I would have to say building my pad was more fun than functionally serving as a cheaper pad. I built the homebuilt pad although alot of things did not go right it was more fun than anything else. ...
heh what i did was I scraped really hard on the pad and you have to press down with the solder iron and leave it there i just solder last night and thats what i did
Heh deadsunrise what are you using for the arrows to keep them off the Ground. i love your design super smart idea using one big ground but what are you using for the connector ? it looks like an RJ45 ...
So i built the first couple of steps to the Geocities homepad and i put all the bracets in and cut all the pegboard( which doesn't exactly fit) my proable is that together the pad itself is kinda warp ...
I was wondering if anyone has purchased and played on the DDR metal pad V3.1 for Game Enchancer.net its pretty pricey but i just wanted to know if it was worth the money i ...