I played it at my cousin's and liked it. Figured i could looes some weight plaing it. I bought Extreme ps2 and a month later am still only AA on lighweight. is standard harder for me cuz im fat? or ...
Despite the fact that he's sorrounded by women, He's more than likely gay. (somewhat asside the point but, Women tend to hang around gay guys because they are alike(or sumthin' like that)) He's eithe ...
I can't stand those DDR kids that dedicate their lives to it and hold little comps and won't let others play 'cause they feel like they are the high and almighty DDR god. Yup.
Im a newb in this game (note want's to learn) and This idea kicks serious a$$. I'll admit that Im one of those fat teen's that plays to loose weight...but I love it. It sure beats Runnig around the ...