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Tankorr2003 Basic Member

Joined: 24 Nov 2002
20. Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2003 1:52 pm Post subject: |
June 2, 2002 at Disneyworld, in the arcade in Tomorrowland on the Disney Mix machine. Me and a friend(neither of us experienced on DDR at all) decided to do a double and see who was better, or in our case, who sucked less. Well, back then I didn't know anything about changing the difficulty. We though we were playing on Basic cuz the single was on that satting, but the double setting was on Heavy. We picked Night of Fire, and expected only the few arrows the basic had. To our suprise, we were ambushed by bunches or arrows and failed about 10 seconds into the song. There were a TON of people watching because these two kids who were pretty good were playing just before us. It was terrible, everyone was laughing at us. And the girl with our cameras said "I didn't have time to get a picture!" |
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Stat1k Trick Member

Joined: 18 Mar 2003 Location: Lemoore,Ca |
21. Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2003 1:57 pm Post subject: |
yesterday when i was at the arcade,i had a good run,and got to the last song,so i was like i'll do max 300 on standard,because i can pass that song now,and its fun.
So im playing through it,and after the first set of freeze arrows i kinda lose it,but am able to hold on to it as well as i could..
so i get to the end of the song on the last freeze arrows and because its customary to me,i spin around towards the crowd. of course,as i do that,i miss one of the buttons...boom.
the last step on max300 friends were laughing so hard..i was pissed to say the least.hehe
Last edited by Stat1k on Sat Apr 19, 2003 2:28 pm, edited 1 time in total |
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DDRkrazy Trick Member

Joined: 26 Jan 2003 Location: Roebling, NJ |
22. Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2003 2:15 pm Post subject: aaa |
i dont see how all you guys can fall down on a machine, ive never fallen down, tripped (severly) or even slipped. but this was pretty embarresing; i was playin on SSR on the only machine within 50 miles of my home, a 3rd mix. and i finished my 4 songs and i decided to do MR.wonderfull on another, i was tired, and for some reason the arrows were quite confusing and i FAILED! i was soo mad and the crowd of ddr playas were laughin at me LOL pretty embarrasing! _________________
All that is... ever.... ever was, will be... ever.. TWISTING, TURNING, THROUGH THE NEVER! |
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TJ of Team Fatass Trick Member

Joined: 25 Sep 2002 Location: Southeast Georgia, USA |
23. Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2003 2:38 pm Post subject: |
Last night... I was playing on our new machine in town... And some of my friends had came in while I was doing nearly = 130 (one of them, not knowing anything about the game, came up and started jumping around in the middle of Higher, got distracted and boom, boom, boom, boom, FAIL)... But that's not the embarrassing part... One of them wanted to learn how to play, so I put her up with me... did first 2 songs with her on light, so I could call out steps and everything... Then did Abyss, Maniac... Got half way through the song... and failed...
I promptly gathered my things, and left the scene...
-DLE _________________
-The wandering soul is one with hope... |
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Delphy Trick Member

Joined: 05 Mar 2003 Location: Las Vegas, NV |
24. Posted: Thu May 01, 2003 8:52 pm Post subject: |
So far to date:
Tripping over the ddr pad.... BEFORE playing
That was a direct omen for me to scrap any ambitious notions of trying anything remotely complex that day _________________
I'm out of creative ideas for a fancy quote |
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Jace Trick Member

Joined: 08 Mar 2003 Location: Sacramento, California |
25. Posted: Thu May 01, 2003 9:33 pm Post subject: |
Well there were these 2 new girls to the game who saw me play a heavy song before that. they were having a bad time on a light song, and asked me if i could finish that song for them. I said ok and quickly go ton the pad. Well..... I am a 2x speed mod player and they had it set on 1, and i am also used to a bunch of arrows... so i got boos and misses on all the SLOW arrows and ended up failing the song! I wanted to prove to them that I wasn't that bad so I bought them a free game, AFTER I showed my true skill on healing vision angelic mix heavy ;o) |
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Trance Of Sorrow Trick Member

Joined: 01 Feb 2003
26. Posted: Thu May 01, 2003 9:48 pm Post subject: |
I somehow slipped playing the Dam Dariram KCP Mix on the 5th Mix and failed with a crowd. But I bounced right back and proved them wrong making them think I CAN do it. I've slipped many times cause of improper footing and I've bruised my knee.  |
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moosmann Basic Member

Joined: 13 Nov 2002
27. Posted: Thu May 01, 2003 10:21 pm Post subject: |
My most embarassing moment was when I had to play It's Raining Men for PA at March Madness. That sucked my arse. |
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deranged Guest
28. Posted: Fri May 02, 2003 12:11 am Post subject: |
The first time I palyed DDR on an Arcade machine. I had never seen those before (only in some internet videos) so when I saw one in an arcade during a vacation in America a friend and I decided to play. She was quite good at DDR and I had played the home version a couple of times so we decided to do a 4 footer which she should easily beat with AA or AAA and I probably pass ... somehow
The Arcade felt so different from the home pad that after 10 arrows I totally lost track and got left behind. I just sat down on the arrows waiting for my friend to finish the darned thing while tons of people were watching |
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Joined: 07 Mar 2003
29. Posted: Fri May 02, 2003 4:45 am Post subject: |
This happened at home when i was playing on konamix on my ps1 in front of a crowd of around 10 or so friends who couldn't play ddr. Since my pad sucks and tends to slide on the tile floor, i usually just play hard basic and most trick songs like la senorita, paranoia, rebirth, etc... So anyways, they asked me to do a really hard song, and i was like they don't know the difference, practically any song will impress 'em, so i just did paranoia on basic, and there i was on the those 1/8 note once down 1/8 note twice right, 1/8 once down, 1/8 note left thing, and i noticed i didn't have a belt on and my pants began to slipped, i quickly tugged them up, and 2 sec later, they slipped down again, and this time, down to my knees . So to make a long story short, my pants at my knees did not allow my legs to get any mobility and i tripped and fell on the tile floor, luckily on my ace. We all got a good laugh, even though i failed the song  |
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Fresh! Trick Member

Joined: 13 Aug 2002 Location: Auckland, NZL |
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NinJiTSu OLOL!O!1!1 Trick Member

Joined: 11 Apr 2003
31. Posted: Fri May 02, 2003 7:53 am Post subject: |
i was playing in front of Jboy and was trying to show off like i always do and i was saying crap like Im only 10. well (back when i sucked) i could to like 6 footers. now i can do catas, but. i picked a fricking one footer bcz this 5 yr old decides to play next to me. i was thinking basic was the same as light and i was like what the heck these arent the r&p steps! so there i was playing a practically 1 footer when jboy picked LoM on heavy i wanted to disappear
and once i was going to play with jeebus or 1 of his friends but he puts in his coins and i accidenttally hit single _________________
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Zep Trick Member

Joined: 16 Apr 2003 Location: in the darkest cave on Thunder Cat Island |
32. Posted: Fri May 02, 2003 8:04 am Post subject: |
One time on Max 300 I kind of Sliped of the arrows
Ouch* _________________
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Cyd Trick Member

Joined: 09 Mar 2003 Location: Phuket, Thailand |
33. Posted: Fri May 02, 2003 8:51 am Post subject: |
I have flowm off the side of a pad many a time. It is usually from over sliding, but there was once where my balance failed and I went carrening into the games next to me. |
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EnigmaticRaverA Trick Member

Joined: 07 Apr 2002 Location: East Hartford, CT |
34. Posted: Fri May 02, 2003 11:42 am Post subject: |
My most embarassing moment had to be when I was playing and I fell off the machine....but to top it off...there was a crowd and there was a girl who was to my right and i had to grab something so i would hit the can imagine what it was i grabbed...and i will leave it at that. _________________
Lifes a b1tch then you marry one then you get cancer. You get fat and old while your kids are 30 and still living with you eating all your rice patties. The doctor tells you that you have cancer and you wont live to see 75. The day before your 75th birthday you get beat up by your bad a$$ grandkids. You do turn 75 but the cake had rat poison know the rest... |
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GepettoZHog Trick Member

Joined: 05 Apr 2003
35. Posted: Fri May 02, 2003 4:07 pm Post subject: Embarassing |
Well, it wasn't ME, but it was hillarious. You know how people freestyling like to launch over the bar? So these two guys were going to do their "one guy jumps the bar 15 times while the pther keeps the combo alive" routine. Everything is going fine until the fourth jump, where the guy doesn't quite get over the bar.
His nuts get crushed like grapes.
He crumples forward, and in the process, kicks the other guy in the balls also.
The song ended with the two of them writhing in pain.
The song? It's Raining Men
I almost pissed myself that day _________________
The Signature of a Lazy Person |
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RecklessAndUnderpaid Trick Member

Joined: 27 Apr 2003
36. Posted: Fri May 02, 2003 6:53 pm Post subject: |
me? i got 2...
first: a while ago, before i could do like 5-7 footers, starting up the machine with a fairly good friend of mine, just not better than me, and once we get to the point of picking hte songs, i tap down to trick, and she stays on basic, and this was before i leared how to hold the outside buttons first, before you hit hte inside one to make the songs alphabetical, so i end up selecting abyss on trick, and fail, cuz ive never done it front of a crowd...>.<
second (wasnt really me, but i had to endure it anyway): friend of mine that has little taste in DDR music, only does the songs that ive introduced to her, heard shake your booty on the....4th mix? i think...anywhoo she begs and begs me to choose the song for her and the one that i failed abyss i biggie, even though i happen to be thinking "this song is GAY" as im standing there, because she refuses to let me leave her side, about 4 rather cute guys come up and stand behind them, and since i cant leave, i have to play it up and act cool, but the entire time im wanting to crawl into a corner and die, but to recover, i get on after them and do my hardest/best songs ....but the wound is still fresh...
lesson learned that day....friends dont let friends choose bad DDR songs....  |
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Brigg Brags About Bag Trick Member

Joined: 23 Mar 2003 Location: Going through some changes.... |
37. Posted: Fri May 02, 2003 7:11 pm Post subject: |
This happened the other day...I was playing on the 2P side...
I'm busting out some random freestyle stuff on HEAVY "Love Shine" and my gauge was looking OK. So at the one triplet I decide to use both feet on the right arrow for the 3 steps and go left-right-left, then hit the down arrow with the right foot, then jump and spin in time to hit the LR Jump.
Well, instead of going left-right-left, I go Right-left-right, get confused and actually STEP off the pad by accident when I tried to spin to hit the Down arrow with my left foot.
I tried to recover, but could
I played it off though, it was something new and improptu. The crowd was average by the way.... _________________
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Dj Apocalypse Basic Member

Joined: 13 Mar 2003
38. Posted: Sat May 03, 2003 7:12 am Post subject: |
Wow, sucks to be you guys. At my arcade, no one laughs when anyone fails. No one really does anything, my most embarrising thing was when I was tryin Kick the Can (ACK WORST SONG NOW) on Heavy for the first time and tripped and fell into the machine. No one was there thankfully |
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SO! loves Electroplankton Trick Member

Joined: 22 Dec 2002 Location: mommy told me not to say! |
39. Posted: Sat May 03, 2003 7:18 am Post subject: |
playing with a heavy player, and hitting the start button instead of the song selection buttons, and making us both play shake your booty basic... |
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