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  Topic: Guitar Freaks/Drummania V2 revealed

Replies: 36
Views: 39335

PostForum: Other Bemani and Music Games   Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 10:10 pm   Subject: Guitar Freaks/Drummania V2 revealed
Songs dat should be on V2:
Across The Nightmare
Jet World
Classic Party (all 3 seperate & Triathlon)
Mind Your Step
Other cool songs!
I wonder when we'll get to see the FULL song list ...
  Topic: Official Drummania/Guitar Freaks Thread

Replies: 648
Views: 848366

PostForum: Other Bemani and Music Games   Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2005 1:58 pm   Subject: Re: W0wz0rs, i suck
Well, I can play easy songs on guitar freaks(I think its 8th mix) like Break Down, but whenever I play songs that have like 1/64 notes I don't know how to strum the guitar fast... can any1 help me? :b ...
  Topic: Best and Worst Voices of Bemani

Replies: 27
Views: 13503

PostForum: Other Bemani and Music Games   Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2004 7:47 am   Subject: Best and Worst Voices of Bemani
Thomas Howard. Can't get enough of Thomas Howard.

Hells yeah. E1.gif
  Topic: Official Drummania/Guitar Freaks Thread

Replies: 648
Views: 848366

PostForum: Other Bemani and Music Games   Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2004 7:33 am   Subject: Official Drummania/Guitar Freaks Thread
Dammit guys..... I can barely pass level 60 songs and you dudes are talking about Herring Roe!!! blink.gif

I need to get better......
  Topic: Official Drummania/Guitar Freaks Thread

Replies: 648
Views: 848366

PostForum: Other Bemani and Music Games   Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2004 9:16 am   Subject: Official Drummania/Guitar Freaks Thread
Well, we just recently got a GF11th at our arcade..... But, the new DM hasn't arrived yet. disgust.gif

Because I'm a curious beast, I would like to know if anyone knows what the new songs are like ...
  Topic: Guitar Freaks thread, anyone?

Replies: 6
Views: 6707

PostForum: Other Bemani and Music Games   Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2004 9:47 pm   Subject: Re: Guitar Freaks thread, anyone?
Is the game that unpopular?
Where can I play?
Can I buy it?

1. Not where I play. Plenty of people prefer it over Drummania, where I'am. However around here, people tend to prefer Drummania over i ...
  Topic: Official Drummania/Guitar Freaks Thread

Replies: 648
Views: 848366

PostForum: Other Bemani and Music Games   Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2004 7:22 pm   Subject: Official Drummania/Guitar Freaks Thread
A question....

Does anyone know the name of the new Handsome Jet song in 10th/9th?

It's awesome, but I have no idea what the title is.... E19.gif

Thanks... E4.gif
  Topic: Official Drummania/Guitar Freaks Thread

Replies: 648
Views: 848366

PostForum: Other Bemani and Music Games   Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2004 8:17 pm   Subject: Official Drummania/Guitar Freaks Thread
there are some hidden songs that so far can't be unlocked or downloaded outside of Japan, or by the fact that it's nearly impossible to earn the privilege of playing Timepiece Phase II.

that blows. ...
  Topic: Official Drummania/Guitar Freaks Thread

Replies: 648
Views: 848366

PostForum: Other Bemani and Music Games   Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2004 4:45 pm   Subject: Official Drummania/Guitar Freaks Thread
We just got GF10/DM9 here and it's awesome!!!

MUCH better than the last mix, and Hansome Jet L-Project (or something similar) is amazing!

It was great being able to play "Happy Man" again too.
  Topic: Official Drummania/Guitar Freaks Thread

Replies: 648
Views: 848366

PostForum: Other Bemani and Music Games   Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2004 8:43 am   Subject: Official Drummania/Guitar Freaks Thread
You cannot play DM crosshanded, dammit. I've tried, I just can't do it. frust.gif And it sucks because something tells me, in the really hard songs, I'm gonna need too. E2.gif
  Topic: GF 11/DM 10 Location Test

Replies: 12
Views: 8615

PostForum: Other Bemani and Music Games   Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2004 9:16 am   Subject: GF 11/DM 10 Location Test
As long as this mix is better than GF9/DM8, then they could release them every day for all I care. E13.gif
  Topic: Official Drummania/Guitar Freaks Thread

Replies: 648
Views: 848366

PostForum: Other Bemani and Music Games   Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2004 9:02 am   Subject: Official Drummania/Guitar Freaks Thread
Yeah, The Least 100 Seconds Extreme is probably down to about an 18 now.

(That's a lot of sarcasm, if you didn't notice.)

blink.gif Dear Lord. [/Doctor Hibbert voice]

Seriously, I hope it's n ...
  Topic: GF 11/DM 10 Location Test

Replies: 12
Views: 8615

PostForum: Other Bemani and Music Games   Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2004 10:16 pm   Subject: GF 11/DM 10 Location Test
Dedication - Thomas Howard Lichtenstien

I love his GF/DM songs. (look at my name) I wonder what this one sounds like?

However what's with the difficulty levels?


Holy mo ...
  Topic: Percussion Freaks / Drum Mania

Replies: 15
Views: 11118

PostForum: Other Bemani and Music Games   Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2004 7:39 pm   Subject: Percussion Freaks / Drum Mania

DM9 has no English?

That sucks. I thought the no-English thing in DM8 was a fluke; but now it looks like they're gonna stick with it in the future. Boo! frust.gif

I just want to be able to PLA ...

Replies: 46
Views: 32962

PostForum: Other Bemani and Music Games   Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2004 6:47 am   Subject:

Just realized I haven't visited the site in a while and.....

Well, I'm gonna go tell some people....
  Topic: Guitar Freaks & Drummania Concerns

Replies: 21
Views: 12146

PostForum: Other Bemani and Music Games   Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 1:21 pm   Subject: Guitar Freaks & Drummania Concerns
Miss You > Right On Time

Man, I wish I could get this as well as a JP PS2, but there are no import shops in my area, and I can't order online for various reasons..... Ah, crap.... disgust.gif
  Topic: Official Drummania/Guitar Freaks Thread

Replies: 648
Views: 848366

PostForum: Other Bemani and Music Games   Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 1:08 pm   Subject: Official Drummania/Guitar Freaks Thread
anyone got a favorite removed song? or how about a favorite song that could be harder/easier?

Anyway, I just recently saw some kid and their 3 friends (all in front of me) at the arcade in front of ...
  Topic: New arcade, looking for suggestions

Replies: 25
Views: 14688

PostForum: Other Bemani and Music Games   Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2003 10:20 am   Subject: New arcade, looking for suggestions
Okay, then don't get 7/6 either, if it's harder on newbies than 6/5. Did you have previous Bemani experience? Most of the newbies I've seen didn't, and even the ones that do seem to get screwed over ...
  Topic: Official Drummania/Guitar Freaks Thread

Replies: 648
Views: 848366

PostForum: Other Bemani and Music Games   Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2003 10:10 am   Subject: Official Drummania/Guitar Freaks Thread
We had third a long time ago, actually I would probably prefer it if we had it now. Sure it's easier but at least it has better songs. Then again, I would prefer any mix to 8th.
  Topic: Official Drummania/Guitar Freaks Thread

Replies: 648
Views: 848366

PostForum: Other Bemani and Music Games   Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2003 8:28 pm   Subject: Official Drummania/Guitar Freaks Thread
Yeah, knowing my arcade, we'll be stuck with GF9/DM8 for a lllllloooooooooooonnnnggggg time... frust.gif frown.gif disgust.gif

It's a boring mix. I hope we get the new one fast, so we can get rid of this ...
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