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Konami Announces DDR MAX2 for the US
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Mr. Boof
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200. PostPosted: Thu Jan 23, 2003 4:57 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

hey, now lets be fair...... Butterfly is a great song, its old, yes, but still, its a good song riiight.gif
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201. PostPosted: Thu Jan 23, 2003 8:56 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I am really looking foward to playing Max2. I don't really see how they could have improved Max2 from Max, but like someone else said, i hope that there are some more background animations and movies like "True"
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Agent Smith 1337 (h4x)
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202. PostPosted: Thu Jan 23, 2003 10:35 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yuujou that was a very intreguing post (your first one on this page) and don't worry about that guy talking down to you. he just found and opportunity to be a smartass, so he took it.

Anyway, I don't want to sound like a screaming n00b, but FTLOG please let there be Conga Feeling on Max2! It's the best song that was only on Extra Mix for the home versions. Stupid Konami teasing consumers with their marketing strategies.....
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203. PostPosted: Thu Jan 23, 2003 1:01 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ah conga feeling from 5th mix.I remember that song and steps quite well.The steps are real quick in the middle of song.It ticked me off a couple of times cause i failed it until i got the middle part down.Ah memories E1.gif
Oni's beaten-27+
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Fav. Songs-Hot Limit(long version),Xenon,Max300
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204. PostPosted: Thu Jan 23, 2003 1:52 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hey, I liked La Senorita. I wouldn't mind a bit seeing it on Max2. And that was excellent reasoning, Yuujou.
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205. PostPosted: Thu Jan 23, 2003 3:20 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Am I the one talking down or is that someone else? If I am the one I really am not meaning for you to take it bad. Sorry it's just my look on it. E2.gif If I'm not that person then just forget what I just said.

Udderdude wrote:
Well, I've seen a couple of wish lists so far. How about a non-wish list? Here's a list so hideous, Konami would have to have gone insane to make it. DDRMAX 2 : Big pile of crap mix goog.gif

Repeats :
Orion 78 AMEuro Mix
Cutie Chasers

New :
Only You
The 7 Jump
Walkie Talkie

I happen to like those songs...
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206. PostPosted: Thu Jan 23, 2003 3:24 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

[quote="Aaron Oppa"]Yuujou that was a very intreguing post (your first one on this page) and don't worry about that guy talking down to you. he just found and opportunity to be a smartass, so he took it.

Anyway, I don't want to sound like a screaming n00b, but FTLOG please let there be Conga Feeling on Max2! It's the best song that was only on Extra Mix for the home versions. Stupid Konami teasing consumers with their marketing strategies.....[/quote]

Okay... Don't you just love it when people talk out of their rear ends just to be heard? Seriously... I know I do! Listen, I didn't 'find' an opportunity to be an a**hole to anybody. If you would have been paying attention this thread, you would have seen that I have been the main person advocating the appearance of E-ROTIC on an American DDR. When Yuujou made his statement in his first post regarding E-ROTIC. I decided to step forward and respond to it. Just as anyone else would have on this thread regarding anything they feel strongly about. Hell, if anything I should be receiving praised for standing up and defending something that I believe in! Yes, it did come out as harsh, and I even apologized to him for doing so (Check Page 10, I believe.). Anyway, whatever. That's all I have to say for now.

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207. PostPosted: Thu Jan 23, 2003 4:11 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Udderdude wrote:
Well, I've seen a couple of wish lists so far. How about a non-wish list? Here's a list so hideous, Konami would have to have gone insane to make it. DDRMAX 2 : Big pile of crap mix goog.gif

Repeats :
Orion 78 AMEuro Mix
Cutie Chasers
La Senorita

New :
Only You
The 7 Jump
Walkie Talkie

I happen to like those songs...[/quote]

I like la senorita virtual (2MB), but i absolutely hate the original one, also, i like orion 78 AMEuro Mix cause it's got a fast beat yet it's slow at the same time, not like orion 78 civilization, now that song is annoyinly fast and hard at the same time...that's just my oppinion
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Tomo-kun AKA s1
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208. PostPosted: Thu Jan 23, 2003 4:45 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Zalf wrote:
Ah conga feeling from 4th/4+.I remember that song and steps quite well.The steps are real quick in the middle of song.It ticked me off a couple of times cause i failed it until i got the middle part down.Ah memories E1.gif
i havnt logged in for a while, stupid sims online, ill post more now.
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209. PostPosted: Thu Jan 23, 2003 10:43 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

DJ Kisaragi wrote:
...or not to buy any mixed with Trip Machine because of the sample of the woman's voice moaning 'Give it to me good'!

That's 20, November you're thinking of.
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210. PostPosted: Fri Jan 24, 2003 12:01 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Udderdude wrote:
Well, I've seen a couple of wish lists so far. How about a non-wish list? Here's a list so hideous, Konami would have to have gone insane to make it. DDRMAX 2 : Big pile of crap mix goog.gif

Heeey... I *like* "The Seven Jump..." riiight.gif

Anyway, speaking of S2K, I've got 2 words for ya:

"I'M ALIVE!!!"

Please, please, please... I'd love to see that make it into MAX2US...
Cata count= *1*!!!
and I only passed that one with a C...

(Feel free to point and laugh...)
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211. PostPosted: Fri Jan 24, 2003 3:49 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yessss... I'm looking into my Crystal Ball of Eveeeeeeeeeeel... and I see theeee future of DDR MAX 2 USA... or um... it's more like the predictions of some guy that have no basis in reality whatsover... but here are some non-Dancemania (well, at least songs that haven't been in DDR before.) soooongs that I think could maybe make it. Who knows? :P Um, so okay, I wrote this list to waste some time. ENJOY! :P

Dirty - Christina Aguilera (Yes! Yes, I know! 'I hate her', 'She sucks', 'She's a whore'! Whatever, but this song makes me wanna shake my buttocks like a hot black woman at the club. ;P Also, remember Naoki once spoke about her being one of his favorite artists... Soooo, if she was on the Dancemania series, then you could bet your sweet *ss that she would have somehow made her way into DDR by now. ;P Anyway, this one is such a long shot. The record company would probably ask for money up the woowa! ;P)

Love at First Sight - Kylie Minogue (Hey, Dancing Stage MegaMix is getting this! and I want it too! It's a great song. 'Can't Get You Out My Head' could be a possibility. But I'm tired of that song already. ;P I LOVE YOU KYLIE! ;P)

Get The Party Started - Pink (I don't know, I saw this in a commercial once for Bally's Gym, same as the Love at First Sight song by Kylie. I dunno, I just have this feeling that this song could somehow find it's way onto DDR. Ya know? ;P I do like her other songs like 'Just Like a Pill', but Get the party started is obviously a more dancey song.))

Hot In Here - Nelly (Okay, begin NOW. 'I hate rap!', 'I hate Nelly!', 'I hate black people'! :P Um... okay, so maybe you don't hate black people. ;P and maybe Nelly is too big of a star now to get a reasonably priced license. But you have to admit, when the female vocalist kicks in her vocals, this song makes you wanna shake your buttocks like a well reared white girl at Spring Break Cabo San Lucas! WOO! ;P Hey, this could be a possibility... remember that one game, Unison? Well, that game had Nelly's Country Grammar in it, and it's not like that company... Jaleco? I don't remember is some sort of huge company to throw money around at a music game.)

Barbie Girl - Aqua (I'm going back to that old game again, Unison. This song was on there too. It's a great cutey pop song and it's definitely something that DDR needs to even out the songs. God knows I missed cute music in the first DDR MAX USA. Ack... lots of house music... @_@ Too much good-cool... and JP Miles... and Angie Phine... Walls are closing in on me! MUST SING... o/~I'm for Real! About the way I feel! :P Anyway, or we could get Cartoon Heroes. Whatever. :P)

Ex-Girlfriend (Remix) - No Doubt (Remember that game? Frequency? Well, this song was in that game... I never got to play this song in that particular game, so what kind of remix it actually is a mystery to me! Anyone know? Is it dancey or what? :P Still, the original was kewl. ;P)

I Turn To You - Melanie C (Heh, I had never heard this song anywhere on American media until I was watching some premium cable channel and they had this song playing during one of their promos.)

Who Do You Think You Are - Spice Girls (Yes, yes, begin the Anti-Spice remarks NOW. ;P I don't know why, but I could see a Spice Girls song making it. I don't know why, I just don't see why the freak not. Ya know? :P Just as long as it's not Wannabe or something. :P ACK.)

Feel The Beat - Darude (I only listed this song here because it's really the only other song by Darude that I know, and it's pretty cool... and since we got Sandstorm, this would be a cool song to follow up.)

Heaven - DJ Sammy (I have only heard this song a small handful of times, and everyone seems to want this song on the game and all that mess. So yeah, I'm jumping on that bandwagon too! ;P)

Oh, and the only song from Dancemania that right now I feel has a very big chance of making an appearance in DDR MAX 2 is 'Look at Us' (Daddy DJ Remix) by Sarina Paris. Oh, and another song by Captain Jack. Definitely. (Heh, I'm not even going to mention E-ROTIC anymore. :P That dream is dying, but it would be nice to be pleasantly surprised. :D)

Oh yeah, and here is a question for all of you out there!

How much money do you think Rockstar Games payed for Billy Jean by Michael Jackson? I heard that in the movie: Charlie's Angels, it cost ONE MILLION dollars just to get the small sample of Billy Jean that was played while Drew Barrymore was 'moonwalking' around the end of the film. Just wondering, I know DDR is not this HUGE seller or anything, but Konami isn't exactly strapped for cash, you know? A big license here and there doesn't sound like something too hard. (Oh, and please don't tell me that GTA3 and Vice City have sold like billions so that's how they could afford it! cause that's not what I'm asking. ;P) How much do music licenses for video games go for... hm? c_c

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Dark Hogosha
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212. PostPosted: Fri Jan 24, 2003 10:30 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

About the Michael Jackson/Rockstar/GTA VC thingy...well, it wasn't Billie Jean. It was "Wanna Be Startin' Something". But it's off of the same album as Billie Jean (Thriller), and it is a good tune. Just not as well known. In which case, Rockstar might've been able to get it for less than what one would have to pay for something like Billie Jean or Smooth Criminal.

Also, as much as you just said you didn't wanna hear it...what were the sales for Vice City? A lot? Preorders alone were, what, 5 million? With that kind of money coming in from that game, they can afford a few expensive licenses. And I know that Konami has the money to throw at M.J. and get Billie Jean or something on there,'s not Konami itself that we're looking at. It's what Konami will make off of DDR Max 2. They won't put more into a game than what they'll get out of it. Bottom line: Konami is a business. They won't take losses when they could make gains. No smart business does, unless they have both the money to back up their loss and a reason for doing so, like with the comic industry...the 10 cent Superman comics and the 25 cent Daredevil comics that just came out, which are pretty much advertisements for their company and, in the case of Daredevil, the upcoming movie.

As far as the actual cost of a license...that, you'd have to talk to someone from Konami or somewhere for. There's more there than just money, though...there's a canyon-load of red tape, paperwork, formalities, etc., unless someone knows someone, like in the case of Sony and Frequency. Not entirely sure, but I think Sony had the ability to get a lot of their licenses easily (and cheaply) because...well, it's Sony. They do more than just PSX games. E13.gif

I'm moving over to the Max 2 thread in the Home forum now.
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213. PostPosted: Fri Jan 24, 2003 4:14 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Okay, now THIS I know for a fact. Billy Jean by Michael Jackson IS in GTA Vice City. It's on the radio station: Flash FM where Toni is the DJ. It's even in the official soundtrack that was released. I believe it's the first one in the rotation and it's followed up by Laura Brannigan, I believe.
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Dark Hogosha
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214. PostPosted: Fri Jan 24, 2003 6:35 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

DJ Kisaragi wrote:
Okay, now THIS I know for a fact. Billy Jean by Michael Jackson IS in GTA Vice City. It's on the radio station: Flash FM where Toni is the DJ. It's even in the official soundtrack that was released. I believe it's the first one in the rotation and it's followed up by Laura Brannigan, I believe.

*checks the soundtrack listing on Amazon*...I'll be buggered, you're right. I thought that the only one on there by MJ was Wanna Be Startin' Something. Heh, guess we're even from the Sexy Planet on Konamix thing from before. E13.gif

If they're able to afford Billie Jean AND Wanna Be Startin' Something...hmmm...that's a lot of money. Now I'm curious on how much money is involved in this sorta stuff. I mean, I know Sandstorm is said to have cost Konami a pretty penny...wonder what they got in store this time...alright, now I'm REALLY movin' over to the other thread.
" leave the world a little better; whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition; to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is the meaning of success." - Emerson
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215. PostPosted: Sun Jan 26, 2003 12:20 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Uglyface2 wrote:
DJ Kisaragi wrote:
...or not to buy any mixed with Trip Machine because of the sample of the woman's voice moaning 'Give it to me good'!

That's 20, November you're thinking of.

You're right that it's in 20, November, but the sample's also in SP-Trip Machine (Jungle Mix), in the first few seconds.

I *love* being a DDR geek =)

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dj Zeph
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216. PostPosted: Mon Jan 27, 2003 10:45 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

As far as brand new songs in DDR MAX2, I think it will be promising. Songs like Jame & Marmalade, You Leave Me Alone, and Take it to the Morning Light were really great additions to the DDR song archive. The hew DDR Extreme songs were great too. DDR MAX2 should include a different blend of songs than Konamix and DDR MAX. In DDR MAX2, there should be more Captain Jack (Captain Jack, Drill Instructor!), DJ Taka (Colors and Frozen Ray!). I personally love every song by those 2. I am more than certain songs like MaxX Unlimited and Candy (Star) will appear in that though. Some of the classic songs from the older mixes are still loved by many players today. Sometimes new songs don't live up the anticipation, and aren't better than all the originals. I also agree that the songlost should be around 90-100 this time. More remixes would be really good.

People who complain about songlists and songs that aren't in a mix should be glad we at least HAVE the game. Like mentioned many times before, there's no such thing as a perfect game. I'd love every Captain Jack song to be in DDR MAX2, but that's never going to happen.

Remember guys! "All for one! Come together friends, we have to take this chance tonight!" ~Drill Instructor
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217. PostPosted: Tue Jan 28, 2003 11:31 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

That is so awesome! A new DDR MAX2 game for Playstation 2 for the US?
DDR is starting to be more international and known more in the US. Imagine when DDR Extreme comes out for Playstation 2 in the US!!!
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218. PostPosted: Tue Jan 28, 2003 11:36 am    Post subject: My Songlists for DDRMAX2 (Part 2) Reply with quote

Me again with more songs that needs to be in DDRMAX2:
(continuing from 15)
16. "Dream a Dream" by Captain Jack
17. "Cotton Eye Joe" by Rednex
18. "Wild Rush" by Factor-X (repeat)
19. "Groove" by Sho-T feat. Brenda (repeat)
20. "Shock" by Goofy (What? A Korean song!? D'oh!)
21. "Moonlight Shadow (New Vocal Version)" by ?????
22. "Keep On Movin'" by N.M.R. (Repeat from DDR 1 American version)
23. "Rewind" by Kangshin Lee (A Pump It Up song)
24. "Tell Me Tell Me" by S#arp ( man.)
25. "All The Things She Said" by t.A.T.u (A russian girl group)
26. "Smoke" by Mr. Ed Jumps The Gun (repeat)
27. "Still Waiting" by Sum 41
28. "Xanadu" by The Olivia Project
29. "La Senorita Virtual" by 2MB (Repeat from DDR 3:Konamix)
30. "B4U" by Naoki (I.L.T.S. (I Love This Song))
31. "Gotta Get Through This" by Daniel Beddingfield
32. "Witch Doctor (Giant Toons Mix)" by Cartoons
33. "There You'll Be" by Dj Speedo feat. Angelica
34. "Butterfly" by
35. "Butterfly (Upswing Mix)" by

A lot, isn't it
Now in my previous post and this one, rate the songs from:
N/A:Never heard of it
Boo: Didn't like it
Good: Sorta liked it
Great: Liked it a few times
Perfect: Liked it a lot

Oh, by the way: What are the names of the ONI remixes?
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219. PostPosted: Tue Jan 28, 2003 11:38 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

DDRmaniacplayer wrote:
That is so awesome! A new DDR MAX2 game for Playstation 2 for the US?
DDR is starting to be more international and known more in the US. Imagine when DDR Extreme comes out for Playstation 2 in the US!!!

Don't push your luck, man!
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