i have never had much of a problem with people sayng im gay for playing DDR but most of them have been people at school but whitty comebacks always shut people up or a good kick to the groin to se ...
none of u saw it on yu-gi-oh tea played withsome guy but it did look a little diffrent but hey konami makes yugioh konami licenced DDR hint hint they ...
i used to play in my dcs which are the-best-way-to-play until the other-day...rikka rikka(it Rhymed i had too)they got worn out and i got stupid converse and im sporting size 15 here so they l ...
hey fellow coin poppers... my names ...dillon hence my name {jeez im stuid} im in california and i play at my local mall im in maniac but im sad that im play to pass but since being on ...