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robbiej Trick Member

Joined: 25 May 2002 Location: Vancouver, BC, Canada |
0. Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2003 1:28 pm Post subject: My First Bad Experience With A Kid And DDR |
Ok ok, I'll make this short because I'm sure we've all heard everything there is to say about stupid little kids screwing up ddr.
I was playing Jet World and I was doing VERY good (probably only going to get an AA tho) and some little kid steps onto the other problemt yet...and he kept getting closer and closer until he was finally stepping on the left arrow of my pad when I wasn't. Since he didnt see any danger in this I kept on playing and in result, kicked his foot out of the way more than a few times. His dad FINALLY told him to get away from there after about 30 seconds of this. Needless to say, I got only a B on the song because he walked behind me while getting off the pad and I didn't want to boot him so I had to turn around to watch my step.
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nick. Trick Member

Joined: 09 Jul 2002 Location: Studio city, CA |
1. Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2003 2:23 pm Post subject: |
Well at least his dad had enough sense to tell the kid to get away. You should see the stiuations where the little kid is being stupid, the person playing knocks them out of the way (accidental or not) and the parent gets all pissed off at the person playing ddr when it was the stupid little kids fault, and probably the parents too for not paying attention to their children. |
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slkmmm Trick Member

Joined: 14 Apr 2002 Location: Ripon, ca |
2. Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2003 4:19 pm Post subject: |
I'm tellin' ya, we need a sticky on this topic. One of these is almost always on the front page so there might as well be a sticky on it. _________________
hi. |
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Fox643 Trick Member

Joined: 06 Apr 2003 Location: Foxboro, Massachusetts or UNH |
3. Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2003 5:16 pm Post subject: |
Whenever someone does this to me, I make a conscious effort to STOMP ON THEIR FOOT AS HARD AS I POSSABLY CAN!!!! That kind of stuff ticks me off to no end, and my method works wonders  |
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Kel_Ichijouji Trick Member

Joined: 27 Jul 2002 Location: St. Petersburg, Florida |
4. Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2003 5:46 pm Post subject: |
Honestly... when I start playing, if anyone is around, I tell them to back off, I have "flying arms," which I dont have, but they usually back away... If someone asks if they can shadow me on the other pad, I usually say yeah, since its obvious to me that they're really trying to learn or something.
But when it comes to kids (bear with me if you've already heard my story)... I was playing DDR when these idiots (around 16-17, my age) kept running in front of me... So... I got a little fed up, and kinda sorta just hit one REALLY hard upside his head. They left immediately, and I never got in trouble 'cause the girl working there was a friend of mine!  _________________
~ Takin' the dance pad to an all-new level! ~ DDR is not just a game... it's a part of your life. ~ We all dance. Different music, different steps. But we all dance. ~ |
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Joined: 24 Jan 2002 Location: On Da Dirty South |
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Mikeweiser Trick Member

Joined: 15 Feb 2003 Location: Saginaw, MI |
6. Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2003 5:47 pm Post subject: |
Ah, I have had a similar experiance. I was waiting to play on at my local bowling alley, and there was two kids (probably brothers, around 9-10 years old) playing the game. After their 3 stages were over, the kids put more money in the machine, and disreguarded the quarters that me and my cousin placed on the machine, to signal that it was our turn. After they picked started to pick the song, their dad was in there, and he said, "Sorry, they didn't know". I said "Thats fine", and let it rest. After that, their dad said, "You have to get off, it's someone elses turn." The kids seemed to be pissed, and well, I didn't give it a second thought. Well, in the middle of... I think it was Twilight Zone, the kids start messing around by us. One started putting change on the machine (which requires putting your arm just below the screen) and moving their arms up, and putting them in the way, and the other was jumping on the stage behind us, and making my cousin nervous, thinking he was going to step on his foot. In the middle of this, I was trying to signal that I was getting pissed ("c'mon kid", "And spouting "WTF, man?") I don't know what the hell the dad was looking at when this was going on, but needless to say, after that song, I was PISSED. I looked over to his dad, and I said, quote:
"You know, if your kids want to hog this machine, thats fine, but when its someone elses turn, at least have the god*amn courtesy to tell them to stay back when others are on it"
Then he said something around the lines of:
"Sorry, they are just having some fun:
Then I said:
"The 50 cents that I paid say that it's our turn to have fun now. We are only here for one game, then it's all yours."
My cousin just started laughing, and pointed me to the screen. When we finished the 2nd song, I looked back, no more kids/dad. Even though we ended up leaving right after anyway. |
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Joined: 24 Jan 2002 Location: On Da Dirty South |
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Madchal Trick Member

Joined: 01 Nov 2002 Location: Santee/Lakeside/El Cajon merger place. |
8. Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2003 9:14 pm Post subject: |
hmmm lil kids. my favorite f*cking subject.i swear these lil kids don't know when to stop i was at the local DnB and was playing the DDRE machine and a buncha 10-12 year old lil girls where wining about how long it took for us to finish butterfly so the woman who was watching them came up behind us we were doing FS routine for saints go marching in and i turn around she tells use while i am doing a spin how many songs do you have i said 2 and then she told us well hurry up so these girls can play i was like sure the girls start touching the bar and poking us in the back then two came around to wave to make us fail oor get of we finished our routine we were like plz stop we will make this quick so we played bag standard for our first time during the song i was doing good it looked like i was getting all perfects and then they started stepping on my down arrow and right arrow. i was still doing distamnce thats when there pperson watching them told them too stop and they did i ended up getting a b on bag. So i start to rest because we were gonna do Xenon on light we were waiting for the timer to run out and they went to somehing while we were talking and MaxX was on when the time went out we were like what the hell and failed. damn little kids. well aside from the lil kids from 5 to 6 steping on my feet i havn't had any problems with lil kids especially as screwed up as that |
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Bisiopao Trick Member

Joined: 30 Jan 2002 Location: Union City CA. We have a Century 25 |
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MarshallKobe Trick Member

Joined: 21 Apr 2003
10. Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2003 9:36 pm Post subject: |
The biggest problems at my arcade is that a pack of kids come in and get one card for unlimited play then throw 20+ credits on the machine. Its bull because those cheap *ss kids dominate the machine with no regard for anyone else. They think it is kool to have the machine to themselves while me, an intermediate player, just wants to play a few times to learn more songs. After I finally get on the machine the better players think that they are kool by shadowing me on the other pad. If they ask I would probably not mind but it irks the sh*t out of me to mess up some where because "show off clown kid" wants to impress the other little mall rats. I think I am going to purposely trip and elbow the next kid that doesnt ask permission to shadow me.
I have gone out and purchased all JP DDRs and AM DDRs to practice just to avoid these little b*itches. |
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Jace Trick Member

Joined: 08 Mar 2003 Location: Sacramento, California |
11. Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2003 12:10 am Post subject: |
Ah yes... little kids. Many horror stories. I'll select a few events in particular that make me mad.
1) I was hot and swety (like normal) and a group of two 11 or so year old boys ocme in. im playing by myself so he jumps on the other pad (it ticks me off if someone I dont know jumps on the other pad). He starts flailing his arms and feet screaming "IM BETTER THEN YOU!" so the whole freaking arcade could hear it. I normally just pretent like they arent there, but I actually got so mad I told him dead in the face "get off!". Yes its lame, but its the best you could do while playing.
2) Little girls are a pain. Not only do they bother you while you are playing, they even bother you when you arent playing. Chosing songs like wicth doctor and its raining men. When im on the stage they are doing gymnastics or whatever on the bar, and their guardian doesnt do anything about them.
3) some guy walks up when i am in the middle of a song (probably 13) and puts some coins in. He mashes the green button a thousand times and says "its broken!" I tell him that he has to wait for me to finish the song. but he doesnt care and starts banging on the machine and I cant concentrate and get a C on the song. it payed off because he left and i got his credits ;o)
4) One word: BIG SHOES. I am in no way against girls playing... but when they wear 1 foot high 50 pound shoes it makes me cringe. They don't necesarrily annoy me when i play, but when they are playing they make an amount of noise that makes me have to stand outside. and they also are STOMPING. I can see the poor metal bend on the stage...
those are my sad stories ;o( |
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Trance Of Sorrow Trick Member

Joined: 01 Feb 2003
12. Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2003 1:03 am Post subject: |
Fox643 wrote: | Whenever someone does this to me, I make a conscious effort to STOMP ON THEIR FOOT AS HARD AS I POSSABLY CAN!!!! That kind of stuff ticks me off to no end, and my method works wonders  |
Yeah that would work, I love kids and all but sometimes they can be a pain in the you know what. I was playing Doubles one time when this young child was by me I had to move him outta the way. Parents should always supervise their children at all costs and I don't care what they are doing. Kids are always at risk!!  |
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jamus_se Trick Member

Joined: 26 Jan 2002 Location: Southern California |
13. Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2003 1:18 am Post subject: |
Yes, double + kids = trouble.
My policy is just to pretend that they don't exist. If they get into the step, I run over them. Doesn't matter if they fall, cry, or I end up stepping on their dead bodies by the end of the song. Although I'd probably lighten up on the murder part. I'll probably just intentionally kick them off the stage or something, that's easier.
I've never had parents complain before, but if they do, my stock quote is "Go look at all of the other apparatus being used in the arcade. Would you let your kid walk up to that guy and grab his gun for Time Crisis 3? Would you let your kid just grab that joystick and pound on the buttons when someone else is playing GGXX on that other machine? Would you try to steal the drumsticks and rip the guitar from a player when they're playing? That's bloody thievery, don't you think? You're essentially stealing a service pay with money by people other than you. Do you want your kids to grow up and be a thief? Do you? No, I don't own this pad, but by paying for it I earned the privilege to do whatever the hell I want to do with the pads for the duration of the game. It's ten minutes, it's not a lot, but I earned that ten minutes and by God I'll make the best time out of it, your little kids interfering or not. So next time if you let your little kids play on the pads during my pad and your wallet gets ripped from you and the guy ran in front of me and I didn't stop him, don't start calling me a heartless bastard. That's just payback for your *un*generocity." _________________
Announcer: So, how does it feel like to finally have a male avatar?
Jamus: All the chicks stopped PMing me...  |
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sutoraiku.kuruza Trick Member

Joined: 07 Jun 2002 Location: Northridge, CA |
14. Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2003 1:28 am Post subject: |
Once I finished playing some song and this kid went "I can dance better than you." and started to attempt to dance by moving his arms around in a strange way.  _________________
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BTTB Trick Member

Joined: 10 Dec 2002 Location: Deep in you. |
15. Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2003 5:26 am Post subject: |
LOLoLOL (excuse that) I was attempting Max heavy, and i got of to get a drink and this Black teen (i am just describing him, im not racsist) started jumping arround like a fuk and I cracked up, so some guy pulled him off in time for me to get a NG on the last freeze _________________
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Miles (Daddy DJ Mix) Trick Member

Joined: 14 Jun 2002
16. Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2003 6:52 am Post subject: |
I remember this one guy who was older than me kept crowding around me as I was dancing to Get Up (Before the night is over), so I swung my arm towards him and he jumped all the way back to the claw machines.  _________________
"You arn't so great, mister sister!" - Jack (Will & Grace)
(If you raise Chao on Sonic Adventure 2 Battle, you can e-mail me and maybe we could chat about Chao sometime. Yes, i'm obsessed with Chao.)  |
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Brigg Brags About Bag Trick Member

Joined: 23 Mar 2003 Location: Going through some changes.... |
17. Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2003 7:43 am Post subject: |
My turn, My turn...
Back before I was on Standard, I was playing DDRMax2 at good ol' Laurel Lanes. Per usual, there are some kids running around doing what little kids do. I was with my buddy, who was sitting on the P2 side relaxing as I stood up to the mat. For my first song, I was going to choose "Witch Doctor".
Then, as a joke, I hit to put it on Standard. As we chuckled, this little girl pretty much comes out of nowhere and presses the Green Button, then gives of this hideously squealy laughter.
Forsooth, I was not fast enough to activate the options and was doomed to fail my first stage because my buddy hates songs with lots of jumps and especially hates Witch Doctor in general.
Now for the recent one...
Same place...same situation (Little kids running around)
I'm about to pass "Afronova" on Standard for the first time. And all of a sudden, the Machine blinks out. Then, a split second after I say "What the F*** just happened", this little brat darts out from behind the machine. I guess he realized how much trouble the kid who accidentally unplugged the machine Playing Hide-and-go-seek would be in if I caught them....
I ratted them all out, got my money back, had their parents paged to the front, and we all had a lovely little discussion about keeping little brats under control.
And yes...the gymnastics on the 2P bar annoy me to no end...and then the little ones who tell you what song to pick. Now that I can actually DO "Witch Doctor" on Standard, I don't mind them requesting that one....but come on....
The Whistle Song...
It's Raining Men...
NO, NO and double NO!
Little kids make me want to then ...TWICE!!! _________________
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Lost Number Trick Member

Joined: 13 May 2002
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Madchal Trick Member

Joined: 01 Nov 2002 Location: Santee/Lakeside/El Cajon merger place. |
19. Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2003 11:03 pm Post subject: |
Lost Number wrote: | the worst thing i have ever experienced (even worse imo than lil kids stepping on the pad etc) was last wednesday when i played extreme for the first time(i live in uk where there arent that many) me and a mate had been playin loadsa stuff on heavy and oni while these group of lil b*tches were watchin(spouting stuff when we chose heavy like "iz that 'ard?!") when we stopped for a rest they then each had a turn, two at a time, the last two went on played light(as had all the others) when they realised we were still watchin when they finished (cos they only got D's which i guess maybe they were embarressed) one of them kicked the machine really hard before she left!!! it physically shook(she was quite bulky) i was so angry! this is the closest extreme to me and the arcade its at didnt look like the type to get another if it broke and if she kicks it every time she plays it aint gonna take long! ooh i felt like kicking her head in lil beeatch! |
you have self control i woulda had my lil sis beat that beotchs buttocks
i have a new one... i was playing cutie chaser on heavy trying to get this chicks attention playing air hocky hoping she would look so i could pretend to be fsing the whole time and oint to her but yeah thats a different story but this lil girl asks me and the guy next to me to play and then before i could say yeah when we're done she pushs me out of the way and starts jumping on arrows randomly i give her a pissed look she ran away and i finished the song got a D |
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