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Topic: Get your simfiles to SM/DWI here! |
Captain Sarcasm
Replies: 2101
Views: 844687
Forum: DDR PC and Simulators Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2005 3:27 am Subject: Get your simfiles to SM/DWI here! |
Would anybody mind pointing me in the right direction of the official version of Max. [Period]? I've got multiple copies that claim to be the real deal but they all sound different. Also, I'm sure it' ... |
Topic: Favorite thing to drink while playing |
Captain Sarcasm
Replies: 118
Views: 30236
Forum: DDR Chit-Chat Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2005 4:30 am Subject: Favorite thing to drink while playing |
Since I rarely ever drink anything but water, I'm going to put that as my answer. Yup, water: nature's beverage. |
Topic: when and who got you into ddr!? |
Captain Sarcasm
Replies: 61
Views: 9515
Forum: DDR Chit-Chat Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2005 4:24 am Subject: when and who got you into ddr!? |
A fat guy named Wingo got me into it when me and a couple friends were at his house. We played it as a joke but then became addicted. I bought the Extreme bundle (I wouldn't recommend it) back in Octo ... |
Topic: Girls and DDR |
Captain Sarcasm
Replies: 99
Views: 101520
Forum: DDR Chit-Chat Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2005 4:16 am Subject: Girls and DDR |
i don't mind if girls are great at DDR, i think it's awesome. i'm not sexist or anything but i totally feel bad when i get my arse handed to me by a girl... that or some kid who is way younger than m ... |
Topic: DDR Injuries |
Captain Sarcasm
Replies: 44
Views: 8799
Forum: DDR Chit-Chat Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2005 3:28 pm Subject: DDR Injuries |
I dunno why, but I got this pain on the side of my foot 2 months ago, stopped playing for a month, and now I'm playing again and it's back. Like a horrid muscle cramp. Oh, and one time, I jumped off t ... |
Topic: new lines you think the announcer should say |
Captain Sarcasm
Replies: 93
Views: 17169
Forum: DDR Chit-Chat Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2005 2:29 pm Subject: new lines you think the announcer should say |
This one really needs to be said at my arcade:
"Cowgirl?! You pússy!"
Btw, didn't one of the announcers used to tell you that you sucked when you were failing? That was one mean lady... |
Topic: What's on your feet while playing DDR? |
Captain Sarcasm
Replies: 1994
Views: 716094
Forum: DDR Chit-Chat Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2005 2:14 pm Subject: What's on your feet while playing DDR? |
Socks man, you need socks. I never DDR at home without socks because I'm paranoid about dirtying my pads. The arcade I go to also has some uncouth people so shoes are a must. Well, that, and I need th ... |
Topic: What song(s) would you like in DDR that is not in DDR? |
Captain Sarcasm
Replies: 2231
Views: 621178
Forum: DDR Chit-Chat Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2005 2:10 pm Subject: What song(s) would you like in DDR that is not in DDR? |
I think DDR could use some more classical remixes. Kakumei and V are some of my favorite songs and they're pretty good mixes overall. Except Speed Over Beethoven... thank God Beethoven's dead... err, ... |
Topic: The Official "OMG I SAW/HEARD DDR" Thread |
Captain Sarcasm
Replies: 2716
Views: 886534
Forum: DDR Chit-Chat Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2005 2:05 pm Subject: The Official "OMG I SAW/HEARD DDR" Thread |
This one band was doing DDR songs. First it was the songs that actually are songs (Let's Groove Tonight, Long Train Running, etc) and then all of a sudden, they start playing a guitar version of Paran ... |
Topic: Your favorite and least favorite song(s)/artist(s) in DDR! |
Captain Sarcasm
Replies: 1951
Views: 698361
Forum: DDR Chit-Chat Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2005 1:58 pm Subject: Your favorite and least favorite song(s)/artist(s) in DDR! |
My current favorite song right now has to be Rhythm and Police, simply because I finally passed it on heavy mode after 31 tries. That, and it's always fun to yell out "SO!" and "CUT THE DRUGS, UH!" in ... |
Topic: The Official Introductions Thread! Introduce yourself here! |
Captain Sarcasm
Replies: 2697
Views: 2678255
Forum: DDR Chit-Chat Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2005 1:50 pm Subject: The Official Introductions Thread! Introduce yourself here! |
Hiya. My name's Captain Sarcasm (the real name's a secret, shhhh) and I've been into DDR for a couple months now. I can "pass" most heavy songs now, if you count getting Cs and Ds on some songs as pas ... |