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  Topic: Dance Dance Revolution: Volume 1

Replies: 51
Views: 76280

PostForum: DDR Chit-Chat   Posted: Fri May 29, 2009 9:04 am   Subject: Dance Dance Revolution: Volume 1
I think this will be the first mix since I started playing DDR that I don't plan on pre-ordering, and actually plan on waiting until I see the full songlist before I commit to a purchase.

Not that ...
  Topic: DDR Uni3, DDRX, DDR HP2 officially announced! (56k Warning!)

Replies: 785
Views: 182335

PostForum: DDR Chit-Chat   Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2008 7:16 pm   Subject: DDR Uni3, DDRX, DDR HP2 officially announced! (56k Warning!)
I went to Gamestop today, and they said they're not selling it until Tuesday.

Well I checked at work today... and it's definitely not street-dated or anything. So if they get it in on Monday, it's ...
  Topic: DDR Uni3, DDRX, DDR HP2 officially announced! (56k Warning!)

Replies: 785
Views: 182335

PostForum: DDR Chit-Chat   Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 4:20 pm   Subject: DDR Uni3, DDRX, DDR HP2 officially announced! (56k Warning!)
Tomorrow eh? I'm looking forward to seeing the flood of info.

24 is Midnight Blaze SySF

33 is PARANOiA Rebirth

11 ...
  Topic: DDR Uni3, DDRX, DDR HP2 officially announced! (56k Warning!)

Replies: 785
Views: 182335

PostForum: DDR Chit-Chat   Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2008 7:59 pm   Subject: DDR Uni3, DDRX, DDR HP2 officially announced! (56k Warning!)
As much as I appreciate their localization efforts, if I really wanted to listen to guys from the UM series, I would buy the damn Ultramixes.

Uh, for all we know, it could be the Outer Limits, exot ...
  Topic: DDR Uni3, DDRX, DDR HP2 officially announced! (56k Warning!)

Replies: 785
Views: 182335

PostForum: DDR Chit-Chat   Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2008 7:09 pm   Subject: DDR Uni3, DDRX, DDR HP2 officially announced! (56k Warning!)
As much as I appreciate their localization efforts, if I really wanted to listen to guys from the UM series, I would buy the damn Ultramixes. All I can say is I'll be extremely miffed if the JP versio ...
  Topic: DDR Uni3, DDRX, DDR HP2 officially announced! (56k Warning!)

Replies: 785
Views: 182335

PostForum: DDR Chit-Chat   Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2008 8:04 am   Subject: DDR Uni3, DDRX, DDR HP2 officially announced! (56k Warning!)
In case you haven't seen the new post on

Meh... I feel cold to say, but I don't really care about these people enough to read through all this.

I don ...
  Topic: DDR Uni3, DDRX, DDR HP2 officially announced! (56k Warning!)

Replies: 785
Views: 182335

PostForum: DDR Chit-Chat   Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2008 10:02 am   Subject: DDR Uni3, DDRX, DDR HP2 officially announced! (56k Warning!)
Dang, most of those sound awesome. Good thing I have Spore and tons of homework to keep me occupied until the 17th E1.gif

I really like the new menus and music/character select screens and everything. ...
  Topic: DDR Uni3, DDRX, DDR HP2 officially announced! (56k Warning!)

Replies: 785
Views: 182335

PostForum: DDR Chit-Chat   Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2008 7:35 am   Subject: DDR Uni3, DDRX, DDR HP2 officially announced! (56k Warning!)
speaking of Ultramix KOs, I'm still waiting for zero-one, ride on the light, big voyager, G2, and Giudecca-to name just a few.

I probably should have just buckled down and imported the jp mix with ...
  Topic: DDR Uni3, DDRX, DDR HP2 officially announced! (56k Warning!)

Replies: 785
Views: 182335

PostForum: DDR Chit-Chat   Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 7:59 pm   Subject: DDR Uni3, DDRX, DDR HP2 officially announced! (56k Warning!)
Synthesized is pretty alright i'd say after a listen.

I'd even say I like it E10.gif

I wish I could have some of those hottest party songs ><
  Topic: DDR Uni3, DDRX, DDR HP2 officially announced! (56k Warning!)

Replies: 785
Views: 182335

PostForum: DDR Chit-Chat   Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 8:23 am   Subject: DDR Uni3, DDRX, DDR HP2 officially announced! (56k Warning!)
I like the idea of the revival (2008 X-edit)s... But of course I would have picked some different songs for them. Though the cheesyness is something I can definitely appreciate. I definitely agree tha ...
  Topic: DDR Uni3, DDRX, DDR HP2 officially announced! (56k Warning!)

Replies: 785
Views: 182335

PostForum: DDR Chit-Chat   Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 8:33 pm   Subject: DDR Uni3, DDRX, DDR HP2 officially announced! (56k Warning!)
Crap! I had forgotten about Call on Me!

Too bad I can't hop on board HP2 for that, even if it is a cover.
Now I'm very very sad, and have to go watch that video over and over! O_O

The songlist ...
  Topic: MyMyBox Blueshark GXG Pads

Replies: 366
Views: 213804

PostForum: Bemani Controllers   Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 8:15 am   Subject: MyMyBox Blueshark GXG Pads
I have discovered a disadvantage to the Blueshark... It REALLY hurts when you drop it on your toe :'(

Also, My Blueshark had some similar dents along the edges, and the metal in one corner was bent ...
  Topic: MyMyBox Blueshark GXG Pads

Replies: 366
Views: 213804

PostForum: Bemani Controllers   Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 8:45 am   Subject: MyMyBox Blueshark GXG Pads
Yea, I have the same erm problem as you. However, I figured out that it was the panel coming into contact with the four wood pieces down below that made those noises- its perfectly normal. Furthermore ...
  Topic: MyMyBox Blueshark GXG Pads

Replies: 366
Views: 213804

PostForum: Bemani Controllers   Posted: Sun Sep 17, 2006 2:35 pm   Subject: MyMyBox Blueshark GXG Pads
Just got my Blueshark in a day or so ago! biggrin.gif It is very nice! Sooo much sturdier than my old metal pads (They were the mysterious seemingly discontinued Buy N Shop metal pads). I got the pad on sale b ...
  Topic: Konami Addresses Sync Issue in DDR SuperNOVA

Replies: 922
Views: 572721

PostForum: DDR Chit-Chat   Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 7:31 am   Subject: Konami Addresses Sync Issue in DDR SuperNOVA
phone rings? I think I will choose not to take this call...
  Topic: Konami Addresses Sync Issue in DDR SuperNOVA

Replies: 922
Views: 572721

PostForum: DDR Chit-Chat   Posted: Thu Aug 03, 2006 2:52 pm   Subject: Konami Addresses Sync Issue in DDR SuperNOVA

Now, we can either be spoonfed the buggy games and ignore the problems, or we can leave feedback/criticism, not be mindless wapanese loving sheep, and get them resolved.

Some of us ...
  Topic: Your favorite and least favorite song(s) in ITG!

Replies: 204
Views: 113479

PostForum: In the Groove   Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2005 5:47 pm   Subject: Your favorite and least favorite song(s) in ITG!
Kiss me Red
Tough Enough
No. 1 Nation
Da Roots
Anything by E1.gif
Touch Me

Anything by DAX or MC Frontalot
Lemmings on the Run <.<
  Topic: In The Groove Ships to Retail

Replies: 256
Views: 175753

PostForum: In the Groove   Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2005 3:46 pm   Subject: In The Groove Ships to Retail
[deleted post]

bleh... didn't realize my Gamestop was so slow... XO
  Topic: In The Groove (PS2) Release Date Confirmed (June 17, 2005)

Replies: 73
Views: 63173

PostForum: In the Groove   Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2005 3:56 pm   Subject: In The Groove (PS2) Release Date Confirmed (June 17, 2005)
Curses... I went out to check my Gamestop to see when their new "date" was... They said the 9th... I get home, come here and find out it's the 17th! >o< Rawr... Oh well... that's not that bad...
  Topic: In The Groove Home Discussion.

Replies: 312
Views: 229202

PostForum: In the Groove   Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2005 8:25 pm   Subject: In The Groove Home Discussion.
So what? It's not coming out until the 12th-ish now? Shucks! I knew I should have been worried when Gamestop didn't gimme a call the day before (today) like they said the would... Oh well... This way ...
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