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Konami Announces DDR MAX2 for the US
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80. PostPosted: Sat Jan 18, 2003 6:08 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

If Max 2 uses the DVD storage of Playstation 2, they could easily put on like 90 songs (unlikely since they wanna sell old mixes to make that cash) and nice graphics, who knows.

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Errant Squire
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81. PostPosted: Sat Jan 18, 2003 6:45 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'd like to see more real video backgrounds, like in True. It'd be really cool if they used the actual music video's.
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82. PostPosted: Sat Jan 18, 2003 7:48 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

jolly midget wrote:
checking out at cucuit city with ps2 with ddrmax."yay i get to play witch docter."
get home, playing ddrmax:"where is witch docter i need it"
unlocked almost all the songs(just need one more)"where are you"

As you can see by the story i need witch docter drool.gif.
I hope they have it on ddrmax2usa. Man i miss that song.
I could probally go to the arcade but whats the point if you are just going to play one song.


Anyways, the information stuff is very cool too! But getting a song for failing is kind of cheezy.
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83. PostPosted: Sat Jan 18, 2003 8:47 am    Post subject: I like DDRMAX for ps2... Reply with quote

as long as DDRMAX2 has whitch doctor, So Deep, living in america, Stay, TwilightZone, B4U and Maxx Unlimited, im all pretty confident that Konami will not dissapoint with the songlist on this new Ps2 installment (it's really not a new mix since no where on the cover does it say DDRMAX: Dance Dance Revolution 7th Mix) if you dont get all the songs from arcade, dont cry about it cause it's not suppost to be an arcade port...

And by the way, i wouldnt mind old songs put in there like Afronova Primeval and stuff like that since i HATE PLAYING THOSE SONGS ON THE OLD PSX...30 frames per second really pisses me off, it would be sweet if i could get a chance to play those songs with the ps2's 60 frames
that's about it
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84. PostPosted: Sat Jan 18, 2003 9:25 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

as long as we get some transplants.

it would be nice if we get some more exculsive transplants from BM, and then they release an IIDX style here, with the exclusive in there.

it would be a great way to get people to buy anyway.

then comes the popn.

I wish i had a pony.
hash oil

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85. PostPosted: Sat Jan 18, 2003 9:43 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

can't wait for it to come out. I hope they include the DDRMAX 6th mix song in it. cuz i would love to DDR those songs...
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86. PostPosted: Sat Jan 18, 2003 10:24 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

In regard to several comments here...

So Deep is probable. Why? I hold to my theory that Konami stuck R&P in MAXUSA /just/ for Oni purposes. Well, or to make it even more like 4th/5th mix. Every time I play I'm reminded of 5th...but I digress. If this is the case, they might stick So Deep in with some new onis just to piss everyone off.

Sadly, though, if you look at what they did for MAX, repeated songs are almost a certainty. The instruction book has, what, 4 pages? devoted entirely to "Play Edit Data from Konamix on MAX!" ...yeah. Basically, they want inter-USA-version edit data possible, so they'll probably include a few songs from MAX this time around. (Not necessarily a bad thing. I wouldn't mind getting INSERTiON back, which they'll /have/ to do for all the 7th mix onis.)

On the same concept, onis. Naoki Standard is a good bet, since it's not TOO hard for intermediate players and it uses lots of songs that they can "transedit" from Konamix. I highly doubt they'd stick to the normal arcade onis, though, since we can just import the other MAX2. Putting in Naoki Platinum with the remixes unlockable (doubtful) would be great, although that course by itself would work, too. The "from game" courses - From IIDX, From Solo, etc. - are HIGHLY doubtful, since the average consumer isn't "supposed" to know about them. Whatever.

Anyway, Maxx and Kakumei are /guaranteed/. It's still MAX2, and just like we got the extra stages in MAX, they'd be crazy to not put them in here. Tsugaru will almost certainly happen, since it's synonymous with 7th mix. Same for D2R, and maybe a few other original songs from 7th, but you know what? The best thing we can do is just to wait and see what we get!
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87. PostPosted: Sat Jan 18, 2003 11:25 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ok. I have made a small list of the only things that would be inexcuseable to exclude from this mix. (And so I consider to be definite)

MaXX Unlimited
Burning Heat
So Deep
Oni Mode

Plus we're getting:

Some new mode
Licenced songs
Plenty of US exclusives (I'd bet even more than MAXUSA)

Throw in some Extreme (and heck, maybe Extreme2) songs and we've got the best home mix ever. I can't imagine this one not being worth the money. That's all my speculation for quite a while seeing as there's a whole lot of time left 'till it comes out E12.gif
More rhythm....
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88. PostPosted: Sat Jan 18, 2003 12:12 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I was just thinking that even though KOA wants to keep things fresh yet they still cut us out of some of the songs from the origional arcade mixes (my fav heppen to be 5th 6th and 7th) and they still give us the old songs disgust.gif .

i thought the point of a business was to be original and creative and give new products that keep people coming back, cuz to be perfectly honest remixing a song once is perfectly ok but again and agian. cmon!! all we need to just keep coming back and back are new konami originals. i dont really care if they give us licensed songs or not, but whats even better would to at least give us SOME of the longs everyone likes from the mixes that we got cut out of and some of us will never ever see: Ghosts, Bye Bye Baby Balloon, Which Doctor, Cant stop fallin in love Speed Mix etc....

and i know they just cant GIVE us the arcade version in a PS2 package but all i would really want would be a couple of great hits, MAX U.S.A. did an OK job but i really like MAX JP better. i just hope they do a better job this time around..............
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89. PostPosted: Sat Jan 18, 2003 3:42 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


I first want to say that to guy who called Rhythm and Police a Konami Original, hey dude, you're an idiot. o_o Seriously. Stoopid. Oh! and I don't know about anyone else reading this thread, but one of the main reasons that I'M into DDR as much as I am is for all of the kickass licensed Dancemania track. Yeah, Dynamite Rave, B4U, and the whole rest of them are all really cool and all that, but I think all the Licensed tracks like Butterfly, Boom Boom Dollar, Captain Jack, Dam Dariram, Turn Me On, the list goes on and on, are the real reasons that the game is on the map today.

Anyway, my point is that there should be more Dancemania tracks on the next domestic DDR release. Some good ideas would be some of the updated remixes of some of the Dancemania songs used in the original DDR domestic PS release. These songs would be:

Have You Never Been Mellow (MM Groovin Mix) by Olivia Project
Boom Boom Dollar (K.O.G.3 Mix) by King Kong D.Jungle Girls
If You Were Here (B4 ZA BEAT MIX) by Jennifer

Also, some new songs from the licensed artists used so far in domestic releases could be used:

Me & My had 'DUB-I-DUB' in the first DDR, so 'So Many Men' would be the only other choice to include.
Captain Jack had 'My Generation' in DDR MAX. They have a whole gaggle of songs to choose from. My personal choices would be 'Captain Jack (Grandale Mix)' and/or 'Little Boy (Boy on/oh Boy Mix)' Whatever you wanna call it. ;P)
King Kong and D.Jungle Girls had 'Boom Boom Dollar' in the first DDR, and just in case if they don't use the '(K.O.G.3 Mix)' of that song, they could use 'Walkie Talkie' from 4th Mix.
The Olivia Project had 'Have You Never Been Mellow' in the first DDR, and just in case if they don't use the '(MM Groovin Mix)' of that song, they could use 'Xanadu' from 3rd Mix.
'My Fire' by X-TREME was used in the first DDR, so 'Wunderland (UKS Mix)' would be a great choice to follow up that song.

Anyway, I think this is a great idea! Why? Because it would show GREAT continuity in the American DDR series! :) I don't know, to me, the American DDRs just... I dunno, they just don't seem like they're in order. Anyway, whatever. 8D What does everyone think about my idea?

Oh, and here is a small wish list of Dancemania tracks:

Butterfly (Upswing Mix) by Smile.DK (Konami! Give the people what they want! Shell out the CASH!!!)
Hero (Happy Grandale Mix) by Papaya
Saints Go Marching (Remix) by The Saint
Shooting Star by Bang
I Don't Want To Miss a Thing (Planet Lution Mix) by Deja Vu feat. Tasmin
Wonda (Speed K Mix) by MM
Moonlight Shadow (New Vocal Version) by Missing Heart
Twilight Zone by 2Unlimited
Cow Girl by Bambee
Telephone Operator (Club Mix) by Shelley Peter
Look at Us by Sarina Paris (No excuse for this not to be included.)
It's Raining Men by Geri Halliwell

Anyway. o_o I'll shut up now... Let me finish up by saying this.
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90. PostPosted: Sat Jan 18, 2003 4:00 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Dude, what you are saying is the obvious:

The best DDR songs (In my opinion and the previous poster's) are the Euro songs. E-rotic,, and bambee. Captain Jack. All those old priceless 3rd mix songs that make me want to travel to a different state to play 3rd mix rather than stay at home and play Max USA. All the new songs are great.. but in my opinion they just don't stack up. We have never gotten Dam Dariram, Boys, buttefly, bumble bee, any e-rotic.... I think konami intentionally does this to keep their hemisphere superior to ours.. hehe laugh.gif

Anyway, with love and hope for some Euro-rave tunes biggrin.gif
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91. PostPosted: Sat Jan 18, 2003 4:16 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

DDRSamurai wrote:
(A Galloping song hasn't actually been introduced into a U.S. DDR Mix to my knowledge)

You're obviously forgetting Rhythm and Police, or Insertion, or True (Trance Sunrise Mix), or My Generation, or Matsuri Japan. E13.gif

Anyway, what I'd like to see in US MAX2 is...

    As few repeated KOs as possible. If any, I'd like to see the popular ones from USA/Konamix that didn't appear in MAX (i.e. the original Brilliant 2U, Afronova/Afronova Primeval, Paranoia 180, Trip Machine/Trip Machine Luv Mix).

    As many MAX/MAX2 KOs that haven't been in a US mix yet as possible.
    NO new KOs from anything before 5th Mix. (I would have said MAX, but we need CSFIL Speed Mix.)

    I realize this suggestion will be unpopular with a lot of you, but I would like to see a *large* number of "classic" licensed songs - INCLUDING REPEATS FROM DDR USA. By classic, I mean 1st/2nd/3rd Mix licenses. For those of you who complain this music is old and tired out, yes, it may very well be. However, the Dancemania Speed fare that has been pretty much every licensed song for MAX on up is intimidating to newbies, much as most KOs are. These are musically simple songs, catchy and easy to follow, that draw new players in. Boom Boom Dollar. Butterfly. Bumble Bee. Dam Dariram. Even some 4th Mix licenses would be nice. Give them all a new set of maniac steps that uses freeze arrows and is accessible the same way as in Extreme, then people won't have to whine about how 90% of the songlist doesn't use freezes like in US MAX. I can say quite certainly that if I was a newbie DDR player now, most of the songs in MAX USA, or MAX JP, or MAX2 JP, or even Extreme would scare me away from the game. E10.gif

    However, just because I want to see a large number of old licenses doesn't mean I wouldn't want any new ones. However, I can count the number of good licensed songs (IMO) in each of MAX/MAX2/Extreme on one hand. IMO: for MAX, give us Flash in the Night, Freckles, I'm In The Mood For Dancing, Nori Nori Nori, and So Deep. For MAX2, my choices are guided less by song quality and more by "this might help sell it"; I'd take Living in America (in fact, I'd wager this song is pretty likely to show up just because of what it is), It's Raining Men (Geri Halliwell's name on the box could push sales), More Than I Needed To Know, Drifting Away, and... hell, I can't think of a 5th license on MAX2 that's really necessary. Waka Laka, I guess - it'd give people their Jenny ROM fix. I wouldn't worry about Extreme licenses - either we get them, or we don't.


For the interested, my ideal songlist would look something like this:

(choose one of Butterfly, Boys, or Boys Euro Mix - I doubt Konami is able/willing to license more than one song)
Make It Better
Paranoia 180
Trip Machine
Boom Boom Dollar
Brilliant 2U (original)
If You Were Here
Paranoia KCET
SP-Trip Machine
Bumble Bee
Captain Jack (Grandale Remix)
Dam Dariram
Follow The Sun
(One of the 'A Minute' songs, either the 3rd mix one by Tavares or the 7th Mix one by X-Treme)
Paranoia Rebirth
Trip Machine Luv Mix
Dream A Dream
Furuhata's Theme
Hero (Happy Grandale Mix)
Lupin the 3rd '78
Never Gonna Make
Shooting Star
The 7 Jump
Wonda (Speed K Mix)
Can't Stop Fallin' In Love (Speed Mix)
Dive (the original)
God of Romance
Hot Limit (They could use the version from Dance Maniax, which wasn't long like the one in DDR 5th)
Moonlight Shadow
Never Ending Story
Flash In The Night
Follow Me
I'm In The Mood For Dancing
Nori Nori Nori
So Deep
True... (Radio Edit)
Break Down
Burning Heat
Candy <3
Drifting Away
Ever Snow
I Feel...
It's Raining Men
Living In America
Maxx Unlimited
More Than I Needed To Know
Rain of Sorrow
Sweet Sweet <3 Magic
Waka Laka
All the Oni remixes possible - I suspect Sexy Planet wouldn't make it, was it in Konamix? I forget. (Afronova, AM-3P, Brilliant 2U, B4U, Burnin' the Floor, Celebrate Nite, Drop Out, Dynamite Rave, Ecstasy, Higher, Hysteria, Matsuri Japan, My Summer Love, Sexy Planet, Silent Hill, Still In My Heart, Super Star, Tsugaru)
Any of the KOs in Extreme they can put in.

If at least 60% of the songs listed above made it in, I'd be ecstatic. I didn't include any songs that wouldn't be included for obvious reasons (i.e., all E-Rotic, or Strictly Business, or Highs Off U).

I'd like to see some people's thoughts on this. E13.gif

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92. PostPosted: Sat Jan 18, 2003 5:44 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hey there.

I think E-ROTIC has as much chance as anything else does, unless Konami is dismissing it on the name alone. Now that would SUCK! Anyway, there are some songs that I'm sure would never see the light of day over here on a 'K-A' rating. (Is that the rating DDR MAX got? I don't recall!) These songs are:

Do It All Night (This song is clearly about sex and there are some 'sexual-like' noises in it)
Oh Nick Please Not So Quick (This song is clearly about sex and there are some 'sexual-like' noises in it)
Turn Me On (This song is clearly about sex and there are some 'sexual-like' noises in it)
Gimme Gimme Gimme (This song is not so much about sex, but there are some sexual sound effects in them.)
Test My Best (This song is not so much about sex, but there are some sexual sound effects in them.)

BUT THERE IS HOPE! There are at least THREE E-ROTIC songs used in DDR with no sexual innuendo and moaning and groaning.

Cat's Eye (Ventura Mix) (This song is a cover of Japanese song of an anime of the same name. It would be cool to have on an american DDR.)

Kiss Me (KCP Remix) (This song is a great speedy song and isn't about sex at all... unless you think kissing is this big dirty thing. ;P Freaks!)

In The Heat of The Night (This song is definitely sexy, but it doesn't have the moaning and groaning that would probably make parents throw the game straight out the window.)


peace. ;)
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93. PostPosted: Sat Jan 18, 2003 6:13 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

DDRMAX was E, yes. (Heh... K-A... SNES flashback)

Yeah, if any E-Rotic would make it, it'd be one of those 3 songs. I'd bet on/hope for Cat's Eye before the other two. I suspect, though, that just the band name is a block for Konami getting it for the US...
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94. PostPosted: Sat Jan 18, 2003 6:15 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

... As for innuendo and moaning...

*points to Insertion*

... They can't say much of anything there. _Real_ subtle on that.. >>;;

*coughs and goes back to playing*
I think I work at the only Dry Cleaners in Knoxville that plays DDR music... oO go me~
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95. PostPosted: Sat Jan 18, 2003 6:19 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

What we want is Euro-Rave music. Period.

The only problem is that Gimme Gimme Gimme, Oh Nick Please Not So Quick, etc. are E-Rotic's best songs... and you know what???

Konami needs to get their head in the game.

Who cares if it's slapped with a "T" rating??
First of all: No parent I know would dislike a game because of sex sounds in the music.

Second, and more important: If they did, WHO CARES?? This game should be intended to please the AMERICAN DDR AUDIENCE, not some little kids who go to best buy and say OOH MOMMY MOMMY THIS LOOKS COOL!!

As awful as it sounds, screw the little kids and their parents. No serious DDR player I know is not at least in high school. And those that are are only into it due to older siblings. E-Rotic songs have nothing to do with my sexual life, (believe it or not you euro-nazi parents laugh.gif ) I'm really just over exaggerating.. but that's just to emphasize my point. The general population wants Euro-Rave style tunes, and they want them now.

You walk down the hall in high school, or walk around in the city, or a college campus, and you will hear much worse than "Oh Nick Please Not So Quick."

There is a song in Max 2 arcade called "Blow my whistle doggy." Enough said.

I'm with you guys. Power to the people. Euro to the people. Classics to the people.
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53xy N0 Ju75u
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96. PostPosted: Sat Jan 18, 2003 6:24 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

i thoughtof this and might be cool in ddrmax2 USA.

A comp playing w/ u, like in disney, but not competitive., like you are playing w/ somone in the arcade. i thought of this cuz when i am home... i have no one to play w/.. i just thouht it might be fun...
now i am not doggy and saying that if they dont have this that i wont buy it, i am just saying a (in my opinion) a cool idea. E15.gif

if u think this is a bad idea and want to tell me....dont waste your time... i will just ignor u disgust.gif
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97. PostPosted: Sat Jan 18, 2003 6:24 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Oh, and just for the record, has anyone but me noticed that there is more "sexual innuendo" on TV in the US than in other countries??
E-Rotic would be better for kids than watching cartoon network half the time. (And a hell of a lot better.. stupid television.. waste of time)

laugh.gif The only reason I own a TV is for final fantasy and DDR.. laugh.gif

And yeah dude.. insertion.. ecstasy.. hehe, need we go on??? AHH AS I AM WRITING THIS I HEAR GIMME GIMME GIMME WITHIN THE DEPTHS OF MY HEAD AND.. I WANT IT!!!!!! E4.gif
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98. PostPosted: Sat Jan 18, 2003 6:48 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I think a really awesome licensed song that is new to Bemani would be the remix of Heaven that has been playing on the radio for the past few months. It sounds like it belongs in DDR. Maybe if we get enough people to want it in, they'll put it in, like they did with A and V.
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99. PostPosted: Sat Jan 18, 2003 7:09 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

You people have definitely picked good choices for DDRMax2.
While we are at it, I'll add some songs I'd like to see.

Anything by Me&My
Something by (preferably more than 1)
Something by Bambee (either 17 or Cow Girl)
Either song by Joga (Dam Dariram or Bye Bye Baby Balloon)
Anything by Captain Jack besides Little Boy
A version of Afronova
Can't Stop Falling in Love ~Speed Mix~
Ever Snow
Fantasy (by Lockout)
Twilight Zone

I would be extremely happy if this happened, but I seriously doubt more than a few of these songs will make it on to Max2.
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