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DDR Freak Forum Index
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  Topic: Can any of u guys play any songs on any instrument?

Replies: 81
Views: 17922

PostForum: DDR Chit-Chat   Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2005 10:58 am   Subject: Can any of u guys play any songs on any instrument?
Well I could...but I dont have the sheet music for it.
  Topic: what is your favorite paronoia?

Replies: 61
Views: 24879

PostForum: DDR Chit-Chat   Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2005 6:36 am   Subject: what is your favorite paronoia?
Survivor Max!!
  Topic: RedOctane Metal Pad

Replies: 163
Views: 197636

PostForum: Bemani Controllers   Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2005 8:33 am   Subject: RedOctane Metal Pad
Does the RO have depressses indents like the arcade and can you buy arrow/sensor replacements.
  Topic: RedOctane Metal Pad

Replies: 163
Views: 197636

PostForum: Bemani Controllers   Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2005 7:43 pm   Subject: RedOctane Metal Pad
With this pad if an arrow breaks or a sensor goes dead can you buy a new arrow/sensor from RO and if so how much does it cost
  Topic: how many SM songs?

Replies: 61
Views: 11489

PostForum: DDR PC and Simulators   Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2005 12:05 pm   Subject: how many SM songs?
I have bout 600 all officials, im not a fan of unoffcials, unfortunatly I can't play any of them with a pad cause I don have an adapter
  Topic: RO Vs CF

Replies: 1
Views: 752

PostForum: Bemani Controllers   Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2004 6:36 am   Subject: RO Vs CF
I am trying to decide which pad to get for Christmas. Should I get a Red Octane or A Cobalt Flux. Please post your thoughts here

  Topic: Cobalt Flux Dance Platform

Replies: 2439
Views: 604458

PostForum: Bemani Controllers   Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2004 9:49 am   Subject: Cobalt Flux Dance Platform
Sounds like a good idea. Thx
  Topic: Cobalt Flux Dance Platform

Replies: 2439
Views: 604458

PostForum: Bemani Controllers   Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2004 7:49 am   Subject: Cobalt Flux Dance Platform
I defiantly want to gte a CF. But my prolem is with feeling the arrows. I would like to know what can be done so that I can tell I'm on an arrow better.

  Topic: Improving your DDR skills

Replies: 1085
Views: 525775

PostForum: DDR Chit-Chat   Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2004 11:54 am   Subject: Improving your DDR skills
I am curious to know if anyone has ever had this problem. Whenever I get astream of the same notes that i percieve as fast, such as eight notes left down left down left down etc. on Max 300 or the 16t ...
  Topic: ALL Soft Pad Discussion goes HERE

Replies: 1777
Views: 673390

PostForum: Bemani Controllers   Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2004 3:34 pm   Subject: ALL Soft Pad Discussion goes HERE
Is it safe to play in shoes on the Red Octane Ignition Pad??
  Topic: RedOctane Ingition 2.0 vs. Cobalt Flux

Replies: 32
Views: 13052

PostForum: Bemani Controllers   Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2004 4:30 pm   Subject: RedOctane Ingition 2.0 vs. Cobalt Flux
I've Had my pad (Ignition 2.0) for a month and a half now and it has not had any problems. I play on heavy usually for about 2 - 4 hours a day.
  Topic: RedOctane Ingition 2.0 vs. Cobalt Flux

Replies: 32
Views: 13052

PostForum: Bemani Controllers   Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2004 12:18 pm   Subject: RedOctane Ingition 2.0 vs. Cobalt Flux
I have had my Red Octane since CHristmas and have olayd heavy for about 2+ hours a day and it stills function flawlessly. I also haven't had issues with slideing.
  Topic: ALL Soft Pad Discussion goes HERE

Replies: 1777
Views: 673390

PostForum: Bemani Controllers   Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2004 12:15 pm   Subject: ALL Soft Pad Discussion goes HERE
Avoid Mad Catz at all costs. I boughta pad from them and it broke in about a week. Used warranty and got another broke in about the same time. Got ticked off and bought a Red Octane Ignition Pad which ...
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