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DDR Freak Forum Index
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  Topic: Beginner mode : A Waste of Time

Replies: 126
Views: 22895

PostForum: DDR Chit-Chat   Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2005 1:37 pm   Subject: Beginner mode : A Waste of Time
I never had beginner mode when I started. I was back in the konamix days. I thought it was stupid to have beginner mode at first, because it relaly doesnt teach the player anything that they cant lear ...
  Topic: The Official "OMG I SAW/HEARD DDR" Thread

Replies: 2716
Views: 886000

PostForum: DDR Chit-Chat   Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2004 2:06 pm   Subject: The Official "OMG I SAW/HEARD DDR" Thread
I just heard "take me away" on Nickelodeon after watching Fairly Odd was playing with the credits...haha
  Topic: Silent Hill what the hell

Replies: 63
Views: 12526

PostForum: DDR Chit-Chat   Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2004 7:27 am   Subject: Silent Hill what the hell
Silent hill is satan reincarnated into a least in my opinion...I remember doing random nonstop and whenever i would get that song I would just start over...I cannot stand the stupid christma ...
  Topic: DDR Weight loss

Replies: 27
Views: 3755

PostForum: DDR Chit-Chat   Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2004 7:19 am   Subject: DDR Weight loss
I lost about 25 lbs in 3 months playing DDR and I've kept it off since then by playing about an hour a day...I love this game...
  Topic: Which song really "Defines" DDR?

Replies: 125
Views: 30563

PostForum: DDR Chit-Chat   Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2004 7:14 am   Subject: Which song really "Defines" DDR?
I think that D2R is one...and most of the Maxes considering there's most always one on a game, at least the games I have...
  Topic: The Official "OMG I SAW/HEARD DDR" Thread

Replies: 2716
Views: 886000

PostForum: DDR Chit-Chat   Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2004 7:11 am   Subject: The Official "OMG I SAW/HEARD DDR" Thread
My friend Adam went up to Gamestop to get DDR EXTREME and they had a mini tourni there. The winner got a new was cool because up in Akron we never get DDR stuff...we suck at life
  Topic: How bad were you when you first started?

Replies: 152
Views: 15428

PostForum: DDR Chit-Chat   Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2004 7:39 am   Subject: How bad were you when you first started?
In the early spring me and my friends went and bought a mat. My friend Sarah brought over DDRMAX2. We played for the night and me an dmy friend Aaron were happy when we progressed fomr beginner to lik ...
  Topic: Play DDR To Much?

Replies: 91
Views: 20380

PostForum: DDR Chit-Chat   Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2004 7:10 am   Subject: Play DDR To Much?
Since I don't have a memory card b/c I ran out of money...when it's just me at my house i play until I unlock all the songs I want which usually is all day...and then proceed to leave the PS2 on all n ...
  Topic: Questions or comments you Hate

Replies: 144
Views: 17360

PostForum: DDR Chit-Chat   Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2004 7:07 am   Subject: Questions or comments you Hate
"Does that really make you tierd?"
"How can you stand those techno songs? They all sound the same."
"How come you didn't pass the one max song on standard? I bet I could"
"And my favorite..."Can we ...
  Topic: DDR as a means of bad relationship...?

Replies: 37
Views: 6540

PostForum: DDR Chit-Chat   Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2004 7:03 am   Subject: DDR as a means of bad relationship...?
Well it hasn't stoped any of my relationships, it just make sthem better. Since Spring Break of last year me and my friends have become closer b/c now whenever we have free time we get together and pl ...
  Topic: The Official Introductions Thread! Introduce yourself here!

Replies: 2697
Views: 2666398

PostForum: DDR Chit-Chat   Posted: Sun Sep 26, 2004 6:49 pm   Subject: The Official Introductions Thread! Introduce yourself here!
Hello. I'm Sarah. I've known about DDR for about 3 years now, but have only been playing for around 9 months...I really had the DDR music before the game thanks to my ex Ben. Well there's not much mo ...
  Topic: The Official "OMG I SAW/HEARD DDR" Thread

Replies: 2716
Views: 886000

PostForum: DDR Chit-Chat   Posted: Sun Sep 26, 2004 6:11 pm   Subject: The Official "OMG I SAW/HEARD DDR" Thread
I saw a whole show on DDR about a month ago. It was actually on Kanomi in general, but there was a lot on DDR.
  Topic: What's on your feet while playing DDR?

Replies: 1994
Views: 715682

PostForum: DDR Chit-Chat   Posted: Sun Sep 26, 2004 6:07 pm   Subject: What's on your feet while playing DDR?
I hate shoes and ddr. I played at home before the arcade and it was so different. I just wear converse because they are the closest thing to no shoes with actually a little, but not much padding
  Topic: Your favorite and least favorite song(s)/artist(s) in DDR!

Replies: 1951
Views: 697937

PostForum: DDR Chit-Chat   Posted: Sun Sep 26, 2004 6:03 pm   Subject: Your favorite and least favorite song(s)/artist(s) in DDR!
well I know my least favorite is Silent friends and I refer to that song as being in ddr favorites have to be max unlimited, 321stars, breakdown, and midnight blaze
  Topic: What song(s) would you like in DDR that is not in DDR?

Replies: 2231
Views: 620714

PostForum: DDR Chit-Chat   Posted: Sun Sep 26, 2004 5:59 pm   Subject: What song(s) would you like in DDR that is not in DDR?
I think Maria(I like it loud) by scooted shoudl be one there...maybe shorten it to the first verse and the dub dub part...and firestarter by prodigy
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