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Topic: Freestyling Tips |
Replies: 1332
Views: 449937
Forum: DDR Chit-Chat Posted: Tue May 10, 2005 5:19 am Subject: Freestyling Tips |
So how'd it go? |
Topic: Freestyling Tips |
Replies: 1332
Views: 449937
Forum: DDR Chit-Chat Posted: Sun May 01, 2005 5:07 am Subject: Freestyling Tips |
Yeah, then after you get it, you're like man, i'm stupid why didn't i think of that before. |
Topic: Freestyling Tips |
Replies: 1332
Views: 449937
Forum: DDR Chit-Chat Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2005 8:27 pm Subject: Freestyling Tips |
Practice Practice Practice.
I run into loads of people on forums that are asking questions "how do you do this, how come i can't do that..etc.." and they've only been trying it for like 5 minutes. ... |
Topic: Freestyling Tips |
Replies: 1332
Views: 449937
Forum: DDR Chit-Chat Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2005 1:55 am Subject: Freestyling Tips |
I don't mean to be a copy catter, but in the DXY! vid with wicked. He was moving both his feet on the same arrows from side to side really fast, and then some while spinning.
I was just like i got ... |
Topic: Freestyling Tips |
Replies: 1332
Views: 449937
Forum: DDR Chit-Chat Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2005 7:27 am Subject: Freestyling Tips |
I looked at that song differently after that damn routine. |
Topic: Freestyling Tips |
Replies: 1332
Views: 449937
Forum: DDR Chit-Chat Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2005 10:21 pm Subject: Freestyling Tips |
You don't feel the pain on those handslap knee drop routines untill the next day... |
Topic: Freestyling Tips |
Replies: 1332
Views: 449937
Forum: DDR Chit-Chat Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2005 9:30 pm Subject: Freestyling Tips |
anyone know any songs where you like spin around on heavy? the arrows are in steps of 3s... sorry i don't know how to better explain it.
Hero (happy grandale mix)
Brilliant2u (both versions)
Drop ... |
Topic: Freestyling Tips |
Replies: 1332
Views: 449937
Forum: DDR Chit-Chat Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2005 1:08 am Subject: Freestyling Tips |
1)Did you FS'ers start off PA'ing? I'm going to assume most did, so that will lead into:
Nope, started dancing before i got to trick level songs.
2) When did you start FS'ing, PA skill wise? Aft ... |
Topic: Freestyling Tips |
Replies: 1332
Views: 449937
Forum: DDR Chit-Chat Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2005 2:35 am Subject: Freestyling Tips |
Hmm, can you post it when you get it? What are thinking of doing? I'm was thinking of just blowing all that other trick stuff out the window with some compeletly new tricks. |
Topic: Freestyling Tips |
Replies: 1332
Views: 449937
Forum: DDR Chit-Chat Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2005 6:34 am Subject: Freestyling Tips |
Oh you're a girl? hahaha, thats awesome.
You don't have to feel up on yourself. I would get kind of annoyed at it honestly. Its not ddr lapdance, its ddr freestyle.
I think..I'm gonna make a dy ... |
Topic: Freestyling Tips |
Replies: 1332
Views: 449937
Forum: DDR Chit-Chat Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2005 4:23 am Subject: Freestyling Tips |
I plan on working on some major new tricks on the ddr machine. Mainly based off breakin. (been doin it for 6 years goin strong) Look out for V-kicks and nike poses. |
Topic: Freestyling Tips |
Replies: 1332
Views: 449937
Forum: DDR Chit-Chat Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2005 2:01 am Subject: Freestyling Tips |
I was thinking about having my own freestyle move...and i had and only works for tall persons...¸
Non sense, I can pull that move easy, and I'm 5'5.
I don't really think you ... |
Topic: Freestyling Tips |
Replies: 1332
Views: 449937
Forum: DDR Chit-Chat Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2005 7:39 am Subject: Freestyling Tips |
Well, Im out here in Guam now. And they have this weird mix of ddr, but has a good selection none the less. Has a lot of old classics. No ITG tho...I've heard of it, but...I haven't had the chance to ... |
Topic: Freestyling Tips |
Replies: 1332
Views: 449937
Forum: DDR Chit-Chat Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2004 4:43 pm Subject: Freestyling Tips |
Dang, someone is munchin on hater tots. Anyway, I usually wear something that looks like something out of a music video. Umm last tourney i wore some blue jeans, adidas classics with red stripes, a lo ... |
Topic: Freestyling Tips |
Replies: 1332
Views: 449937
Forum: DDR Chit-Chat Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2004 7:11 pm Subject: Freestyling Tips |
Damn, its been a grip.
Anyway, yeah so I took a break from DDR, and now I'm getting back in to it. I want the scene here to spice up, any ideas? I know throwing a tournament would be one, but spons ... |
Topic: Taking Freestyles??? |
Replies: 7
Views: 985
Forum: DDR Chit-Chat Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2003 2:56 pm Subject: Taking Freestyles??? |
nothing in this world is original anymore... and those that WERE original are merely modified, in a world that is percieved and defined by our own opinions, how can u possibly label something as origi ... |
Topic: Freestyling Tips |
Replies: 1332
Views: 449937
Forum: DDR Chit-Chat Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2003 12:55 am Subject: Freestyling Tips |
Northwest super hero freestyler? Have yet to see that person....I think FS is finally coming out here in washington. Why does it have to happen so late in the game?? |
Topic: Freestyling Tips |
Replies: 1332
Views: 449937
Forum: DDR Chit-Chat Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2003 10:05 pm Subject: Freestyling Tips |
HOW TO TURN $6 INTO $6,000!!!!!!
What the hell was that???
Anyway, I used to look at my feet too. But I figured its more fun to look at the cr ... |
Topic: Freestyling Tips |
Replies: 1332
Views: 449937
Forum: DDR Chit-Chat Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2003 12:25 pm Subject: Freestyling Tips |
for the people who are scared of being called a biter or copycat. Don't worry about it. Just don't completely copy someone else's style. In the beginning, if you don't starve.
I develop ... |
Topic: Freestyling Tips |
Replies: 1332
Views: 449937
Forum: DDR Chit-Chat Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2003 2:04 pm Subject: Freestyling Tips |
want to see an awesome lockin' routine.
Wait till I come to cali for one of those CBN tournaments. I'll show you locking.
On a note of locking. Locking to a song above 120 bpm is nuts. Its too ... |