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Topic: Kevbo Biography? |
Replies: 14
Views: 8139
Forum: In the Groove Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2006 11:33 pm Subject: Kevbo Biography? |
I think you should at least ask kevin if you can do that about him...seriously, i'd be freaked out if someone did that about me, and then i'd put a restaining order on them just to be safe.
edit: w ... |
Topic: Metal Pad Discussion Part II |
Replies: 1929
Views: 542498
Forum: Bemani Controllers Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2004 12:02 pm Subject: Metal Pad Discussion Part II |
where'd you play Sakura?!!?!?!? i know the song's on machines in arcades but u played it with ur RO right so it was at home!!! please tell me.....
i believe it's on the jap extreme, but if not th ... |
Topic: Metal Pad Discussion Part II |
Replies: 1929
Views: 542498
Forum: Bemani Controllers Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2004 10:57 pm Subject: Metal Pad Discussion Part II |
Well,I just saw a nice metal pad on Play Asia;the Tx2000.I was wondering if it was a good pad.I like it for the rape bar.But,is it a good pad?
I've heard those are unstable when you put weight on t ... |
Topic: Metal Pad Discussion Part II |
Replies: 1929
Views: 542498
Forum: Bemani Controllers Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2004 11:03 pm Subject: Metal Pad Discussion Part II |
if you're getting a metal pad, the copper sensors will start to 'stick' when the metal tape on the arrow starts breaking off in the sensor. You may have to clean it off every few weeks or so, dependi ... |
Topic: which do u prefur home pad or arcade pad |
Replies: 28
Views: 10336
Forum: Bemani Controllers Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2004 12:08 pm Subject: which do u prefur home pad or arcade pad |
Arcade wins hands down
Yes, there is no comparison, Arcade is the best. (well, as long as the machines/pads are taken care of properly) |
Topic: Metal Pad Discussion Part II |
Replies: 1929
Views: 542498
Forum: Bemani Controllers Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2003 9:12 pm Subject: Metal Pad Discussion Part II |
I think that IS an actual arcade pad, the X and O look like they're digitally added, look at the empty metal squares in those little pictures...theres 4 srcrews on them, arcade. Look at the big pictu ... |
Topic: Metal Pad Discussion Part II |
Replies: 1929
Views: 542498
Forum: Bemani Controllers Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2003 5:35 am Subject: Metal Pad Discussion Part II |
Sorry to keep bringing this mod up, but it fits another topic about metal pads.... About 3rd party pad arrows bending or whatnot... My mod actually helped lessen the bending of the arrows. [url=http ... |
Topic: My home built metal DDR pad (Part IV) |
Replies: 6801
Views: 2979115
Forum: Bemani Controllers Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2003 5:44 am Subject: My home built metal DDR pad (Part IV) |
My metal pad weighed in at a whoppin 140lbs...WITHOUT the bar...with the bar 170, easily. whew...gotta find a dolly to move that frick! X-D
[url= ... |
Topic: Metal Pad Discussion Part II |
Replies: 1929
Views: 542498
Forum: Bemani Controllers Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2003 2:58 am Subject: Metal Pad Discussion Part II |
Hey everyone, that's me that made the site on how to mod the pad, and i have an update about it, like i said i would.... So far me and my friend have played for the last 7 hours straight on it, all he ... |
Topic: Oddities in DDR |
Replies: 46
Views: 8997
Forum: DDR Chit-Chat Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 4:24 am Subject: Oddities in DDR |
Hey how bout the close-up of the chick shakin her butt in the video to the song Dance Dance Revolution? Who noticed that one? you didnt grow up on third mix, did you? I've only been in ... |
Topic: What's on your feet while playing DDR? |
Replies: 1994
Views: 715574
Forum: DDR Chit-Chat Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 4:07 am Subject: What's on your feet while playing DDR? |
I play in New Balance 815. The higher the number the more comfortable they are  |
Topic: bleh wrong button |
Replies: 0
Views: 624
Forum: DDR Chit-Chat Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2003 11:35 am Subject: bleh wrong button |
wrong button, sorry. feel free to lock this.  |
Topic: My home built metal DDR pad (Part IV) |
Replies: 6801
Views: 2979115
Forum: Bemani Controllers Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2003 12:01 am Subject: My home built metal DDR pad (Part IV) |
Oh my god do you guys have common sense?
Never ever work with drills/saws without shoes on, especially when you're sitting down.
lol i had shoes on, and i was standing up, screwing the screw d ... |
Topic: My home built metal DDR pad (Part IV) |
Replies: 6801
Views: 2979115
Forum: Bemani Controllers Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2003 12:33 pm Subject: My home built metal DDR pad (Part IV) |
while i was using a power drill to put in some 3" screws in mine the drill slipped off the screw and jabbed my big toe, i was pushing down pretty hard on it and it left a large purple bruise on my big ... |
Topic: Metal Pad Discussion Part II |
Replies: 1929
Views: 542498
Forum: Bemani Controllers Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2003 3:57 am Subject: Metal Pad Discussion Part II |
Hey everyone, i was just curious about something i found online, does anyone know what site this is? or who's it is? It's just a normal little ddr site, but click on "M ... |
Topic: Metal Pad Discussion Part II |
Replies: 1929
Views: 542498
Forum: Bemani Controllers Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2003 11:31 pm Subject: Metal Pad Discussion Part II |
I'll keep everyone updated on how my mod is holding up, right now like i said it's fine, but I just modded it a few weeks ago so i still don't know of any longterm problems, but if any come up, i will ... |
Topic: Metal Pad Discussion Part II |
Replies: 1929
Views: 542498
Forum: Bemani Controllers Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2003 11:55 pm Subject: Metal Pad Discussion Part II |
I hope all of the modding posts on this forum are reliable, cuz I plan on opening it up to replace the foil after a while.
I'm planning on having people over one of these weekends to try out my met ... |
Topic: Metal Pad Discussion Part II |
Replies: 1929
Views: 542498
Forum: Bemani Controllers Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2003 1:32 pm Subject: Metal Pad Discussion Part II |
Hey everyone, I just modded my 'MyMyBox' metal pad, and i gotta say there was a 100% improvement. I've never played on an online-purchased metal pad that actually WORKED GOOD.
I threw up a quick l ... |
Topic: My home built metal DDR pad (Part IV) |
Replies: 6801
Views: 2979115
Forum: Bemani Controllers Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2003 12:21 am Subject: My home built metal DDR pad (Part IV) |
are the corner contacts supposed to be better? just curious...
I just used screw contacts going all around where the arrow is, that works better than any arcade i've played at. [url=http://www.geoc ... |
Topic: My home built metal DDR pad (Part IV) |
Replies: 6801
Views: 2979115
Forum: Bemani Controllers Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2003 12:42 am Subject: My home built metal DDR pad (Part IV) |
Yeah you can test the controller however you want, i'm just saying how i tested mine.
And that diagram isn't the same for all circuit boards, it was completely backwords from mine, it's a good th ... |