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Topic: Wierdest backrounds or banners? |
Replies: 49
Views: 9517
Forum: DDR Chit-Chat Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2004 7:24 am Subject: Wierdest backrounds or banners? |
I think the Afronova's random creepy man in the back is not necessary  |
Topic: Right OR Left |
Replies: 24
Views: 3843
Forum: DDR Chit-Chat Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2004 7:23 am Subject: Right OR Left |
Handed = Right
Footed = Right
Right + Right = Right hand side!
No its, just like xequar - except I like to be 2P all the time - so, tis right sided for me  |
Topic: Homosexuality and DDR |
Replies: 140
Views: 27834
Forum: DDR Chit-Chat Posted: Sun May 30, 2004 12:47 pm Subject: Homosexuality and DDR |
I love you both! Hmn.. I wouldn't mine to have a gay friend too... They seem friendiler than straight people I think..
Aww there there, theres enough love to go around
... |
Topic: Homosexuality and DDR |
Replies: 140
Views: 27834
Forum: DDR Chit-Chat Posted: Sat May 29, 2004 3:52 pm Subject: Homosexuality and DDR |
Also - I dont see a problem with people who are totally in love with anime.
I love you.
LoL, I love you too
If anything, I'd love to make friends with a gay'll be such an e ... |
Topic: Homosexuality and DDR |
Replies: 140
Views: 27834
Forum: DDR Chit-Chat Posted: Fri May 28, 2004 12:39 pm Subject: Homosexuality and DDR |
First off - as a reply to an earlier topic who declared that guys were better than girls. That is NOT true. I may not be the best dancer in the nation but I can sure give my male friends a run for the ... |
Topic: DDR movement in everyday life |
Replies: 26
Views: 4154
Forum: DDR Chit-Chat Posted: Fri May 28, 2004 12:06 pm Subject: DDR movement in everyday life |
No sorry. I havn't really noticed any. The only thing I notice is that I'm good at a particular warm-up in my PE class. It's where you put one foot across the other, bring the behind foot out so your ... |
Topic: How many pounds have you lost from playing DDR? |
Replies: 10
Views: 1317
Forum: DDR Chit-Chat Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2003 6:46 am Subject: How many pounds have you lost from playing DDR? |
Hey -- pounds, this is weight yeah? If so, I can't quote the exact number that I've lost but I had noticed a change -- but now its, Hm, how can I put this in words? You've gone to a point that yuo can ... |
Topic: Least Appreciated Songs |
Replies: 75
Views: 16539
Forum: DDR Chit-Chat Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2003 4:15 pm Subject: Least Appreciated Songs |
Argh, I hate Keep On Movin!!
I think Cutie Chaser is kinda hard too, the beats ok as well.
- Luv 2 Me and Dynamite Rave were actually two of my favourite songs to dance to when I was just hitting ... |
Topic: loosing Weight on DDR? |
Replies: 27
Views: 7588
Forum: DDR Chit-Chat Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2003 5:11 am Subject: loosing Weight on DDR? |
Wow, Stephanie that was quite detailed-- didnt think weight gain/loss was affected by so many factors.
But DDR has made me loose weight for a period of time but I think I'm at the point that I can't ... |
Topic: "The What Do You Wear While Playing DDR Thread" |
Replies: 71
Views: 10179
Forum: DDR Chit-Chat Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2003 1:06 pm Subject: "The What Do You Wear While Playing DDR Thread" |
Usually I'm just wearing whatever I happen to be wearing that day but when I go to a place I KNOW has a Dance machine I try to wear comfortabl clothes. Though one peice of advice, no matter how comfy ... |