LED's should be fine for me, right?

do you have ANY clue what the MCD was on your UV led?
good times, good times.
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308. PostPosted: Sun May 04, 2003 2:25 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hi! I am new here and trying to build a metal pad, after coming across this great site and reading of these threads pertaining to the homebuilt pads. I showed the info to my son and asked if he thought we could build this I am not that educated in electronics and he has been since a young age. Anyway here is my question, he has come up with an idea of using a pushbutton doorbell, under each arrow and that would eliminate the need for the sheet metal the wire from the circuit board could connect to one screw and a ground wire to the other. He is going to see if the weight of the plexiglass resting right on the button will depress it or not. If it doesn't then don't need weatherstripping either. My question is-the doorbell says not recommended for more that 16v, does anyone know whether or not this idea might not work because of amps or volts? We figure it may take one door bell button for each side of each arrow.
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309. PostPosted: Sun May 04, 2003 2:33 pm    Post subject: Re: Sony PSX Controllers Reply with quote

frisina wrote:
There seems to be growing interest in using the official Sony brand controllers, but a lot of questions go by unanswered. Would anyone here be interested in a comprehensive guide on these controllers, incluring diagrams and instructions?

Yes I too, would be very interested. I have looked and looked through all of these threads for that info on the sony controller and the mad catz controller and have not found it.
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Blue Beefman
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310. PostPosted: Sun May 04, 2003 3:41 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

hmmm so where is the best place to get LED's I mean I want ones that are bright and inexpensive...and is there a way to hook up my lights AND my arrow contacts to the same screw? cause Im using a pushbutton for the lights...
He is the Painkiller
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311. PostPosted: Sun May 04, 2003 3:57 pm    Post subject: Re: Sony PSX Controllers Reply with quote

crypistol wrote:
frisina wrote:
There seems to be growing interest in using the official Sony brand controllers, but a lot of questions go by unanswered. Would anyone here be interested in a comprehensive guide on these controllers, incluring diagrams and instructions?

Yes I too, would be very interested. I have looked and looked through all of these threads for that info on the sony controller and the mad catz controller and have not found it.

Okay, give me a while... maybe the end of the night, or by tomorrow, and I will have something put together. Today is my birthday, so I might not be working on the DDR stuff so much as enjoying the day. I'll get something up soon. It's actually a lot easier than a lot of people have mentioned so far, so wory not.

Will post a link when I get the guide together. E1.gif
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312. PostPosted: Sun May 04, 2003 4:26 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Blue Beefman wrote:
hmmm so where is the best place to get LED's I mean I want ones that are bright and inexpensive...and is there a way to hook up my lights AND my arrow contacts to the same screw? cause Im using a pushbutton for the lights...

Here come.... me !!!!!

did you see my "diagram".. its on page 9 i think its like

PSX PAD ----left arrow (or whatever) ---------relay-------ground-PSX pad
...................................................................| |
.................................+3volt (or..) ------------/ \--LED!!!---- -3volt(or)

when the arrow are pressed the relay is "ON" so the link with the + and - 3volt is circulating.... so.. you dont need any push "light only" push button

what is a relay (for dummy) : basic : you have 3 wire.... 1 is going to 2

3 is alone.... now !... the relay is ON (some volt is going trought it)... 1 go to 3 and now 2 is alone so... if you put a wire to 1 and to 3 when the relay is ON the volt are circulating trough ---1---3-------

ex :...........-- 1--|--|----2 "OFF"..........--1--| |----2 "ON"
.....................\--| |--- 3.....................\--|--|--- 3

if it look ugly, change your resolution haha

EDIT : damn diagram
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313. PostPosted: Sun May 04, 2003 4:33 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

crypistol wrote:
Hi! I am new here and trying to build a metal pad, after coming across this great site and reading of these threads pertaining to the homebuilt pads. I showed the info to my son and asked if he thought we could build this I am not that educated in electronics and he has been since a young age. Anyway here is my question, he has come up with an idea of using a pushbutton doorbell, under each arrow and that would eliminate the need for the sheet metal the wire from the circuit board could connect to one screw and a ground wire to the other. He is going to see if the weight of the plexiglass resting right on the button will depress it or not. If it doesn't then don't need weatherstripping either. My question is-the doorbell says not recommended for more that 16v, does anyone know whether or not this idea might not work because of amps or volts? We figure it may take one door bell button for each side of each arrow.

Interesting idea, I'd like to know how it turns out. You shouldn't have a problem with the voltage. The playstation controllers run on about 3.5 volts, so it's not going to put much load on that doorbell at all.

Blue Beefman wrote:
hmmm so where is the best place to get LED's I mean I want ones that are bright and inexpensive...and is there a way to hook up my lights AND my arrow contacts to the same screw? cause Im using a pushbutton for the lights...

You'll want some Ultrabrights. Check the distributor's list on Most LEDs will be fairly cheap. You can hook up the lights to the same circuit as the rest of the pad, but you'll have to use either relays or something similar. I'm going to attempt it using transistors, but I'm not sure if it'll work yet. I'm thinking it'll be a bit simpler to wire up with transistors and cheaper too... I just haven't tried it yet.

Edit: BlueBeefman, email me and I'll send you details
- RipTide
riptide (at) digitaltorque (dot) com

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314. PostPosted: Sun May 04, 2003 5:55 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

transistor ! what a nice idea

I didnt use any of those in all my project haha

now Im reading on some website to figure out what it does... and ! look great

more easy than damn $3 relay ! (haha)

and no other power supply Ill try to talk with my electronic maniac friend to figure out a nice working plan (hehe I like my relationship)
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315. PostPosted: Sun May 04, 2003 6:35 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I was thinking about the wireless idea and I thought of the sony remote control. There cheap on ebay and have all the ps2 buttons on them but I have no clue how what they look like inside.
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316. PostPosted: Sun May 04, 2003 7:23 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

nitroBlaster wrote:
I was thinking about the wireless idea and I thought of the sony remote control. There cheap on ebay and have all the ps2 buttons on them but I have no clue how what they look like inside.

I don't own either playstations, so I'm obviously not with the playstation scene, but when you say remote control, I assume you mean the PS2 DVD remote control thing?

If so, go turn on the TV and try adjusting the volume. Instantaneous, huh. frown.gif

Unless it is "gaming" spec IR I don't think it is going to work. RF still lags ever so slightly. If you can find a wireless PSX controller that uses IR (I know they had them way back for oldschool NES; haven't seen them in a while; do they still make them?) then I'd say that'd be your best bet. But again, those are LOS only.

I think overall, it'd be too much of a hassle to worth the time. Even if it did work, its just one more thing to troubleshoot. Also, its not like your DDR pad is super portable or could truly benefit from being wireless. Unless I missed part of the context, I don't think it is really that nessicary.
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317. PostPosted: Sun May 04, 2003 8:08 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Blue Beefman wrote:
hmmm so where is the best place to get LED's I mean I want ones that are bright and inexpensive...and is there a way to hook up my lights AND my arrow contacts to the same screw? cause Im using a pushbutton for the lights...

Just curious, a few pages back I saw your pics of a pad using some kind of home security motion acivated lights, did that not work. It looked good. But the pics didn't show how you had them hooked up. I was wondering about that too. It seems others are talking about having to use relays and transiters, is that because the controller circuits and light circuits would interfere with one another.
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318. PostPosted: Sun May 04, 2003 8:29 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thank you for your reply. By the way I think your arrow design is awesome. What a cool idea? I have tried a many number times to see the videos on your site, but haven't been able to. I have tried late at night and right clicking and save target as cause on one of these threads someone suggested that. Have you completed your pad and is it working good? I started reading all of the info in the first couple of threads on this site and it seemed to be a great idea to build one instead of buying one of those cobalts but in these later threads it seems that several people who have built there pads are still discussing ways to fix problems they are having and still looking for a way to do lighting. Papster pad looks real good, i think his design has lights using relays and 9 volt adapter for power. Do you not like that idea? Is that why you are wanting to try transitors? You told blue beefman that it can hook to the same circuit as the controller wires but have to use a relay? Does that mean it won't need a 9 volt adapter and seperate power source, like in Papster's pad design?

Interesting idea, I'd like to know how it turns out. You shouldn't have a problem with the voltage. The playstation controllers run on about 3.5 volts, so it's not going to put much load on that doorbell at all.
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319. PostPosted: Sun May 04, 2003 8:37 pm    Post subject: Re: Sony PSX Controllers Reply with quote

frisina wrote:
crypistol wrote:
frisina wrote:
There seems to be growing interest in using the official Sony brand controllers, but a lot of questions go by unanswered. Would anyone here be interested in a comprehensive guide on these controllers, incluring diagrams and instructions?

Yes I too, would be very interested. I have looked and looked through all of these threads for that info on the sony controller and the mad catz controller and have not found it.

Okay, give me a while... maybe the end of the night, or by tomorrow, and I will have something put together. Today is my birthday, so I might not be working on the DDR stuff so much as enjoying the day. I'll get something up soon. It's actually a lot easier than a lot of people have mentioned so far, so wory not.
Will post a link when I get the guide together. E1.gif

I will be looking for it, thanks. Hope you have a wonderful birthday! E1.gif Happy Bithday E1.gif

Last edited by crypistol on Mon May 05, 2003 4:48 am, edited 1 time in total
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