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Improving your DDR skills
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140. PostPosted: Mon Oct 14, 2002 4:04 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ive been playing DDR about 2 and a half months now. For a while I had great difficulty with some songs because ... quite frankly I was facing a stamina barrier. But I've been working on it for a while and its getting better. Now I'm facind a few new issues

1) the usual l,u,r,d combination which requires you to turn away from the screen. While some people seem to be able to move their legs faster and hence prefer using the same leg to hit up and right at times like this, I find that rather difficult. So I started trying to spin ... so far not with great success ... but I'm working on it. I'd however appreciate any advise people can give me on how to make this transition easier. Especially with respect to the reluctance I feel to turn away from the screen .. and b) to practice this kind of spin on a soft pad at home without scrunching up the pad ..... =p

2) Like in Dead End maniac you sometimes have 4 or 5 arrows to hit with one leg .... As my friend has both more stamina and more speed ... he doesnt face as much trouble ... but he faces trouble too. We were recently considering switching legs and using both legs to hit the same panel ...?

Well switching legs is all well and good but there are quite a few songs which require me to jump and then hit an 8th note after it ... or vice versa. Here again I face the speed issue. No way to get around it I guess =p. This brings me to

3) Recently with a simulator I had a chance to try and tackle Max. So naturally I tried Max 300. Basic was easy ... so I tried trick. Now I know exactly what to do... but I STILL cant do it. It's not a stamina barrier ... I'm not too tired. I just cant get my legs to move fast enough .... I was wondering if anyone had any advice or suggestion....

I have trouble whenever the 16'ths appear. I can pass those patterns ... but just not at that speed.
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141. PostPosted: Mon Oct 14, 2002 9:35 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

1) Most people just toe tap on the fast songs...there's almost no getting around it. it may seem hard at first, but I think it's a lot easier than trying to spin at high speeds... If it's not too fast, too, you can try and use slides on u-r, l-d, u-l, or r-d. (but probably not on a soft pad E15.gif )

2) Try putting your weight on the non stepping foot to hit the arrow faster... If you are hitting it fast enough, but with not enough force, use your heel (but that slows you down...egh...) Anyway, like anything, this becomes a lot easier with practice, but it's still a real pain when trying to keep a combo, and it throws you off...

3) See the "wtf i still can't beat max300" thread for lots of advice E1.gif The trick steps are easier, of course, but for the fast runs, the same stuff applies.
Drunk Slugs.
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142. PostPosted: Sat Oct 19, 2002 1:33 pm    Post subject: me >>> WASABI Reply with quote

the hardest songs i can do in MANIAC/DOUBLE are >>>

and lots of other 9/9 rated songs...

the trick is to get the steps in this site and study the patterns carefully. look for what foot you should be using first before doing rapid succesisions of steps (this should help a lot). twist your hips if needed biggrin.gif , don't be shy in front of the crowd (just think of nothing else but the music), you must feel very light or else you'll end up tripping, try to balance yourself as much as possible by lifting your arms a tinee weenee fraction, use converse CHUCK TAYLOR shoes biggrin.gif (i use them), don't be too serious (remember this is only a game), smile (so that if you fail it won't be THAT bad), don't put your hands in the bar while playing (you'll look stupid).
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143. PostPosted: Mon Oct 21, 2002 3:54 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'm having trouble with Max 300; it might be that i don't have enough stamina, or that i don't know how to move smoothly and quickly from pad to pad, or a combination of these erm.gif I always fail about 20 secs from the end frust.gif
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144. PostPosted: Fri Oct 25, 2002 1:15 pm    Post subject: I've been playin for 2 months Reply with quote

E7.gif I practacly an a disturb.gif Beginer disturb.gif and i can do 2 catastrophics 7 like 30 maniacs E4.gif
only 13 and better than you!!!!tongue.gif Representin Fun and Game§ in NJ!!!!!!!!!! And ummm....... hello!
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145. PostPosted: Sun Oct 27, 2002 1:50 am    Post subject: Re: me >>> WASABI Reply with quote

doctorwasabi wrote:
smile (so that if you fail it won't be THAT bad)

Aww, what's wrong with the grimace of pain/concentration. tongue.gif
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146. PostPosted: Sun Oct 27, 2002 1:55 am    Post subject: Re: What can I do to improve on these problems? Reply with quote

dranoMAX wrote:
I used to be able to do Afronova and Paranoia Rebirth, but I can't do them anymore. The parts after the "pivoting" in Afronova I can't seem to do anymore. Back when I could do them, I didn't turn my body, and I stepped the really weird way that you see some people do, for instance, when you do an LDR triplet without turning. Now, I turn my body for the rest of the song, I just can't do it that part. There's also some awkward turning in Rebirth that I can't do -- which is also after the "pivoting."

On really hard songs I strong suggest NOT turning on the LDR and similar steps. That half turn looks cool but it will just kill you because you cannot get back into position in time for the following notes. A slide might not look as cool and it might seem more sloppy but in fast songs it works a LOT better.
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147. PostPosted: Mon Oct 28, 2002 12:20 am    Post subject: Re: What can I do to improve on these problems? Reply with quote

Nagorak wrote:
dranoMAX wrote:
I used to be able to do Afronova and Paranoia Rebirth, but I can't do them anymore. The parts after the "pivoting" in Afronova I can't seem to do anymore. Back when I could do them, I didn't turn my body, and I stepped the really weird way that you see some people do, for instance, when you do an LDR triplet without turning. Now, I turn my body for the rest of the song, I just can't do it that part. There's also some awkward turning in Rebirth that I can't do -- which is also after the "pivoting."

On really hard songs I strong suggest NOT turning on the LDR and similar steps. That half turn looks cool but it will just kill you because you cannot get back into position in time for the following notes. A slide might not look as cool and it might seem more sloppy but in fast songs it works a LOT better.

Totally agreed. However, it's good if you can start those LDR runs with the right foot, hit down with left, and right with right. This leaves you inbalance, facing the screen, to do further runs with this combo. Unfortunately, most LDR's tend to be located in such a way that starting with the right foot is impossible..
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148. PostPosted: Sun Nov 03, 2002 5:50 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

If your starting out and wanna build up youe staminia I have been playing HERO (HAPPY GRANDALE MIX) 5th mix and it has helped..use to only be able to play about 2 hours..then friday went and played that song a few times for a total of 3 1/2 hours and today I got onto the machine and I was getting B's on the song (basic) and I played DDR for a total of 4 hours. Now I know you might say I suck but hey I dont get to goto the arcade often and this is my 4th time TOTAL playing DDR at the arcade. just my 2 cents

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149. PostPosted: Sun Nov 03, 2002 9:03 pm    Post subject: Re: What can I do to improve on these problems? Reply with quote

NarcoticsTrader wrote:
Totally agreed. However, it's good if you can start those LDR runs with the right foot, hit down with left, and right with right. This leaves you inbalance, facing the screen, to do further runs with this combo. Unfortunately, most LDR's tend to be located in such a way that starting with the right foot is impossible..
Not really... you just need to do the twisty-hop!

For example, for those LDR LDR combinations in Breakdown, start with a jump and a turn so that you land with your right foot on the left arrow and with your left foot about to hit the down arrow. Do the sequence by turning. You should end up with your left foot on the right arrow. Now you have a 1/4 note worth of time to use your left arrow to hit whatever is coming up next.
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150. PostPosted: Mon Nov 04, 2002 7:43 am    Post subject: Re: What can I do to improve on these problems? Reply with quote

Rancidfish wrote:
NarcoticsTrader wrote:
Totally agreed. However, it's good if you can start those LDR runs with the right foot, hit down with left, and right with right. This leaves you inbalance, facing the screen, to do further runs with this combo. Unfortunately, most LDR's tend to be located in such a way that starting with the right foot is impossible..
Not really... you just need to do the twisty-hop!

For example, for those LDR LDR combinations in Breakdown, start with a jump and a turn so that you land with your right foot on the left arrow and with your left foot about to hit the down arrow. Do the sequence by turning. You should end up with your left foot on the right arrow. Now you have a 1/4 note worth of time to use your left arrow to hit whatever is coming up next.

That works for isolated LDR combos, but if you are trying to do "further runs with this combo", as in there's an up afterwards, you can't do that without a really fast spin. I try and crossover whenever possible (including successive jumps of LD, RD, LD, RD...I keep one foot on down and use the same foot for L and R... within reason if there's a certian way I want to end up after the jumps), but if you can't, you can't. I guess it all comes down to whatever works for you. I know people who hit every note at the beginning of Afronova maniac toe-tapping, which I think is a harder way to do it. But, it works for them...
Drunk Slugs.
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151. PostPosted: Mon Nov 04, 2002 8:53 am    Post subject: Re: What can I do to improve on these problems? Reply with quote

Rancidfish wrote:
NarcoticsTrader wrote:
Totally agreed. However, it's good if you can start those LDR runs with the right foot, hit down with left, and right with right. This leaves you inbalance, facing the screen, to do further runs with this combo. Unfortunately, most LDR's tend to be located in such a way that starting with the right foot is impossible..
Not really... you just need to do the twisty-hop!

For example, for those LDR LDR combinations in Breakdown, start with a jump and a turn so that you land with your right foot on the left arrow and with your left foot about to hit the down arrow. Do the sequence by turning. You should end up with your left foot on the right arrow. Now you have a 1/4 note worth of time to use your left arrow to hit whatever is coming up next.

Or... you can try this in Breakdown. Change LDR-LDR into LDRDLDR, it might even help the PA out when you do the whole thing as an 8th note run with an added D in the middle. At least this way you can choose which foot you want to start off with. e.g. Right foot on left means you end up facing forward, ready for anything, after you have finished. Be warned, trying to insert extra notes like this may affect your concentration, so use it carefully.
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152. PostPosted: Thu Nov 07, 2002 7:31 am    Post subject: Advice Reply with quote

Well, I didn't actually improve, but my scores did. You can glue your soft home pad to a 1-inch thick piece of plywood for a more arcady feel. I actually prefer it. Anyways, you do a lot better on it, so it's worth a try. By the way, sorry if this was already suggested, this is a titanic post so I didn't get a chance to read all of it. Thanks!
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153. PostPosted: Fri Nov 08, 2002 12:47 pm    Post subject: the Step-Step block Reply with quote

After you learn to "read" the arrows, if your like me (and was stuck on 7-step songs for almost a month) I find that taking DDR one song at a time works best. I would go to training mode at home and slow down the songs to the point where if I moved it down any lower, it would stop E15.gif . From there I would keep doing the song until I got at least a B, then I would up the speed. Kinda tedious, but it worked sure-fire for me. Step true and keep the revolution alive!!! E13.gif
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154. PostPosted: Sat Nov 09, 2002 10:36 pm    Post subject: basic to trick Reply with quote

Hey hows it going? Ive been having some trouble with the transition from basic to trick. I can get B's and sometimes A's with basic, but switching to trick is hard. which is the easiest/easier song for trick? (i have konamix)

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155. PostPosted: Thu Nov 14, 2002 12:30 am    Post subject: Re: Advice Reply with quote

Owen wrote:
Well, I didn't actually improve, but my scores did. You can glue your soft home pad to a 1-inch thick piece of plywood for a more arcady feel. I actually prefer it. Anyways, you do a lot better on it, so it's worth a try. By the way, sorry if this was already suggested, this is a titanic post so I didn't get a chance to read all of it. Thanks!

I wouldn't recommend gluing due to the tendancy of soft pads to break. Just nail it down and put plastic floor covering over it.
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156. PostPosted: Thu Nov 14, 2002 12:33 am    Post subject: Re: basic to trick Reply with quote

jelsin wrote:
Hey hows it going? Ive been having some trouble with the transition from basic to trick. I can get B's and sometimes A's with basic, but switching to trick is hard. which is the easiest/easier song for trick? (i have konamix)


Try B4u or Brilliant 2 U. Those are good for the transition between Basic and Trick.

Actually, you should just think of it more in terms of the foot ratings, though. Although Trick and Maniac throw in a few extra things even in lower ratings, the overall foot rating is what counts. If you need to get a handle on the harder stuff found in Trick (gallops, eighth runs, etc) just concentrate on the lower rated trick songs. Also try to figure out exactly what is messing you up, so you can work on that.

Finally, don't expect to immediately do really well on tougher songs. Just because you get As and Bs on 4s, doesn't mean you won't have to struggle and barely pass 5s. Thing is, you get better at doing 5s by doing 5s, not 4s, same goes for everything else. After a point you will not learn anything from continuing to do easier songs, you have to challenge yourself in order to get better. Just keep doing them and before too long you'll get the hang of it. Every time I've moved up a foot rating I've always been barely able to pass the songs at first, but within a week I'll be able to do them consistently.
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157. PostPosted: Sat Nov 16, 2002 7:00 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

u can hit the arrows however u want IF YOU CAN

next topic- getting better, ok, 2 ways
1. Play songs that u cannot pass and play them often (max unlimited in my case)
2. Play songs that are easier and try to perfect attack them- gets ur timing better so that u can pass those songs that u use to not be able to
Can you survive?

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158. PostPosted: Sun Nov 24, 2002 12:30 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I want to know how people go about SDGing Catas
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159. PostPosted: Sun Nov 24, 2002 7:54 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

i have been playing DDR for about 4-5 months now and i have gotten to 7 and 8 step songs. but going further than 165 bpm on 8 step songs is hell to me frown.gif . i start to lose control and even though i stop and listen to the music and try to figure out where my feet will go, i still can't do it erm.gif the steps that go left,up,right,left,up,right over and over again (with the left & right being 1/8 steps) kill me. any tips? E19.gif
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